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Beiträge, die mit Socks getaggt sind

⛄Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 01/2025 - Title:
🟡 "Lucy is a reluctant herald of
frivolity and light" 🐕
🔴 "Lucy ist eine widerwillige
Verkünderin von Frivolität und
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Artist #SidewalkChalk #Dog #Fancydress #Socks #Antennae
Streetart.A dog in a smart outfit has been drawn in chalk on a gray sidewalk.  The slightly disgruntled-looking beige-colored dog is wearing pink socks on his feet and a headband with flashing lights on his head. Title: "Lucy is a reluctant herald of frivolity and light."

Bah, holes aside (what is WITH that anyway!) I guess it's a heel and it turns, so qualifies as a heel turn, right? #knitting #socks# #noob
Heel turn on a pair of knitted,socks