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So, this year I inherited the Polymath Reading Challenge from its creator. 📚

It is a yearly 12-book nonfiction reading challenge. You read books of your choice for 12 categories, and post your reviews of them. I have had immense fun finding books for topics I otherwise wouldn't read.

Would people want to join in if I also ran it on Mastodon?

#PolymathReadingChallenge #Reading #books #bookstodon #ReadingChallenge #nonfiction
Sure! Where was it run previously?
It runs on Moly.hu, which is a Hungarian book site kinda like Goodreads
do you know Bookwyrm? That would be a good tie in with mastodon!
does bookworm allow users to set up challenges too?
Couldn't say...
Cc @joachim any idea?
I would definitely try!
sounds intriguing
I don't think I can get every topic (12 books is too much of a commitment given my current reading pace + life), but I'd love to get inspired to possibly join the one or other month if it were run here.
colour me interested!
I'd have a go, but my reviews might "too heavy" or "dust jacket was moldy"
you can count me in. I have a bookcase of unread non fiction I need an excuse to dig into!
Yes! And ditto on the Bookwyrm suggestion. Reviewers would need a Bookwyrm account (there are some 20+ instances to choose from), but readers could follow from their Mastodon (or whatever) accounts.

Dunno about reading challenges, maybe ask @tripofmice ?

The nice thing about Bookwyrm would be everyone’s reviews would be there forever for everyone (if desired), as opposed to bookmarking a thread & losing track of it in a month. 😬
i would at least try my best
I'd give it a try!
I wouldn't be posting reviews but I would definitely enjoy the challenge.
Sounds fun!!!. Is non-fiction the only criteria to choose books? Also, what is in your list? Just for reference
curious about the categories, but yes.
Sure! i’m curious.