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What Will Trump’s #AntiTrans “#GenderIdeology Extremism” #ExecutiveOrders Actually Do?

Executive Orders are not laws. They are “written instruments through which a #President can issue #directives to shape #policy.”

Trump #executiveorder declaring only ‘two #sexes’ gets the #biology wrong, #scientists say .

Order describes sex as an ‘immutable biological classification set at conception as either #male or #female’, but all #human #embryos start out as #female.

#JazzJennings responds to Tr*ump’s #executiveorder #erasing #trans & #nonbinary #people: “My #identity is real”

Jennings just posted a #defiant #message to #socialmedia in the wake of #convictedfelon #DonaldTramp’s return to the White House.

— Who I am is not an identity, calling it such suggests that it is a choice we made. It isn't! We need to use better language.

How to #Stop #Trump in One Stupid #Chart
Make line go from low to high.

Here’s an idea, tell people about the bad shit Trump is doing, right now. Pushing Trump to -18 approval is the #Democrats’ #job. Their entire job. In fact, I’m not sure that anything else they do over the next year even matters.

#ConvictedFelon #DonaldTrump slams #church #service after #bishop begs him to 'show #mercy to #scared #TransKids'.

His expression did not change as #BishopofWashington Mariann Edgar Budde asked the President to #protect #LGBTQ #kids.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
The Most #Remarkable Part of the #Video of a #Bishop #Confronting the #Trump #Family.

Noting how he had told the #nation during his #swearingin that he had “felt the providential hand of a loving #God,” by virtue of his #surviving two #assassination #attempts, Budde invoked the #compassion and #mercy of God as she called on Trump “to have mercy upon the people in our country who are #scared now.”

Here's 'remarkable'

"#Trump signs #executiveorder to declassify #JFK, #RFK, and #MLK #Assassination files'

"The order aims to address long-standing questions and theories surrounding the killings, which occurred over 50 years ago. Official investigations concluded that lone gunmen were responsible for all three assassinations, but persistent conspiracy theories have challenged these findings."

https://unusualwhales.com/news/trump-signs-executive-orders-to-declassify-jfk-rfk-and-mlk-files #conspiracy #conspiracytheories