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Beiträge, die mit AUSPol getaggt sind

#TheConversation #auspol Hugh Marks is the new managing director of the ABC. Is he the right person for the job? Read more…https://theconversation.com/hugh-marks-is-the-new-managing-director-of-the-abc-is-he-the-right-person-for-the-job-246124

Only protest within the lines at approved times. Obey all instructions from superiors while doing so.


#springst #auspol

KPMG Australia donated $163,200 in 2022-23. That was $83,540 to Labor and $79,660 to the Coalition. {3943} #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/PoliticalDonations/) #auspol

Federal Parliament really needs to weigh in on Building standards and EVs, otherwise it will become a dramatic drag on the emissions reduction from personal transport.

Inability to ‘Charge at home’ significantly changes the affordability and financial incentive of EV uptake.
Most of the claims is also fear mongering.
#AusPol #AusBiz

“#Labor increases #ABC funding and moves to legislate five-year financing terms”.

#journalism #auspol


The last ABC CEO came from News Corp, and the next one will come from Nine. Is it still an independent national broadcaster? #auspol #media #ausmedia


The Coalition’s nuclear energy plan takes a sharp turn away from a cheaper, cleaner future | Simon Holmes à Court | The Guardian #AusPol


Can you please shut down the embassy of criminal, genocidal #Israel in Australia preemptively, Elbow? https://www.smh.com.au/world/middle-east/israel-to-close-irish-embassy-citing-extreme-anti-israel-policies-20241216-p5kyk3.html #BDS #ICJ4Israel #auspol

'Israeli forces killed at least 69 people in the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours, including in four attacks targeting schools ...'

Call in the Israeli ambassador and boot a dozen diplomatic staff.

If any other country were pulling this shit, we would have closed their embassy, bulldozed it and sold off the land for humanitarian aid.



#gaza #palestine #israel #auspol

#nuclear #renewableenergy #energy #auspol

we experience high risk bushfires - do people want nuclear plants on fire leaking radioactivity
yes France has relied on nuclear power and it’s been great for them as they don’t have coal or oil but they don’t often talk about the massive fish kills in the Loire valley when some cooling towers leaked
nuclear energy needs lots of water which #australia doesn’t have much of

A great summary of the comically disproportionate response to so-called, 'social cohesion' issues that threaten to supercharge the very issues it it seeks to mitigate. And just who is in charge in #Australia , and what are they trying to achieve?

"It doesn’t help when Benjamin Netanyahu and Isaac Herzog can take their time out of their busy days rendering mass death onto Gaza, Lebanon and Syria to interfere in a Victorian state domestic police investigation, only to denigrate a sovereign elected Federal Leader for unleashing terror on the Jewish community, when police haven’t even identified the perpetrators or revealed the motive. While Islamic school busses and Sikh Temples burn in ‘arson’ attacks, perpetrated by hateful and extreme elements in our society, the double standards become clear, and moderate Australians from both side of the political isle question why Zionists have our elected officials by the short and curlies. "
"For over a year, the world has been frozen in a tragic state, as the most brutal repression of human life in recent memory is inflicted on the people of Gaza and the West Bank, Lebanon and Syria, and beyond. As the heavy-handed response to an act of terror more than a year ago rapidly shifted into genocidal action of territorial expansion and biblically charged revenge, so too has shifted the majority public opinion of the human race, including the majority of Australians. The Murdoch’s, Dutton’s and pro-Israel ‘charities’ of the country want to create an Australia that hasn’t existed before. The callousness on display, the sociopathic efforts to prop up a genocide - are incompatible with the Australian DNA - and the dark edicts spun from their ivory towers are disturbing to us all."

#auspol #Gaza #Israel #Genocide


If Peter Dutton, David Littleproud & the Qld LNP get control of Australia I'll disappear into the Daintree. Crocs will chew on me a bit but I'll still trust them more than those 2. #auspol

Remember when the Coalition said they could do the NBN for half the price that Labor could do it? Remember how that turned out? (Hint: Crappy NBN that was no cheaper than the better network proposed by Labor)

I’m getting echoes of that with their latest bullshit “costings” for their #nuclear non-plan.

