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Fun! The Gates of Polished Horn continues to do well on Amazon.

The publisher spotted this exciting placement on Amazon's bestseller lists yesterday!

The paperback is only US$13.80, US$3.50 for the ebook! (CAN$5/20)

Amazon (takes you to your local store): https://geni.us/Gates


#book #books #bookstodon #sciencefiction #SFF #scifi
Hot new releases in science fiction short stories -- bestsellers on Amazon
showing three covers, including:
The Gates of Polished Horn, a collection of stories, by Mark A. Rayner

Mark A. Rayner hat dies geteilt

Just grabbed an eBook copy from a not-amazon seller 😁

Thank you (and your publisher) for making it available without DRM!

#Books #ScienceFiction #MarkARayner #Bookstodon #SFF #SciFi #DRMfree
You're welcome! I'll pass that on!