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#WomensEpics that need an English translation ASAP, round two:

- Catakantaravanan: a Tamil epic that elaborates on the Ramayana, but in this story, it is Sita who fights a demon king

- Matabagka Seeks the Deity of the Wind: epic from the Philippines about a girl's heroic journey (this one has an English translation, but only in a thesis manuscript in the UP library)

#WomensEpics #epics #folklore #women #WomensHistory
Wow! Any more info on the first one? I found this, which looks like she's citing an English translation, but I can't see the footnote pages https://books.google.com/books?id=h0f_D1qiXQgC&pg=PA217&lpg=PA217&dq=Catakantaravanan&source=bl&ots=6FZ3lb_aEI&sig=ACfU3U1XtoOVSlH6dKWnoM6rpzP3fAEMsg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwih_vWf5cyHAxUhBjQIHVJ0GfwQ6AF6BAgKEAM#v=onepage&q=Catakantaravanan&f=false
Couldn't find much with a Tamil search either, though the University of Jaffna library seems to have a copy of a 1928 edition. http://libcat.lib.jfn.ac.lk/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=99943&shelfbrowse_itemnumber=99921
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Monate her)
I followed the footnotes and I think that is the one they were referencing
If you get a translation of this, and the other one with the Roman androids, I'll promote the crap out of them :D :D That's all I can offer
Yesss that Lokapaññati sounds incredible! I'm always a little intimidated to tackle classical stuff though. Isn't that more for university presses?
It is for whatever press is willing to publish it 😄 And university presses have the downside of making it expensive and hard to access....
Right. Good point. Now to find translators with good library access!
fingers crossed 😊