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FB just asked me if I want AI to answer questions in my group for me and "generate activity" and, to quote Dorothy Parker

What fresh hell is this

#Facebook #SocialMedia #WTF #AI
Lol, your first and continued mistake is being on FB.
Stop that and all the other issues go away.
I have been considering getting off of it for a while. However, most of my bookings for gigs come through FB, and I have friends in dozens of different countries it would be very hard to keep up otherwise... I hate it, but I haven't found a way to quit yet.
The people who run these social media platforms have completely lost touch with the reasons WHY people use social media platforms: ie to socialise with other people. It's just turning into some kind of weird bots talking to AIs to churn up 'engagement' numbers hellscape.
that stupid ai keeps spamming me questions, asking me what I want it to do. I want it to fuck off and never annoy me again, but there's no option for that.
Or even better, return to handwritten letters :D
*as* you? Or would the AI have it's own "account"?

Facebook ever wildly enshittifying itself...