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RSS, Newsletter oder Social Media: Immer informiert über neue Beiträge • IT-Sicherheit & Datenschutz aus
"I’m rebuilding my RSS reader so at least I have to scan the headlines myself."
[DW: I would not support any Substack b/c they platform Nazis. I also avoid video & audio. I don't need the hype] #News #RSS #Journalism #Media #Newspaper #Publishing
I’m a journalist and I’m changing the way I read news. This is how.
Sometimes it's healthy to do something you love less, and differently.Nieman Lab
My blogroll - Blogpocket
I have created the Blogroll page. It shows an incomplete list of some of the blogs I like to read. This list is not definitive and changes over time.Blogpocket
Mi blogroll - Blogpocket
He creado la página Blogroll. En ella, se muestra una lista incompleta de algunos de los blogs que me gusta leer. Esta lista no es definitiva y va cambiando con el tiempo.Blogpocket
I am writing here about RSS in connection with a magnificent article by Marta G. Franco @teclista
Getting back to something really simple - Blogpocket
Blogs are the new blogs… but there is a much more important tool called RSS (Really Simple Syndication), as old as the blogosphere and that allows us to manage online content without distractions, tracking or algorithms. Marta G.Blogpocket
Escribo aquí, acerca del RSS a propósito de un magnífico artículo de Marta G. Franco @teclista
Marta (
1.29K Posts, 1.18K Following, 2.09K Followers · Cuento historias, hago redes e intento que internet sea un lugar habitable. Tengo un alter ego que se llama Formo parte de
Ideally I'd like to link to good resources where I can - are there any good pages out there that would be ideal for helping someone select their first RSS reader? Should ideally include free/FOSS options since I don't want to only point them to subscription services.
#blogs #rss #rssreader #rssrevival
¿Blogs? Sí, por supuesto - Blogpocket
Las emisiones digitales de esta publicación se estiman entre 0,009 gr. y 0,169 gr. de CO2 por página vista. Si eres de los que piensa que el blog y el RSSBlogpocket