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"The law in authoritarian states protects the criminality of the powerful. It revokes due process, basic freedoms and the rights of citizenship. It is an instrument of repression. It is a very small step from the stripping of rights from a legal resident holding a green card to the stripping of rights of any citizen. This is what is coming."


#USPolitics #UKPolitics #FuckTheFash #Resist
Chris Hedges hates sex workers and tried to badjacket black bloc tactics.
Doesn't stop what he's said here being true.
sure, why not quote any reactionary bastard any time broken clock syndrome happens. what could go wrong?
I just get "Something has gone terribly wrong :("

However the quote you give is too true.
I just wish the UK/USA would stop competing to get to the end scenario the fastest.
That worked - thanks.

OK jaw still on floor.

I had missed a few of the finer points, but yes I had noticed a lot of that. I just wasn't aware of all the "legal" shenanigans they had pulled.
Archive is good for accessing stuff that's region blocked. As long as you can see the full url in your browser, you can copy it straight into archive and you'll be able to see it 👍
Ooh handy to know - thanks.

Today has been hellish for dystopia.
The only positive is that I have not misread the runes for about 3 decades.

I just added it as a search engine.
It really, really has. I've had too much news for a little while now, I think.