Someone in Belgium, Dirk Holemans, argues that instead of using 'ontgroei' (degrowth), we should use the term 'omgroei', which is similar, but not quite the same as regrowth. Re-growth is a repeating, restoring thing; om-groei is a changed growth.
Yes.. I was just musing a bit on the terms. There's wordplay in #Regrowth in that it also means starting anew i.e. create a wholly alternative system to that of world-destroying #Hypercapitalism
The #capitalism seed sprouted a horrendous meat-eating fungus. Need to replant a new organic system to take over and collectively kindle a seedling to regrow #humanity into healthy #sustainability-first direction. So there's a #future for mankind, and not #extinction.
sounds like the #thrivability alternative to #sustainability. we need to avoid focusing on compromise and resignment, which do not help supplant the previous systems.
I work on premise of holistic sustainability, loosely based on #CirclesOfSustainablity model, which I redefined to better align with natural and emergent systems (see alt-text).
#SustainabilityFirst and at all times is crucial, for many reasons. Like span-of-control in keeping the system sustainable in the 1st place. What's fun is that a lot of concepts start to become circular in further philosophical elaboration. More akin to our natural world.
Btw in this diagram it is clear that a #sociosphere is needed, or else we are all stuck in the #technosphere as we are today.
I call the hypothetical sweet spot where socio and technosphere are seamlessly aligned and tuned to the needs of people and planet a #peopleverse ..
The current #fediverse is a typical technosphere. We can emulate some "social" but social bandwidth is tiny. There's a lot of "manual social" (the regular kind) we can do to improve, realizing this.
It is extremely difficult to tame and control human communication, or simulate a sociosphere, when limiting expression to #500characters (default on sw) just so owners of servers can emulate twitter
Then owners of servers are free to erase what has already been said and often make a participant vanish.
Only in the worst of American dictatorships did people vanish at such high rates silently
You have technospheres and then you have technospheres. Some support more social than others. We need one that can carry a #society and it ain't the current #fedi for sure.
Monsieur Delafin •
small circle 🕊 in calm mode •
The #capitalism seed sprouted a horrendous meat-eating fungus. Need to replant a new organic system to take over and collectively kindle a seedling to regrow #humanity into healthy #sustainability-first direction. So there's a #future for mankind, and not #extinction.
Travis F W •
small circle 🕊 in calm mode •
#SustainabilityFirst and at all times is crucial, for many reasons. Like span-of-control in keeping the system sustainable in the 1st place. What's fun is that a lot of concepts start to become circular in further philosophical elaboration. More akin to our natural world.
small circle 🕊 in calm mode •
I call the hypothetical sweet spot where socio and technosphere are seamlessly aligned and tuned to the needs of people and planet a #peopleverse ..
The current #fediverse is a typical technosphere. We can emulate some "social" but social bandwidth is tiny. There's a lot of "manual social" (the regular kind) we can do to improve, realizing this.
yianiris •
Then owners of servers are free to erase what has already been said and often make a participant vanish.
Only in the worst of American dictatorships did people vanish at such high rates silently
@smallcircles @travisfw @mysteriarch
small circle 🕊 in calm mode •