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Kiddo on the bus:
- Mom, I can reach the button!
- Good job, honey.
- But I can't reach the other one.
- That's ok, the other one is the red button, we don't push that.
- Why?
- Because you can only use it when there's something wrong.
- Something's wrong!
- What's wrong?
- I can't reach the red button!


You can't fault the logic 😆
kid once called out in evening story that if it happened "on an average everyday", then it must not have been an average day after all.
can't reach 22
Quand j’étais enfant, j’étais trop petite pour atteindre le bouton de l’ascenseur de notre étage.

Donc, j’appuyais le plus haut possible et je finissais par l’escalier.

Je comprends ce que veut dire ce petit garçon.
(sings) Mama, don't let your children grow up to be sophists...