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Thank you lovely 😁
How's your Christmas been? Did Santa bring you nice things?
Christmas has been ok, thanks, just me pottering about and channelling the energy of Keith Floyd and Sweep in the kitchen on Christmas day. The nice things have mainly been some quiet time - I give and receive little by way of presents these days and that's ok.

Hope yours has been good.
That sounds like a curious and entertaining mix 👍
I don't either (with the gift thing) but the besties and I always exchange something, and tiny Secret Santa style stuff with friends here and the book club punters. Are you off now until the new year?
I'm still sore from my seizure but otherwise good. Today's the first day I've been fully conscious the whole day, so I'm catching up on watching and reading (and here).
Glad you're having your kind of fun 🥰
The last few years have been very different thanks to losses etc, which have meant very different expectations for me. Which I'm gradually adjusting to. My best friend and I always exchange presents (usually an album).
Yes I'm off until Friday 🎉
Sorry to hear about the seizure - something you're equipped to manage as far as possible, I hope?
Sorry to hear that 🫂💞
I'm used to it now and tbh I don't think I'd want to go back to the full tra-la-la - just thinking about it is exhausting.
(had to do a quick mental calculation as I've no clue what day it is but yes, that's excellent - huzzah! )🥳
Yeah, I'm used to them, it's just tedious. Mostly because I have to restart the timer on "when will I get my driving licence back" 🙄 😐
Have a lovely relaxing break 😘
Thanks, and you too (and 🤞regarding the driving licence - I've known others who've had to deal with similar).

I caught up with a couple of people in the pub last night who had big Christmas family get-togethers, which = drama and exhaustion, so I do see the positives in things being low key.

Here's to a pleasant few days ahead! 😊
I'll probably be able to get a car about 12 minutes before complete societal collapse, knowing the way my life works 🤣
Aye. Plus you get to eat all the cheese yourself 👌
Indeed. Chin chin! 🍾
Hey Harriett 👋 🥰
It's been seizure-tastic tbh but I'm fully back on form today, so I'll be catching up with what's going on here, some TV and some reading. No news has gone in or out.
How was yours?
Tbh I'd have been more annoyed if it had interrupted the morning walks and various classes, so if it had to happen ... no damage done thankfully (I was asleep), although the arm and leg muscles seem to have taken more of a battering than usual.
Sounds amazing! I'm not much for Xmas, so I can appreciate how lovely that must have been. Did you get anything nice from Santa?
I'm still in hibernation mode for another week, on a mostly cheese and panettone diet 😂
So sorry. Wishing you relief and relaxation.
Aww thanks. It's fine though, I'm used to it.
How was yours? 😊