Beiträge, die mit socialNetwork getaggt sind
tana libera tutti (exortatio)
tutti fuori da #faceboook e dai #social generalisti.
fuori dal gabbio. tutti su #mastodon, forza!
o su #friendica. (magari entrambi).
e aprite dei #blog, dei #siti vostri (con #wordpress, #tumblr, su #noblogo, su #noblogs, dove volete insomma), come è successo a me con, mettete lì le cose a cui tenete, e magari fate in modo che i post vengano replicati come #link nei vari social (anche generalisti, non importa: tanto poi chi trova lì i link ne esce per vedere quel che fate sul vostro sito, e abbandona il social!).
su facebook lasciamo qualche #gruppo o #pagina, al limite, e – ripeto – mettiamo solo post e link che portano FUORI da questo #carrozzone #monnezzone.
stessa cosa per #X, #threads, facebook e altri aggeggi.
#blog #carrozzone #facebook #faceboook #FB #FEDIVERSO #friendica #gruppo #link #Mastodon #monnezzone #noblogo #noblogs #pagina #siti #social #socialNetwork #socialindipendenti #SocialNetwork #spaziIndipendenti #threads #tumblr #web #WordPress #X
Sounds counter-intuitive?
It's not.
As I was about to delete my account, I first went through all my FB "friends" list and sent a message to those I wanted to stay in touch with, telling them how to contact me outside of Facebook.
This was the opportunity to re-connect with some good old friends.
This may have never happened, hadn't I not decided to leave Facebook.
I thought this could inspire others to do so too
#socialNetwork #GAFAM
«TikToks „Andere suchten nach“-Funktion verbreitet Fehlinformationen und gefährdet Wahlen»
– von @mimikama
#tiktok #politik #beeinflussen #wahlen #infos #propaganda #rechts #internet #socialnetwork #sozial
TikToks „Andere suchten nach“: Fakes und Wahlrisiken 2024 - Recherche
Statt neutraler Information verbreitet TikTok über seine „Andere suchten nach“-Funktion politisch fragwürdige Suchvorschläge, die die öffentlicheTom Wannenmacher (Mimikama)
Welche sozialen Netzwerke bekommen die meisten Werbeeinnahmen? (Statista + Kommentar)
Briefing Wirtschaft Economy, soziale Netzwerke, Werbeeinnahmen, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, Twitter, Faktencheck, Meinungsmache, Manipulation Die sozialen Netzwerke werden nicht nur von fast al…DER WAHLBERLINER
#microblog, #socialnetwork, #newsheadlines, #newsticker, #blog, #news, #translationready, #minimalist, #minimal, #community, #responsive, #speedoptimized, #crossbrowsercompatibility, #mobileready, #cleancode
#linkedin #ai #llm #socialnetwork
Yes, That Viral LinkedIn Post You Read Was Probably AI-Generated — WIRED
A new analysis estimates that over half of longer English-language posts on LinkedIn are AI-generated, indicating the platform’s embrace of AI tools has been a
how do you get young teenagers to understand that social networking is bad?
A friend's daughter doesn't understand why her friends can use it and she can't?
"Capitalism is bad" isnt some arguments they care about ...
I tried to bring the #blog idea, but not sure it will work
If you have any idea, they are welcome.
#socialnetwork #instagram #tiktok