Beiträge, die mit Factchecking getaggt sind
La contrainformación tiene el viento a favor
Crear y potenciar medios y redes sociales públicos e independientes es un imperativo del momento actual. Con un genocidio en Palestina, una guerra en Europa y tensión entre potencias nucleares, no …Rafael Poch de Feliu
Welche sozialen Netzwerke bekommen die meisten Werbeeinnahmen? (Statista + Kommentar)
Briefing Wirtschaft Economy, soziale Netzwerke, Werbeeinnahmen, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, Twitter, Faktencheck, Meinungsmache, Manipulation Die sozialen Netzwerke werden nicht nur von fast al…DER WAHLBERLINER
The end of the #factcheck era worth examining because of how it heralds another liberal failure... just another capitulation in the battle against #fascism.
I used "" 😎
Facebook Fact Checks Were Never Going to Save Us. They Just Made Liberals Feel Better.
Billionaires gonna billionaire — and lick the boots of whoever will bring them more riches and impunity.Natasha Lennard (The Intercept)
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El futuro de la verdad: Carlos Hernández-Echevarría sobre verificación de hechos y la IA
Los verificadores de hechos crean comunidades de personas comprometidas que trabajan activamente para evitar la desinformación, y se hacen más conscientes y críticos con la información que encuentran en línea y fuera de línea.Global Voices en Español
by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox
“Censorship industry panics over Zuckerberg’s announcement that platform will no longer use it”
#Press #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #FactChecking #Zuckerberg #Bias #Censorship #Industry
‘Fact-checkers’ melt down over Facebook free speech move
Censorship industry panics over Zuckerberg’s announcement that platform will no longer use it Social media baron Mark Zuckerberg has admitted the so-called ‘fact-checkers’ his Met…SKWAWKBOX
#FactChecking #SocialMedia #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #Threads #MarkZuckerberg
Let’s fact-check Mark Zuckerberg’s fact-checking announcement
Zuckerberg didn’t mention that a big chunk of the content fact-checkers have been flagging is not political speech, but the low-quality spammy clickbait that Meta platforms have commodified.Nieman Lab
Ou seja, mais que a sua eficácia no combate à desinformação, o que justificou a popularização do fact-checking foi o alinhamento momentâneo entre os interesses das plataformas big tech e da imprensa. Um casamento de conveniência.
Nesse sentido, talvez o fim do fact-checking não seja assim tão mau.
Por um lado, a big tech começa a mostrar a sua real cara. Tem zero interesse em mudar, e tudo o que fizeram até agora nesse sentido foi, tal como o fact-checking, meramente performativo. Agora que a maré está a mudar, podem abandonar o teatro."
#RedesSociais #Facebook #Meta #FactChecking #Media #Jornalismo
O fim de namoro entre imprensa e redes sociais – aka fact-checking
No seguimento das eleições nos EUA e do regresso do trumpismo, a Meta anunciou o fim do fact-checking no Facebook, Whatsapp e Instagram.Eduardo Santos
Listen to Maria
She's been speaking truth to power in the #Philippines for decades, one of the most dangerous countries in the world for #journalists
I greatly admire her and if anyone knows what they're talking about here, it's her
Zuckerberg Makes Meta Worse to Please Trump - AlgorithmWatch
With his decision to gut moderation and fact-checking on Meta’s platforms, Instagram, Facebook and Threads, Mark Zuckerberg shows he cares more about the approval of Donald Trump than how his platforms can harm society.AlgorithmWatch
(from 2024/APR)
#factChecking #veracity #media #politics
Let’s say it plainly: Fact-checking is not censorship - Poynter
Fact-checking adds to the public debate; it doesn’t suppress itAngie Drobnic Holan (The Poynter Institute)
Zuckerberg elimina la verificación de hechos en Facebook e Instagram para satisfacer a Trump
La sumisión total de Mark Zuckerberg a los designios de Donald Trump resulta más que evidente. No solo ha fichado para la junta de su compañía tecnológica a Dana White, experto en artes marciales y fiel amigo del próximo presidente de Estados Unidos,…Francesc Peirón (La Vanguardia)
#journalism #niemanlab #factchecking
Getting beyond the fact-check
"Journalism's fight against disinformation risks irrelevance if it fails to consider how the human mind processes and reacts to both falsehoods and facts."Nieman Lab
#ahorcado #alassad #bassaralassad #chequeo #chile #desinformación #ejecución #engañoso #factchecking #fastcheckcl #israel #mediooriente #palestina #rusia #siria #video
(Video) “Ahorcan al primo de Bassar Al-Assad en Siria”: #Engañoso
Tras la huida a Rusia de Bassar Al-Assad, expresidente sirio, se viralizó en redes sociales un video del ahorcamiento de quien supuestamente sería el primo de Al-Assad. Pero Fast Check calificó esto como engañoso.Pablo Flores (Fast Check 🔍)
📊42% des Français n'utilisent jamais ou quasiment jamais le mot désinformation, et ils sont une majorité à estimer que ce concept sert à disqualifier des points de vue différents
#FactChecking #France #media
Regard des Français sur la lutte contre la désinformation - Fondation Jean-Jaurès
Une enquête montre que la lutte contre la désinformation interroge les Français et pourrait s’avérer contre-productive.Fondation Jean-Jaurès