Beiträge, die mit STOPTHEGENOCIDE getaggt sind
"Palestinian journalist shows Israel's destruction of Jenin refugee camp" [ ± 1min]
by MiddleEastEye
Quote by MEE:
"Feb 27, 2025
Israel's destructive raid of Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank has forced thousands of Palestinians to flee, many with nowhere to go.
With tanks stationed at the camp's outskirts and Israeli troops ordered to remain there for a year by the country's Defence Minister, Palestinians have been forbidden from returning to what remains of their homes.
Instead, as Barghouti reports, they have attempted to sneak in to gather what is left of their belongings, as much of the camp is now off limits. The raids are part of Israel's Operation "Iron Wall", a series of military assaults on cities across the occupied West Bank that first began during the Gaza ceasefire.
The operation has killed 70 people, according to Israel's military. It has also left several refugee camps across the occupied territory in ruins.
#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus
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It's not just the one, it speaks to the genocidal atmosphere in Israel.
""Kill ALL MEN In Gaza": Netanyahu Ally's Genocidal Demand Gets No Media Coverage" [14:13 min]
by Owen Jones [ Feb 25, 2025}
#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus
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Utrecht Student Encampment, Utrecht University Staff for Palestine, and more (source)‼️📢 DEMONSTRATE WITH US NEXT TUESDAY (4th of March) 📢‼️
⏰ Leave your classes at 9:30!
📍Meet us in front of the Bestuursgebouw in Science Park (Heidelberglaan 8) at 10:00 for a demonstration against our university’s continued complicity in genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing.
🥗 Free (vegan) lunch will be provided!
As the Zionist entity continues breaching the ceasefire in Palestine and Lebanon, we call on all students and staff of UU to take a stance! Come listen to speeches and poetry, and make your voices heard!
⏰ Verlaat je lessen om 9:30!
📍Ontmoet ons voor het Bestuursgebouw in Science Park (Heidelberglaan 8) om 10:00 voor een demonstratie tegen de voortdurende medeplichtigheid van onze universiteit aan genocide, apartheid en etnische zuivering.
🥗 Er wordt gratis (veganistische) lunch verzorgd!
Terwijl de zionistische entiteit de wapenstilstand in Palestina en Libanon blijft schenden, roepen we alle studenten en medewerkers van de UU op om te zich te verzetten! Kom luisteren naar toespraken, poëzie, en laat je stem horen!
"Why is no-one reporting this?" [ ± 1min]
by OwenJones [Feb 25, 2025]
#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus
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Palestinians are being set-up. CeaseFire was a #Hoax.
The violence and destruction is not going to stop.
Not as long as #Netanyahu is running free.
"Netanyahu: Israel 'ready to resume fighting' in Gaza" [ ± 1min]
by MiddleEastEye
Quote by MEE:
"Feb 24, 2025
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that Israel was "prepared to resume intense fighting at any moment" and vowed to achieve the war’s objectives of eliminating Hamas, whether through negotiation or "other means."
His comments come after Israel delayed the scheduled release of over 600 Palestinian prisoners following Hamas' return of six captives on Saturday, marking the final exchange under the first phase of the ceasefire agreement.
Netanyahu has stalled talks on phase two, which would require an Israeli military withdrawal from Gaza, instead pledging to return and eliminate Hamas’ capabilities entirely.
After 16 months of failing to achieve this, it remains unclear how the prime minister intends to do so now. Meanwhile, many in Israeli society are urging him to advance to phase two to secure the release of the remaining captives. Support stories that matter."
#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus
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“Het naleven van internationaal recht is geen gunst, het is een verplichting."
De weerstand tegen haar bezoek geeft pijnlijk weer dat het Nederlandse kabinet geen informatie wíl ontvangen die bevestigt wat mensenrechtenorganisaties allang duidelijk maken:
Israël pleegt oorlogsmisdaden.
Sta op tegen het meewerken van de Nederlandse politiek aan de onderdrukking van de bevolking van Palestina.
A young #Palestinian woman and her injured child.
Delft Student Intifada (source)The Delft Student Intifada has planned a sit-in to protest TU Delft's continued complicity in the Genocide of Palestinians! We also want to draw attention to the numerous ceasefire violations and the endless oppression, slaughter and dehumanization Palestinians are facing at the hands of the Zionist Entity.
