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Beiträge, die mit MoMa getaggt sind

Die letzten 4 Tage Talkshows im ÖRR:

#Miosga mit Weidel
#hartaberfair mit Storch
#MoMa mit Chrupalla
Und heute Abend gleich noch einmal Chrupalla bei

Der ÖRR ist Teil des Problems.

Im #zdf #moma wird die neue #islamistische Gruppe, die in #Syrien die #Macht übernommen hat, als gemäßigt bezeichnet.
Weil die nämlich nicht so schlimm sind wie der #is
Die Vorbilder der neuen Machthaber sind #Hamas und #Taliban .
#Journalismus macht mich immer wieder sprachlos.

MOMA2 in Edinburgh

One of my favourite (permanent) exhibits, the Paolozzi Studio explanatory text in alt text and of course the caff.

#Moma #Edinburgh #Art #SelfMade
A very crowded art space with a bed!

The Paolozzi Studio
This is a recreation of the two
main London
where Eduardo Paolozzi lived and worked.
Paolozzi's gift
to the National Galleries of
Scotland consists of three thousand sculptures
(mostly plaster casts) and moulds, two thousand
prints and drawings, three thousand books and a
large collection of the artist's tools and materials,
toys, periodicals, scrapbooks, manuscripts,
photographs, and slides. The studio
reconstruction, conceived and carried out by the
National Galleries of Scotland in collaboration
with the artist and his assistant, contains most of
this material. The large studio table supports a
variety of media for sculpture, e.g. wax, plaster,
and bronze. The work stations on either side of the
entrance show paper-cutting for image-gathering
and collage. The space below the sleeping
platform houses the bulk of the artist's library, a
plan chest of prints, and an area for making
scrapbooks. The wooden boxes stacked around the
walls are full of small plaster elements that are
collaged together to make composite sculptures
and installations. Examples of Paolozzi's home-
made furniture, e.g. stools and plinths, are
interspersed throughout the room.
A view from the top of the GianT figure that looks down on the car

We had the chance to visit the ‘Women in Revolt’ exhibition at #MOMA in #Edinburgh yesterday - well worth a trip iff you have the time.


#Art #Society #Protest #Women #Scotland
One of the galleries at MOMA combining paintings, photographs and audio visual exhibitions
Poster, photo of Margret Thatcher with the title ‘MY MESSAGE TO THE WOMEN OF OUR NATION’ and a speech bubble that say Tough.
A hanging showing a figure with a shield, presumably a police office, a woman behind and the text ‘Thatchers Thugs, Orgreave 1984’
Some of the exhibits from the Anti racist movement - in this case two women holding a placard ‘Join the Scottish Anti-Racist Moveent’