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Beiträge, die mit Factchecking getaggt sind

La #contrainformación tiene el viento a favor – Rafael Poch de Feliu - https://rafaelpoch.com/2025/01/28/la-contrainformacion-tiene-el-viento-a-favor/ #periodismo #journalism #desinformación #verificacion #factchecking #desinformation

"An entire #liberals cottage industry of #factchecking #Trump... on news and #socialmedia... removing Trump from major social media platforms, did not diminish his support nor expunge dangerous #disinformation from the echo chambers primed to receive and propagate it.

The end of the #factcheck era ...is worth examining because of how it heralds another liberal failure... just another capitulation in the battle against #fascism.

I used "itsaclickwall@gmail.com" 😎


#osint - Open-source intelligence is the foundation on which we'll rebuild non-billionaire real news, because we now have to.

Interested folks can learn valuable research skills for free, online. Bellingcat is the best place to start.

#journalism #infosec #research #librarian #internship #datamining #factchecking https://mstdn.social/@Bellingcat/113753859276481024

El futuro de la verdad: Carlos Hernández-Echevarría sobre #verificación de hechos y la #IA https://es.globalvoices.org/2025/01/12/el-futuro-de-la-verdad-carlos-hernandez-echevarria-sobre-la-verificacion-de-hechos-y-la-ia/ #ai #factchecking #journalism #periodismo

“‘Fact-checkers’ melt down over Facebook free speech move”

by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox

“Censorship industry panics over Zuckerberg’s announcement that platform will no longer use it”


#Press #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #FactChecking #Zuckerberg #Bias #Censorship #Industry

https://youtu.be/p07tpkjeyJE?si=NtD2dTUcd_Jcdv0T #zuckerberg #counterhate #factchecking

Alexios Mantzarlis, who is the director of the Security, Trust, and Safety Initiative at Cornell Tech and part of the team that shepherded Meta's now-canceled fact-checking program, has fact-checked Mark Zuckerberg's fact-checking announcement. Here's his story for Nieman Labs. "There is so much bad faith reasoning in 96 words that it’s hard to know where to start. But let’s go in order," he writes.


#FactChecking #SocialMedia #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #Threads #MarkZuckerberg

"Ter fact-checking é melhor que não ter? Claro que sim. Mas este modelo de fact-checking teve efeitos perversos. Ajudou a limpar a imagem pública do Facebook e afins e a sua actuação, ou falta dela, no combate ao lixo que tinham e continuam a ter nas suas plataformas. E colocou a imprensa numa situação de claro conflito de interesses na cobertura da big tech, algo que penso que se nota a milhas, na cobertura que fazem.

Ou seja, mais que a sua eficácia no combate à desinformação, o que justificou a popularização do fact-checking foi o alinhamento momentâneo entre os interesses das plataformas big tech e da imprensa. Um casamento de conveniência.

Nesse sentido, talvez o fim do fact-checking não seja assim tão mau.

Por um lado, a big tech começa a mostrar a sua real cara. Tem zero interesse em mudar, e tudo o que fizeram até agora nesse sentido foi, tal como o fact-checking, meramente performativo. Agora que a maré está a mudar, podem abandonar o teatro."


#RedesSociais #Facebook #Meta #FactChecking #Media #Jornalismo

#Meta is ushering in a ‘world without facts’, says Nobel peace prize winner - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/08/facebook-end-factchecking-nobel-peace-prize-winner-maria-ressa "Maria #Ressa warns of ‘dangerous times’ for journalism and democracy after move to end #factchecking in US"

'#NobelPeacePrize winner #MariaRessa has said #Meta’s decision to end #factChecking on its platforms and remove restrictions on certain topics means “extremely dangerous times” lie ahead for #journalism, #democracy and #socialMedia users'

Listen to Maria

She's been speaking truth to power in the #Philippines for decades, one of the most dangerous countries in the world for #journalists

I greatly admire her and if anyone knows what they're talking about here, it's her

Maria Ressa

Zuckerberg Makes #Meta Worse to Please #Trump - https://algorithmwatch.org/en/zuckerberg-makes-meta-worse/ #contentmoderation #factchecking

«Countries with strong traditions of free expression and freedom of the press tend to have a lot of fact-checkers, while countries with press restrictions tend to have few.»
(from 2024/APR)

#factChecking #veracity #media #politics

Zuckerberg elimina la verificación de hechos en #Facebook e #Instagram para satisfacer a Trump - https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20250107/10262153/zuckerberg-elimina-verificacion-hechos-facebook-e-instagram-satisfacer-trump.html #factchecking ¡Ah!, ¿pero verificaban algo? El verdadero problema es la microsegmentación publicitaria en todo internet, no se respeta la separación entre información y #publicidad #ad Ni siquiera en muchos 'medios de noticias'. #journalism #periodismo

Exactly, just presenting #facts will not do! Maybe we need behavioral science, maybe also a bit of #sociology to understand how not only individuals process facts.

#journalism #niemanlab #factchecking

Finally, we need to embrace behavioral science. Journalism’s fight against disinformation risks irrelevance if it fails to consider how the human mind processes and reacts to both falsehoods and facts. By understanding these cognitive dynamics, we can design strategies that truly resonate and drive change.

🔴Une étude de Verian sur le regard porté par les Français sur la #désinformation vient d'être publiée ! S'ils ont un regard plutôt positif sur le travail des fact-checkeurs, les Français se méfient largement du concept de #désinformation !
📊42% des Français n'utilisent jamais ou quasiment jamais le mot désinformation, et ils sont une majorité à estimer que ce concept sert à disqualifier des points de vue différents
#FactChecking #France #media