Join us!
Art Credit: ⒹⒾⓃⒺⓁⓁⒾ
Caitlin Johnstone
#EthnicCleansing #Genocide #GenocideJoe #GenocideDonny #Trump #Israel #Palestine #FreePalestine #StopTheGenocide #USPolitics
The Plan To Ethnically Cleanse Gaza Didn't Start With Trump
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative MatrixCaitlin Johnstone (Caitlin’s Newsletter)
These two siblings' names were Oday and Huda Al Bass. In 2024 they were #MURDEREDbyIsrael. Their bodies are still under the rubble in #Gaza.
#Israel #Jews #NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide #StopArmingGenocide #StopTheArmsTrade #StopIsrael #FreePalestine
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Bodies could well be buried under that rubble - buried alive last year.
Somewhere in #Gaza on the way to #Jabalia and #Rafah. Photo by Ramy Abdul via X.
A #Palestinian girl waits for food.
A destroyed neighborhood somewhere in Gaza.
A destroyed neighborhood somewhere in Gaza.
Somewhere in Gaza.
A #Palestinian boy reading the #Quran.
📅 Thursday, 16th January 2025
⏰ 6 PM
Join us for a silent sit-in to stand in solidarity with Palestine. Bring a sign, a word, a poem, or just your presence to resist injustice and call for freedom.
We are speechless. At the ease with which people continue to look away while Palestinian lives are totally destroyed. For the upcoming sit-in, we invite you to gather in silence. Bring a sign with a statement, a sentiment, a poem, a word, the Palestinian flag, etc. There will also be materials on site to make a sign. We call on passersby to sit in silence with us to resist the ongoing genocide caused by Israel, and supported by the Netherlands.
Note: The ground is cold. You might want to bring a cushion or a chair.
Utrecht for Palestine (source)
C’è un po' di Italia tra i sanguinari protagonisti della campagna di sterminio della popolazione di #Gaza avviata dal regime #Netanyahu
"Parlate della mafia. Parlatene alla radio, in televisione, sui giornali. Però parlatene." [Paolo Borsellino] Profile: (Nuddu 'mbiscatu cu nenti)YouTube
This little baby-girl's name was Badriah Salah. In 2024 she was #MurderedbyIsrael
Some of the last buildings standing in Gaza City. Photo by Mahdi Alashab via X.
Gaza. Totally destroyed Beit Hanoun.
Evoluzione delle collaborazioni militari tra Italia-UE e Israele
C’è un po' di Italia tra i sanguinari protagonisti della campagna di sterminio della popolazione palestinese della Striscia di Gaza avviata dal regime di Benjamin Netanyahu & C.. E’ l’Italia del complesso militare-industriale, finanziario,Antonio Mazzeo (
Gazan refugee camp. Photo by paramedic Abdulaziz Mohammed via X.
Somewhere and everywhere Gaza.
A #Palestinian woman holds her child who has just passed away. #MurderedbyIsrael #picturesthatdontneedcaptions
Gazan district #Jabalia completely destroyed.
Gaza houses and buildings destroyed.
Photo by Motasem Al Dalloul via X.
Most of Gaza is destroyed.
Photo by Motasem Al Dalloul via X.
A #Palestinian man in mourning, next to the bodies of his loved ones. #MurderedbyIsrael #picturesthatdontneedcaptions
A little #Palestinian girl next to the bodies of her family members. Her eyes are asking us "WHY?" #MurderedbyIsrael #picturesthatdontneedcaptions
A #Palestinian family - the bodies of a father and his four children. #MurderedbyIsrael #picturesthatdontneedcaptions
Three wounded and traumatized Palestinian children, a baby, and their mother who survived an #Israeli attack but lost their father.
#StoptheGenocide #Palestine
Cold and rainy #winter in a #warzone - a little Gazan boy without shoes.
Cold and rainy #winter in a #warzone - a little Gazan girl without shoes in front of her family's tent.
#Cold and rainy #winter in a #warzone - a Gazan boy without shoes, without a warm jacket, without a home, without family, without schooling, without a normal childhood, without a life perspective.