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Beiträge, die mit STOPTHEGENOCIDE getaggt sind

The ABC has been either silent on the atrocities in Palestine, or only giving the Israeli view. Now, with the unlikely ceasefire, they speak. The cowardly view of our government has allowed this.
Bodies could well be buried under that rubble - buried alive last year.

Jan 16
Sit-In Utrecht for Palestine
Do 18:00
Todon Acties
📍 Utrecht Central Station
📅 Thursday, 16th January 2025
⏰ 6 PM

Join us for a silent sit-in to stand in solidarity with Palestine. Bring a sign, a word, a poem, or just your presence to resist injustice and call for freedom.

We are speechless. At the ease with which people continue to look away while Palestinian lives are totally destroyed. For the upcoming sit-in, we invite you to gather in silence. Bring a sign with a statement, a sentiment, a poem, a word, the Palestinian flag, etc. There will also be materials on site to make a sign. We call on passersby to sit in silence with us to resist the ongoing genocide caused by Israel, and supported by the Netherlands.

Note: The ground is cold. You might want to bring a cushion or a chair.

Utrecht for Palestine (source)

#stopthegenocide - Evoluzione delle collaborazioni militari tra #Italia-UE e #Israele #freepalestine
C’è un po' di Italia tra i sanguinari protagonisti della campagna di sterminio della popolazione di #Gaza avviata dal regime #Netanyahu https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCIqnL3o-fjsG7DyuvCfDpg/community?lb=Ugkx_fBzjlXgdlfIYUFBxloxc9oXfS3DKmj1

#stopthegenocide #freepalestine- Evoluzione delle collaborazioni militari tra Italia-UE e #Israele. C’è un po' di Italia tra i sanguinari protagonisti della campagna di sterminio della popolazione palestinese della Striscia di #Gaza

Jan 11
candlelight vigil for the martyrs of Palestine
Sa 18:00 - 20:00
Todon Acties
Wake voor de doden in Palestina

Statement from the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, condemning the deliberate destruction of the healthcare system in #Gaza by the #IDF

#StoptheGenocide #Palestine

#stopthegenocide #Gaza, perchè l'Italia ha le mani sporche del sangue palestinese: intervista al giornalista e scrittore Antonio Mazzeo #israel #freepalestine #leonardo #military https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMIqdOhZMfE&t=5s

#stopthegenocide - Il #calcio-genocidio di #Israele contro il popolo palestinese #freepalastine
Dal 7 ottobre 2023 le forze armate di Tel Aviv hanno assassinato a #Gaza più di 350 calciatori e oltre 400 atleti di cui 91 minori di età.https://antoniomazzeoblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/il-calcio-genocidio-di-israele-contro.html


The real #Jesus wouldn't want to celebrate his birthday while children are being murdered in #Gaza.


(#painting by Maram Ali.)