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Jesus motherfucking Christ.

A demonstration was held outside Bronzefield on Monday night.


#UKPolitics #PoliceState #StopArmingIsrael

via Palestine Action
A picture of Ellie Kamio.  The border is a red and white keffiyeh design.  Text reads:
Bronzefield prison has moved Ellie Kamio, one of the Filton 10, overnight to another prison and is *refusing to tell her family where she is.*

Ellie's family were on their way to visit her for Christmas.
It was her little sister's first time visiting.  They were told not to bother coming as Ellie was no longer there.  Yet staff from Bronzefield could not answer where she had been moved to.
All we know is she was taken from the prison with no explanation or warning.  This is intimidating and dehumanising!

* denotes underlined text
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just the British state disappearing people who get in the way, nothing to see here.
That was my first thought too. Another man, Shaby Aziz, was sentenced to two years in prison last week for breaking into a closed warehouse belonging to Ferranti, an Israeli weapons firm.
The judge, Baxter, ruled out all legal defences before trial and restricted what the actionists could tell the jury about Palestine and Elbit. The Judge referred to the disruption of Ferranti's "perfectly lawful business" at sentencing.
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