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Beiträge, die mit BritishColumbia getaggt sind

A beautiful mini ecosystem growing on a nylon rope along a steep trail. #pnw #fungi #micro #britishcolumbia #nature #hiking
A small island of fungi growing on an aged, yellow nylon rope.

Typical early morning at the end of winter on Vancouver Island: snow on top of mountains, lingering clouds over the valleys and the cool air is reviving.

#MountainMonday #photography #nature #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
A forest with mostly tall fir trees and some deciduous trees. In the background there is a mountain range with snow on top and between the two clouds are moving. The photo is bit dark because it was taken early in the morning.

New post: The City of Vancouver hates Motorcycles https://advmoto.ca/2025/02/vancouver-hates-motorcycles/ For a city seeking green alternatives, motorcycles are squeezed out, especially with a lac #BritishColumbia #motorcycle #motorcycling #parking

Please #boost / #repost, visit and #comment on the post, and #follow my #blog!

Entrepreneur and autism advocate appointed B.C. lieutenant-governor
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced the appointment of longtime businesswoman and philanthropist Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia as British Columbia's 31st lieutenant-governor.
#appointment #government #autism #BritishColumbia #Politics #LieutenantGovernor

🧵UPDATED: #BritishColumbia est.'d #COVID19 cases, the same per 100,000 pop. by health authority.

According to #BCCDC wastewater #SARSCoV2 data: on average, from 11/28 - 12/4, there would've only been 632 cases/day in #BC (⬇️ 819, 11/21 - 11/27).

https://anarchodelphis.tumblr.com/BCWastewater 1/5

Indigenous tribes engineered British Columbia’s modern hazelnut forests 7000+ years ago

* genetic analysis
* could help First Nations secure land rights in Cdn courts
* actively cultivated crop
* transported hazelnuts 800 km
* cultivate nutritious/reliable food source in new regions

Genetic differentiation/precolonial Indigenous cultivation of hazelnut

#Canada #Indigenous #BC #BritishColumbia #cultivation #anthropology #LandRights

We need serious #ForestryReform in #BritishColumbia immediately. We need to implement the science-based recommendations from experts who were commissioned multiple times by #BCNDP #BCgovernment to produce #OldGrowth Strategic Reviews (twice during Horgan's regime). They promised to implement the recommendations but they have not done so. Our old growth forests aren't numerous anymore & yet our #capitalist driven, #neoliberal government is still allowing them to be cut. In a severe #ClimateCrisis - we're stuck with political leaders who are still siding with ecocidal corporations. We need to ban corporate lobbyists. They never have citizens' best interests at heart & our politicians are too easily bribed.

#SaveOldGrowth #EcoActivist #TreesOverGreed #BCpoli #AbolishRCMPCIRG #VancouverIsland #PacificNorthwest #NatureGuardians #WildFirst #ProtectTheWild #PNW #StopDeforestation #BanCorporateLobbyists #CDNpoli #activists #monochrome #BCForestryReform #Cascadia #HelpMotherNature #StopKillingForests #Ecocide #SaveOurForests #ClimateINACTION #MonochromeMonday
Slopeside view. Part of another massive clearcut on South Vancouver Island.
Black and white photo.

🧵UPDATED: #BritishColumbia est.'d #COVID19 cases, the same per 100,000 pop. by health authority.

According to #BCCDC wastewater #SARSCoV2 data: on average, from 10/24 - 10/30, there would've only been 812 cases/day in #BC (⬇️ 864, 10/17 - 10/23).

https://anarchodelphis.tumblr.com/BCWastewater 1/4

My frontlines interview with Donna Clark from #XRVancouver has finally uploaded.

I talk about why I'm at the blockades. I talk about the ecocide on my family's matriarch homelands. I talk about the devastating & longterm effects of the US invasion on Vietnam. I talk about how we need to protect/study/find more ancient forest medicines. I talk about colonialism & brutalities. I talk about my amazing resilient villager relations. I talk about how ecocide destroyed my matriarch village ways of life.

I also bring up the sellouts.

We were carpet bombed by #USA #racist terrorists. Fact.

Please take the time to listen to what I have to say. Thank you for those who care enough to listen to me & why I keep fighting for a better world - for all of us.


#DirectAction #ClimateAction #blockade #FairyCreekBlockade #Comrades #CorporateMercenaries #BritishColumbia #StopDeforestation #StopEcocide #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #VancouverIsland #PortRenfrew #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #Activists #Protest #TreesOverGreed #PNW #StandEarth #EcoJustice #AbolishRCMPCIRG #BCpoli #BCNewDeathParty #BCForestryReform #FuckTheBCGovernment #CDNpoli #BigotsWithBadges #KKKanada #ACAB #BritishColumbia #monochrome #ColonialResistance #FuckTheRCMP #AsianMastodon #TootSEA #ExtinctionRebellion

#RainbowNation #Resistance.

With #SisterFriends at frontlines. Warrior POC women against ongoing colonial ecocide. I had not slept for 3 days & had not bathed in 8 days at that time. I was chaining myself to bridge & other infrastructure for over a week. I had experienced over 50 RCMP CIRG raids by this time & refused to stop fighting back. We, war survivors, do not back down from colonial forces easily.

2021, from the frontlines.

#DirectAction #ClimateAction #blockade #FairyCreekBlockade #Comrades #CorporateMercenaries #BritishColumbia #StopDeforestation #StopEcocide #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #VancouverIsland #PortRenfrew #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #Activists #Protest #TreesOverGreed #PNW #StandEarth #EcoJustice #AbolishRCMPCIRG #BCpoli #BCNewDeathParty #BCForestryReform #FuckTheBCGovernment #CDNpoli #BigotsWithBadges #KKKanada #ACAB #BritishColumbia #monochrome #ColonialResistance #FuckTheRCMP #Frontliners #Solidarity #Decolonize
Me & Filipino comrade chained up with our Indigenous Pacheedaht sister-friend supporting.
Black and white photo.