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Beiträge, die mit ISRAËL getaggt sind

Israeli violations of ceasefire

Including blocking the release of 620 Palestinian prisoners supposed to be freed on Saturday.


📰 Hamas: Eerst Palestijnse gevangenen vrijlaten, daarna pas gesprekken over permanent staakt-het-vuren


🕐 00:47 | RTL Nieuws
🔸 #Vrijgelaten #Gevangenen #StaaktHetVuren #Hamas #Israel

Israel sent tanks into the occupied West Bank for the first time in more than 20 years on Sunday as it ordered the military to prepare for an "extended stay." https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/02/24/world/israel-tanks-west-bank-extended-stay/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #middleeast #israel #gaza #israelhamaswar #palestinians #hamas #benjaminnetanyahu #iran #lebanon #hezbollah


"Israel sends tanks into West Bank for first time in decades, says fleeing Palestinians can’t return"


"Israel is deepening its crackdown on the Palestinian territory and has said it is determined to stamp out militancy amid a rise in attacks."


🌍 ■ Beirut marcha con ira y luto en el funeral de Nasrallah bajo el rugido de aviones israelíes ■ El líder histórico de Hizbulá, fue asesinado el pasado 27 de septiembre en un ataque aéreo de Israel contra Dahye, en los suburbios meridionales de la capital libanesa.

#hizbula #global #israel #libia #beirut
Llegada de los féretros al funeral por el líder de Hizbulá, Hassan Nasrallah, celebrado este domingo en Beirut. (Thaier Al-Sudani)

Human rights scholar Birju Dattani was forced to resign as Canada’s Chief Human Rights Commissioner following a pro-Israel smear campaign. His case reveals how false charges of antisemitism are used to silence support for Palestinian rights.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

Ami Dar: "Even now, in the middle of the worst moment since 1948, there are groups of Palestinians and Israelis working to forge a future together. Because there's no other future. Any word or action that helps these people move forward is good. Anything that pulls us apart is bad." #Israel #Gaza

Israeli tanks enter West Bank for first time in decades as minister says Palestinians can't return

Israel sent tanks into the West Bank city of Jenin on Sunday in the first offensive of its kind in the area in more than two decades. Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz said troops would remain in parts of the territory for a year, and that the tens of thousands of [...]


#Palestine #PalestineNews #Israel #IsraelNews #IsraeliPalestinianConflict #News

https://www.europesays.com/1868903/ Iran condemns Israel’s ‘act of terrorism’ during funeral of Hezbollah leaders #Conflicts #Israel
Iran condemns Israel’s ‘act of terrorism’ during funeral of Hezbollah leaders

🔰 #ConflictoEnOrienteMedio

Las fuerzas armadas israelíes “realizaron un ataque en el cruce fronterizo entre #Siria y #Líbano por el cual la organización terrorista «Hezbolá» intentó contrabandear armas a Líbano”, según comunicó el mando militar israelí, quien sostiene que “estos intentos de contrabando son una abierta violación del acuerdo entre #Israel y Líbano”, firmado en noviembre del 2024.

El Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos confirmó el incidente.

🔰 #ConflictoEnOrienteMedio

#Israel retrasará la excarcelación de prisioneros palestinos en la medida en que «Hamas» no asegure la liberación de los próximos rehenes, tal y como estaba acordado entre ambas partes a mediados de enero del 2025. Al mismo tiempo, Tel Aviv exige que la organización político-militar deje de realizar “ceremonias humillantes” que “degradan la dignidad” de los propios rehenes y de sus seres queridos.

An Händen und Füßen gefesselt, Hunger leidend, in dunklen Tunneln ausharrend: Mehr als 500 Tage wurden israelische Geiseln von der Hamas festgehalten. Nach ihrer Freilassung schildern Angehörige ihr Martyrium.#Hamas #Israel #Gazastreifen #Nahost #Israel-Gaza-Krieg

CUNY professors union does 180 on plan to boycott Israel after supposed voting ‘irregularities’ https://www.byteseu.com/772107/ #antisemitism #cuny #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #Metro #Politics #TeachersUnion #USNews
CUNY professors union does 180 on plan to boycott Israel after supposed voting 'irregularities'

Gaza ceasefire latest: Hamas ‘strongly condemns’ decision to postpone prisoner release over ‘humiliating’ hostage handovers | World News https://www.byteseu.com/772087/ #Conflicts #Israel
Three of the Israeli hostages on stage in Gaza as they are handed over by Hamas on Saturday. Pic: Reuters

🌍 ■ Hamás no retomará las negociaciones con Israel hasta que libere a los presos palestinos ■ La milicia palestina insta a los mediadores a que obliguen al régimen de Netanyahu a cumplir el acuerdo.

