Beiträge, die mit boycottamerica getaggt sind
We will post and boost content to encourage people to replace their non-EU products and services with European, #selfhosted or open source alternatives.
Tag us if you want to recommend something!
If you're a EU company, follow us and we'll follow you back and share your product with the community.
Start buying European products to boycott bully countries and foreign monopolies.
Or maybe you just want to boost the local economy?
Buying European products has many benefits, including supporting local entrepreneurs, creating jobs, and increasing money circulation within your country or neighbour country.
It's also more environmentally friendly!
When the local economy is strong, everyone benefits.
#europe #european #BuyFromEU #boycott #BoycottAmerica #opensource #selfhosting
#boycottUSA (nur Trump-Fans)
#canada #uspol #boycottamerica
Cars. Trucks. Phones. Computers. Autoparts.
They're the big imports to the tune of about $40 billion.
So boycott Holden, Tesla, Ford, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Apple, Nvidia, Unisys etc
And while you're at it, chuck on Amazon, Disney, Netflix, Apple TV, Paramount, Xbox, Steam, Epic, Blizzard, Electronic Arts, Uber, Lyft, Doordash, Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Threads), X, Bluesky, McDonalds and KFC just for shits and giggles.
And, of course, cancel your holiday.
#auspol #uspol #boycottamerica
Also: Wenn DU es aus welchen Gründen auch immer, nicht schaffst/willst, dich von allen US basierten Konzernriesen zu lösen, weil die einfach so viel Monopol haben und dich die Alternativen überfordern oder sie nicht reichen:
Es ist ok, wenn du dich da löst, wo du kannst!
Jeder Euro für Europa ist eine gute Entscheidung!
#tassen raus. #demosgegenrechts müssen weiter gehen.
für #demokratie