Honestly, all the #
AI crap is making me think long and hard about what content I put online, where, and why. I am phasing out Facebook. I don't feel like competing with kitsch and fraud that gathers thousands of likes and shares. It's a no win game that is bad for my mental health.
Mikko •
Mikko (@mastosalo@nerdculture.de)
NerdCultureDr. Zalka Csenge Virág •
#crochet #crafts #AI #EndRant
szakib •
zombiecide •
Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág •
Russell Phillips •
J.S. Pailly •
ConnectionWithWonder •
zombiecide •
putting other apps/ bookmarks where it used to be to trick the 'oh I'm bored let's check that' muscle memory routine really helps
Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág •
Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág •
Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK •
Virginicus •
Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág hat dies geteilt
Peterrone •
As long as I remain your truthful follower, you and I (and anyone else with the same intentions), can draw all fluids from ai-crap and its overbearing mindlessness.
Jaymi Elford (she/her) •
Eric G. •
I fled Facebook just over 5 years ago. OMG, it was like breaking up with an emotionally abusive partner (which I also had done just prior). It was tough but I'm glad to have done it.
AAA365 •
AAA365 •