#global #israel #gaza #hamas
Miembros de Hamás durante un intercambio de presos (Anadolu via Getty Images)

LIVE: Israel tanks roll into West Bank as Palestinians told not to return – Al Jazeera English https://www.byteseu.com/772083/ #Conflicts #Gaza #Hamas #Israel #IsraelAttacksLebanon #IsraelPalestineConflict #MiddleEast #News #OccupiedWestBank #Palestine #Syria
LIVE: Israel tanks roll into West Bank as Palestinians told not to return - Al Jazeera English

Tens of thousands of people gathered near Beirut to pay their respects to Hezbollah's slain leader Hassan Nasrallah, nearly five months after he was killed in an Israeli airstrike. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/02/23/world/hezbollahs-nasrallah-funeral/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #hezbollah #hassannasrallah #lebanon #israel #gaza #hamas #mideast #hashemsafieddine

Ende des Liveblogs

Damit schließen wir den Liveblog für heute. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse.

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-240.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Ende-des-Liveblogs
🕤 23.02. 21:40 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Hisbollah-Chef Nasrallah im Libanon beigesetzt

Der von Israel vor fünf Monaten getötete Hisbollah-Anführer Hassan Nasrallah ist in einem Vorort der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut beigesetzt worden. Das bestätigte die Schiiten-Miliz der Nachrichtenagentur dpa. Nach einer Zeremonie in Libanons größtem Stadion wurde der Sarg im Rahmen einer Prozession an seine finale Ruhestätte gebracht. Auf Live-Aufnahmen des Hisbo…

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-240.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Hisbollah-Chef-Nasrallah-im-Libanon-beigesetzt
🕤 23.02. 21:30 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

US-Gesandter zu Trumps Gaza-Plänen: "Teufel steckt im Detail"

Der US-Sondergesandte für den Nahen Osten, Steve Witkoff, lässt die Rückkehr der Palästinenser in den Gazastreifen im Zusammenhang mit den umstrittenen Umsiedlungsplänen von US-Präsident Donald Trump offen. Der Teufel stecke im Detail, sagte Witkoff im US-Fernsehen auf eine entsprechende Nachfrage. "Ich bin mir nicht sicher, o…

🔗 https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/gazastreifen-trump-forderungen-einordnung-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-240.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#US-Gesandter-zu-Trumps-Gaza-Plaenen-Teufel-steckt-im-Detail
🕤 23.02. 21:35 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Der Waffenstillstand zwischen Israel und der Hamas im Gazastreifen wackelt. Nun weitet das israelische Militär seine Operationen im Westjordanland aus. Palästinenser-Vertreter warnen vor einer Eskalation.#Israel #Westjordanland #Gazastreifen #Hamas #MahmoudAbbas

📰 Voor het eerst sinds 2002 weer Israëlische tanks op Westelijke Jordaanoever


🕣 20:37 | RTL Nieuws
🔸 #Jordaanoever #Israel

#Israel says West Bank operation will last for a year as it sends tanks to Jenin - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/feb/23/israel-west-bank-jenin-tanks having wiped out #gaza, time to do the same to West Bank...

Carte Blanche : L'impunité d'Israël et la responsabilité de l'UE https://www.clp-kvd.org/2025/02/carte-blanche-limpunite-disrael-et-la-responsabilite-de-lue/ #CLP-KVD, #Gaza, #Génocide, #Israel, #Palestine, #UnionEuropéenne

Der Waffenstillstand zwischen Israel und der Hamas im Gazastreifen wackelt. Nun weitet das israelische Militär seine Operationen im Westjordanland aus. Palästinenser-Vertreter warnen vor einer Eskalation.#Israel #Westjordanland #Gazastreifen #Hamas #MahmoudAbbas

Ethnic cleansing of the West Bank in course.

New York Times | The Israeli military operation across several West Bank cities has displaced roughly 40,000 Palestinians from their homes, in what experts say is the biggest displacement of civilians in the territory since the Arab-Israeli war of 1967.

#Palestine #Israel


Huge crowds attend funeral for slain terrorist leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah


Chanting "Death to Israel" and "Death to America," the mourners packed the Camille Chamoun Sports City stadium and the surrounding streets since the morning hours to pay tribute to Nasrallah and his cousin and successor Hashem Safieddine, who was also killed by Israel.


https://www.europesays.com/1868631/ l’armée israélienne annonce relever son « niveau d’alerte opérationnelle » autour de Gaza #Israel
l’armée israélienne annonce relever son « niveau d’alerte opérationnelle » autour de Gaza

LIVE: Israel tanks roll into West Bank as Palestinians told not to return | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Israeli army says it increased ‘military readiness’ around Gaza
- What is happening in the occupied West Bank?
- Israeli army strikes Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon
- New ‘Nakba’ fears grow as Israel ramps up occupied West Bank assault
- ‘Dangerous Israeli escalation will not lead to stability’

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

Who is like your nation, Israel? https://www.byteseu.com/771797/ #Israel
Who is like your nation, Israel?

Israel ready to resume Gaza war, PM warns after truce delay | World News https://www.byteseu.com/771782/ #Conflicts #GazaTruce #Hamas #Israel #MilitaryOperations #Netanyahu
Middle East latest: Israelis and Palestinians mark 500 days of war in Gaza with more uncertainty | World News