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Yass, publishing milestone:

My Forgotten Greek and Roman Myths book is advertised with the CW "Non-traditional content." 😂

(Context: According to a new Hungarian law, any book containing LGBT+ content has to be labeled as "non-traditional". Including the famously traditionally straight Ancient Greeks, apparently.)

#books #queer #LGBTQ #mythology #myths
I wonder what the "traditional" versions of Plato's Symposium and Sappho's fragments look like...
Very very good friends. :D
oh God they were symposium buddies
Everybody knows that the rainbow itself was only invented in 1961, the whole LGBTQ+ spectrum followed soon after.

(/s ofcourse)

But congratulations on this milestone, I hope your work will wear this label as a badge of honor.
Yeah, they were all butch.
I would like to see a graph of how traditional things were, with year on the horizontal axis.
Zeus may have been straight, but he had definitely non-traditional sexual habits.