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Slowly working my way through Ghosts, Monsters and Demons of India by @blaft It's an amazing read. Today's favorite is the demon that kills people by spinning around and smacking them with one very long boob.

#folklore #folktales #AmReading #Monsterdon
Now I know what to say when someone asks me what my superpower would be

Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág hat dies geteilt

hahaha! After I am done nursing I might have that superpower! :welp:
😆 That reminds me of this recent Oglaf comic strip (warning, other pages are very NSFW): https://www.oglaf.com/clubwear/
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Jahr her)
The Otte Molechi! Definitely one of our faves too! 🤣👻