First flowers out in early October on the patch of sun orchids (Thelymitra pauciflora - or adjacent) just behind the house at home in Corunna, NSW. I first noticed a handful of flowers out the kitchen window post 2020 bushfires - with a slight adjustment to lawn mowing I now have 150+ plants! Quite a few interesting variations out this year so not 100% sure on the ID now - or if there are actually multiple species growing together.
#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #SunOrchids #Thelymitra
#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #SunOrchids #Thelymitra