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Beiträge, die mit opendata getaggt sind

#Israel soll diese Woche #Atom -Anlagen im #Iran zerstört haben. Ich habe keine näheren Infos, aber grundsätzlich muss man davon ausgehen, dass dadurch radioaktives Material freigesetzt wurde. Was genau, wieviel und ob davon sogar bei uns was ankommen könnte, ist nicht leicht zu ermitteln.
Neben dem BfS gibts auch Leute, die einfache Gammaspektrometer daheim haben, wie ich.

Weiß jemand wie ich meine Messwerte einfach öffentlich zur Verfügung stellen kann?

#opendata #crowdscience #atomwaffen

"The CFPB economists used a very conservative methodology, so the number is likely higher, but let's stick with that figure for now. The switching costs of changing banks – determining which bank has the best deal for you, then transfering over your account histories, cards, payees, and automated bill payments – are costing everyday Americans more than half a billion dollars, every year.

Now, the CFPB wasn't gathering this data just to make you mad. They wanted to do something about all this money – to find a way to lower switching costs, and, in so doing, transfer all that money from bank shareholders and executives to the American public.

And that's just what they did. A newly finalized Personal Financial Data Rights rule will allow you to authorize third parties – other banks, comparison shopping sites, brokers, anyone who offers you a better deal, or help you find one – to request your account data from your bank. Your bank will be required to provide that data.

I loved this rule when they first proposed it:"


#SwitchingCosts #USA #Banking #Banks #FinancialData #Interoperability #OpenData

Using the #Lichess database Giordano de Marzo and Vito Servedio have explored a new #chess opening classification based on how often the openings appear in the same repertoire. The results are recently published on @Nature : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-31658-w

With #opendata we can do amazing things!


I helped get the UK Government to open up a little bit more of its data.

Here's the complete list of every .gov.uk domain name.

No weird formats - just a plain CSV 😀

#OpenData #OpenGovernment

I am looking for a map of bars and restaurants indicating whether they allow #smoking or not. (In #Saxony indoor smoking in bars is sadly still possible). #OSM does not seem to have tons of data in #Leipzig. Any pointers to #opendata about that? https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1sJA