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It’s got to be the microplastics making their brains weird.
IDK Lou, how many things that he's done last time and this time started with "he can't do that"? Look what he's done in four weeks. It's totally and completely insane, but it doesn't mean it won't happen. What's that saying about ruling over a kingdom of ashes?
Can’t stop thinking about those snails with the parasite that makes them climb to the top of the grass stalk and pulse their antenna until a bird eats them. So the snail dies but the parasite finds its next host. What did MAGA eat??

There's an ant like that too somewhere in a rainforest, I think. Forgive me if I don't watch the parasitical snail clip, it's nearly lunchtime 🤣
all kinds of parasites and other organisms hijack the brain and manipulate behavior. There is a fungus that makes cicada act weird then their butts fall off and they spread spores where others will get infected. There are parasites that change human behavior too. I’m just saying.
Lunchtime Lou.

😬 😁
you can be friends with a parasitologist, but don’t invite them to dinner.
oh FFS this is a thing :skellysplode: 🤮 :molotov:
Looks like it. Can't see America or the planet lasting until 2028 at this rate, so it's probably moot.
true dat!! https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M?feature=shared
Orange Julius Caesar.
Beware the Ides of March.
Beware the Ides of March.
Isn't that exactly when the next dance of the debt ceiling is due to happen? 😬
I don't think the Dems have enough votes to do what the GOP always did, though.
And they don't have the wherewithal to just stab the cunt to death either 🙄
Look on the bright side. If the FDA is broken up and disappears, safety standards will drop so much, he might be poisoned by a hamburger.
Not sure I'd classify that as a "bright" side - perhaps a "slightly less pitch black than the black hole of the other possibilities" side 🤣
As my ex, the classicist (i.e., knows lots about Roman history) says, by then it was too late. The Roman Republic was gone. Even killing Caesar didn't bring it back, nor did anything in the following 1,000 years or so.
Well they kinda got round the fall of empire thing by becoming a religion though, didn't they 😂
eh. maybe. Given that the people running my country right now definitely like the idea of being a religious empire, that's not a comforting thought.
Can't someone Truman Show the Rapture for all the people who are determined to god themselves to death and let the rest of us try to survive the rest of the omni-horror?
setting up "the Thousand-Year Reich", isn't he!
Hmmm. The way he's going, the planet hasn't got a thousand *days* left, let alone years.