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Beiträge, die mit plugin getaggt sind

I really like the idea of #ViewModes in Drupal. So I wrote a little #plugin for @getkirby to make use of this concept. It‘s based on content representations, literally a #nightlybuild and needs some more testing. Nevertheless I already published it …


"Eric dein #Wordpress #plugin hat ein #Bug
worte die mir nie gefallen....

habs geprüft und gesehen der Bug war nur der Mensch der es verwendet hat :P nicht mein Code

Glück gehabt

WP3.XYZ Malware attacks Add Rogue Admins to 5,000+ WordPress Sites.

Webscript security company c/side discovered during an incident response engagement for one of their clients that the malicious activity uses the wp3[.]xyz domain to exfiltrate data but have yet to determine the initial infection vector.


#wordpress #malicious #plugin #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news