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Beiträge, die mit ExtinctionRébellion getaggt sind

[FranceInfo] - Tunnel Lyon-Turin : une plainte déposée après la distribution de 10 000 lettres par Extinction Rébellion pour dénoncer le chantier

"Jusqu’à ce jour aucun captage d’#EauPotable n’a été tari dans le cadre des travaux", dément la société #Telt alors qu'un tract dénonçant les conséquences du chantier sur la disponibilité en eau dans la vallée de la #Maurienne a inondé le week-end dernier les boîtes aux lettres.


#ExtinctionRébellion #LibertédExpression
#RevueDePresse #Press

Activists of @xr and other movements in Italy were brought to the police station for blocking a weapon-making company.

During their stay at the station, only activists identifying as women were asked to strip naked and squat.

This is appalling, these policemen have done this knowing there will be no consequences. Let's speak up against police violence!

#extinctionrebellion #policeviolence #StopGenocide


Retrouvez ci-dessous accueils 🤗, formations 👩‍🏫, actions ✊ de #ExtinctionRebellion a.k.a. "XR" ⏳


My frontlines interview with Donna Clark from #XRVancouver has finally uploaded.

I talk about why I'm at the blockades. I talk about the ecocide on my family's matriarch homelands. I talk about the devastating & longterm effects of the US invasion on Vietnam. I talk about how we need to protect/study/find more ancient forest medicines. I talk about colonialism & brutalities. I talk about my amazing resilient villager relations. I talk about how ecocide destroyed my matriarch village ways of life.

I also bring up the sellouts.

We were carpet bombed by #USA #racist terrorists. Fact.

Please take the time to listen to what I have to say. Thank you for those who care enough to listen to me & why I keep fighting for a better world - for all of us.


#DirectAction #ClimateAction #blockade #FairyCreekBlockade #Comrades #CorporateMercenaries #BritishColumbia #StopDeforestation #StopEcocide #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #VancouverIsland #PortRenfrew #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #Activists #Protest #TreesOverGreed #PNW #StandEarth #EcoJustice #AbolishRCMPCIRG #BCpoli #BCNewDeathParty #BCForestryReform #FuckTheBCGovernment #CDNpoli #BigotsWithBadges #KKKanada #ACAB #BritishColumbia #monochrome #ColonialResistance #FuckTheRCMP #AsianMastodon #TootSEA #ExtinctionRebellion

9/ Also, ich finde schon, dass die Aktivist*in rechts sich ein bisschen bunter hätte anziehen können, damit sie im Vergleich zu dem bunten Banner nicht so abfällt.

#StopptFossileSubventionen #LetzteGeneration
#Vielfalt #LBQT #queer

Aktivist*innen der Letzten Generation und von Extinction Rebellion bei der Blockade der Elsenbrücke durch diverse Klimagruppen, Berlin, 02.03.2024