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#blog #sicherheit #security #datenschutz #privacy #mastodon #newsletter #rss #matrix #signal #discourse #forum

Hey bloggers and #WebDev if you want readers, if you want to make it easy to share your new thing, seriously stop hiding your RSS feeds. If I can't find your RSS feed, I just won't bother with following you or reading future work from you. If I absolutely need a blog in my life I will hunt it down but you get 5 minutes. If you hidden it so well I can't find it, your publication will never be read or shared again by me unless it crosses my path again and the chances of that happening are far slimmer than you think. Make it easy to follow you. Make it easy to keep up with posts without giving you my email. At least 99% of the stuff I share comes from RSS feeds. If you want more readers, wave your RSS feed like a banner! #RSS #Blog #Blogging #IndieWeb

I really like this explanation of the changes @niemanlab's editor made in her news intake: cut out "reactions", shift to finite information flows (print but also online news before it is amplified). And RSS, of course:

"I’m rebuilding my RSS reader so at least I have to scan the headlines myself."

[DW: I would not support any Substack b/c they platform Nazis. I also avoid video & audio. I don't need the hype]

https://www.niemanlab.org/2024/11/im-a-journalist-and-im-changing-the-way-i-read-news-this-is-how/ #News #RSS #Journalism #Media #Newspaper #Publishing

I've created my #Blogroll page. It shows an incomplete list of some of the #blogs I like to read. If you want to add them to your #RSS reader (I use Feedly), download and import the corresponding #OPML file. I've also developed a simple plugin if you can use it to create your own Blogroll page 😉


He creado mi página de #Blogroll. En ella, se muestra una lista incompleta de algunos de los #blogs que me gusta leer. Si deseas agregarlos a tu lector #RSS (yo uso Feedly), descarga e importa el archivo #OPML correspondiente. También he desarrollado un plugin sencillito por si te sirve para crear tu propia página de Blogroll 😉


Blogs are the new #blogs… but there is a much more important tool called #RSS (Really Simple Syndication), as old as the blogosphere and that allows us to manage online content without distractions, tracking or algorithms.

I am writing here about RSS in connection with a magnificent article by Marta G. Franco @teclista


Los blogs son los nuevos #blogs… pero hay una herramienta mucho más importante llamada #RSS (Really Simple Syndication), tan antigua como la blogosfera y que nos permite gestionar contenido en línea sin distracciones, rastreo o algoritmos.

Escribo aquí, acerca del RSS a propósito de un magnífico artículo de Marta G. Franco @teclista


I've started a blog recently and I'm thinking it's probably worth having a page that explains what RSS is to help people get started.

Ideally I'd like to link to good resources where I can - are there any good pages out there that would be ideal for helping someone select their first RSS reader? Should ideally include free/FOSS options since I don't want to only point them to subscription services.

#blogs #rss #rssreader #rssrevival

Reminder that I write about a lot of stuff, blindness, life stuff, my author news. I never stick to 1 topic so if you wanna follow, my RSS feed is https://robertkingett.com/feed/ #RSS #Blog #IndieWeb

Si eres de los que piensa que el #blog y el #RSS (Really Simple Sindication) son la solución para distribuir y consumir contenido sin depender de las redes sociales tradicionales; o si has salido y huido del bosque oscuro que representan las plataformas comerciales y centralizadas, donde reinan los bots y los algoritmos, aquí hay una lista (actualizada) de artículos sobre blogs y #blogging


So Bsky finally implements a feature, #RSS feed, that #Mastodon has had for years.
I bet it feels good for them to suck just a little less.