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“People* who seek to cheat the system should know, our new powers will help us to catch you out and make sure you are held accountable."

* Peasants


#UKPolitics #TaxTheRich #Liebour
Neoliberal fascists do the same thing everywhere; it is astonishing that these people have only one collective bag of tricks.

They sing the same song over here, and I feel compelled to mention two studies regarding this.

In Germany, about 60-65% of all social benefits receivers are checked and only around 1% of them cheat the system in some way. The average amount cheated is about 1600€.

Also in Germany, only about 2% of tax fillings of wealthy people above the 100k mark are checked. The fraud rate in this tiny pool is fucking 40%, and the average amount the state loses here? In the millions!

Another fact: the first study gets repeated regularly because the cry for social benefit fraudsters rings anew every fucking election cycle. And since the early 90s the rate of social benefit fraud has stayed that low consistently. It even sunk during austerity, inflation and Covid.

The poor suffer honestly.

The study about rich peoples cheating taxes en masse? That one was only done once and buried in the same pile the Panama Papers sleep.

If you ask me, the revolution cannot come soon enough.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Tage her)
I didn't realise the situation in Germany vis-à-vis the stagnation of benefit rates and the relative fraud percentages so closely mirrored ours. At least you don't have a bunch of in-bred parasites in gold hats to pay for.
it’s going to cost us more than than the government will ever get back. It always does. Meanwhile they continue to ignore the growing elephant in the room - TAX THE RICH instead of harassing the poor.
so Michelle Mone is first, then Nick Hancock, Boris Johnson etc.....
The list is so very long I don't have enough characters. I doubt even the people on beige do.
still want to know why someone who sells dodgy PPI to the health service can not only get away with it, but not have to pay it back. Oh, sorry, I forgot - they're large donors to the party that was in power.
I still want to know why Dido Harding's not in prison tbh.
Thirty seven BILLION.
It's a constant drone. These benefit fraudsters who probably don't do much more than be late for a DWP interview, Tory and Labour alike shrieking like the hounds of hell, meanwhile tax fraud is barely looked at, Tory and Labour alike.