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Beiträge, die mit PoliceViolence getaggt sind

Revolut°Permanente🚩 Etudiant hospitalisé : à l'IEP Strasbourg, les CRS répriment les étudiants mobilisés pour la Palestine: Ce 31 janvier, les étudiants de l'IEP de Strasbourg mobilisés pour la Palestine ont été réprimés… 🚩RP #Palestine #SolidaritéÉtudiante #Répression #IEPStrasbourg #PoliceViolence

Etudiant hospitalisé : à l'IEP...

Revolut°Permanente🚩 Etudiant hospitalisé : à l'IEP Strasbourg, les CRS répriment les étudiants mobilisés pour la Palestine: Ce 31 janvier, les étudiants de l'IEP de Strasbourg mobilisés pour la Palestine ont été réprimés par la police avec une brutalité inouïe, alors qu'ils bloquaient leur établissement. Un étudiant a été transféré en urgence à l'hôpital et plusieurs ont été blessés. Un… https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Etudiant-hospitalise-a-l-IEP-Strasbourg-les-CRS-repriment-les-etudiants-mobilises-pour-la-Palestine?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 🚩RP #Palestine #SolidaritéÉtudiante #Répression #IEPStrasbourg #PoliceViolence

Activists of @xr and other movements in Italy were brought to the police station for blocking a weapon-making company.

During their stay at the station, only activists identifying as women were asked to strip naked and squat.

This is appalling, these policemen have done this knowing there will be no consequences. Let's speak up against police violence!

#extinctionrebellion #policeviolence #StopGenocide

Probably shared by many, but another great video by @owenpeterjones!


I've studied #journalism and what now is happening (worldwide, not only .nl) is completely the opposite what journalists were trained for. What is going on!? I'm not a conspiracy person, but why does that happen all at once? Why exactly days after the re-election of #Trump? Why while Israel is finishing their ethnic cleansing of North-Gaza? Is this all related or just by accident? I don't know what to think anymore. Only that the capitalist #media overlords are completely claiming their influence now and that many journalists are complicit in this road to an authoritarian clusterfuck!

#Amsterdam #repression #Zionism #fascism #Haccabi #Israel #policeViolence #ManufacturedConsent #Halsema

After French police attacked protesters for protesting the street execution of a teen-ager of Algerian descent, new protests against police violence have been announced. The police have forbidden these protests.


Protest organiser Binem Pört responded to the police announcement with, "No problem. You can just shoot us. Find someone else to live in your racist country. Oh, but I forget."

#racism #France #policeviolence #parody #humor