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Beiträge, die mit SocialNetwork getaggt sind

tana libera tutti (exortatio)

tutti fuori da #faceboook e dai #social generalisti.
fuori dal gabbio. tutti su #mastodon, forza!
o su #friendica. (magari entrambi).

e aprite dei #blog, dei #siti vostri (con #wordpress, #tumblr, su #noblogo, su #noblogs, dove volete insomma), come è successo a me con slowforward.net, mettete lì le cose a cui tenete, e magari fate in modo che i post vengano replicati come #link nei vari social (anche generalisti, non importa: tanto poi chi trova lì i link ne esce per vedere quel che fate sul vostro sito, e abbandona il social!).

su facebook lasciamo qualche #gruppo o #pagina, al limite, e – ripeto – mettiamo solo post e link che portano FUORI da questo #carrozzone #monnezzone.

stessa cosa per #X, #threads, facebook e altri aggeggi.


#blog #carrozzone #facebook #faceboook #FB #FEDIVERSO #friendica #gruppo #link #Mastodon #monnezzone #noblogo #noblogs #pagina #siti #social #socialNetwork #socialindipendenti #SocialNetwork #spaziIndipendenti #threads #tumblr #web #WordPress #X

What's cool about quitting #Facebook is that it makes you get in touch with many old friends you hadn't talked to for ages.

Sounds counter-intuitive?
It's not.

As I was about to delete my account, I first went through all my FB "friends" list and sent a message to those I wanted to stay in touch with, telling them how to contact me outside of Facebook.

This was the opportunity to re-connect with some good old friends.

This may have never happened, hadn't I not decided to leave Facebook.

I thought this could inspire others to do so too :mastoblush:

#socialNetwork #GAFAM

🧵 …ich habe TikTok schon lange unter Kritik und die Argumente oben aufgelistet. Das es auch politischen Manipulation auslöst und auch dafür umfangreich genutzt wird, ist ein weiteres Argument dagegen. Zu viele (alle?) glauben blind der darauf verteilten Propaganda.

«TikToks „Andere suchten nach“-Funktion verbreitet Fehlinformationen und gefährdet Wahlen»
– von @mimikama

😧 https://www.mimikama.org/andere-suchten-nach-funktion/

#tiktok #politik #beeinflussen #wahlen #infos #propaganda #rechts #internet #socialnetwork #sozial

LinkedIn…where more half the posts on display are AI-generated.


#linkedin #ai #llm #socialnetwork
The Microsoft-owned social media site for business professionals has embraced AI, even offering LinkedIn Premium subscribers access to its own in-house AI writing tools that can “rewrite” posts, profiles, and direct messages. The initiative appears to be working: Over 54 percent of longer English-language posts on LinkedIn are likely AI-generated, according to a new analysis shared exclusively with WIRED by the AI detection startup Originality AI. It’s just that the corporate-speak style of AI writing on the platform can be tricky to distinguish from genuine human-penned Thought Leader Blogging.

Originality scanned a sample of 8,795 public LinkedIn posts over 100 words long that were published from January 2018 to October 2024. For the first few years, the use of AI writing tools on LinkedIn was negligible. A major increase then occurred at the beginning of 2023. “The uptick happened when ChatGPT came out,” says Originality CEO Jon Gillham. At that point, Originality found the number of likely AI-generated posts had spiked 189 percent; it has since leveled off.

A question for parents:

how do you get young teenagers to understand that social networking is bad?

A friend's daughter doesn't understand why her friends can use it and she can't?

"Capitalism is bad" isnt some arguments they care about ...

I tried to bring the #blog idea, but not sure it will work

If you have any idea, they are welcome.

#socialnetwork #instagram #tiktok