Roll up, roll up, for “Dutton’s famous snake oil”


If Labor and the Coalition gave racism against First Nations' peoples the same attention and treatment they do antisemitism we might be able to start confronting some of the worst aspects of Australia.

Instead they wilfully ignore at best, dogwistle, encourage and participate at worst.


During the galling tenure of madmonk as Oppo leader, then the truly ghastly period of his PMship [& no, i still can't believe it either], some clever peep created a browser extension that replaced all website pictures of madmonk with a cat. It worked surprisingly well. I did not uninstall this extension til the bastard actually lost his seat.

As i am fed up with nowadays seeing pics of the poisonous potato everywhere, i just did a search to see if there might be a similar extension; alas no. This seems to be a clear market failure!

#AusPol #VoteGreens #ProgIndies #WhyIsLabor #FsckOffDutton #ClimateCrisis #WeAreTotallyFscked #WomensRights

Welcome good news 👇
“Australia will soon seal an agreement with a group of Western nations to END PUBLIC SUBSIDIES for fossil fuel export projects, drying up a key source of finance for new oil, gas and coal fields.” 👏
#climatechange #fossilfuels
Australia’s decision to formally end financial support for international projects raises pressure on major trading parties such as South Korea & Japan to do the same."
#advertising #marketing
(Why is Labor so shit at publicising their wins?
#auspol #australia #politics #government
They need to flood #media & #socialmedia with memes like the right wing do. Use the allegedly non- partisan Topham Guerin agency)


Gasbagging. News Corp steps up the hot air, ignores the gas facts - Michael West #AusPol


Ross Vasta claimed $115,293 in expenses over the last 4 reported quarters. #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

CRYPTOLOC TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD donated $82,220 in 2022-23. That was $72,220 to Labor and $10,000 to the Coalition. {2861} #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/PoliticalDonations/) #auspol

Thanks to the worldwide information accessible via social media, I can say without fear of contradiction that we (Australians 🇦🇺) have the best electoral system in the world.

And yet, we still have bloody awful pissweak politicians occupying the seats in our parliament.

#AusPol #Labor #LNP

As to be expected, retiring electoral commissioner praises his independent organisation and Australia's electoral system. He's not wrong.



We don't have universal health care in Australia because we're socialist. We have it because we're a society.


#auspol #australia #election2025 #teals #greens #liberal #labor #dutton #climatechange #climatecrisis

I’ve been holding back on this, but can’t anymore.
It appears Peter Dutton has made his battle lines for the next election and it’s based on the premise that voters care more about the cost-of-living that they do about the climate crisis.
To begin with the LNP have ‘no’ credible policies on either.
Their energy policy is based future nuclear power plants but years ahead on the distant horizon with the need to build more coal fired plants to get us to there - no renewables. I can’t describe how dumb and destructive that idea is. Not only will it result in very expensive electricity for everyone - households and business, it will drive up the CoL, inflation, emissions, environmental destruction, pollution and require billions more in taxpayer subsidies.
Now we have them as the party going to lower the CoL - but the problem is the coalition has ‘no’ credible policies on this - they have no answers. Can you imagine the LNP making large corporations reduce their profits, or make fossil fuel companies pay their fair share; as an eg.
They have always claimed they are better stewards of the economy; but what we are getting from Dutton is disastrous for the economy.
They had 10 years in office until 2022 and left behind a trail of destruction - now they are offering worse.
No - Peter Dutton’s campaign strategy is totally negative and will blame everything on his opponents in an attempt to do a Donald Trump play by enraging one group of citizens against the govt of the day - ‘but’ like the Republicans - have zero policies


Dutton spouts incoherent nonsense:

Peter Dutton defends
by claiming that rooftop solar cannot charge EVs and household batteries at the same time. How wrong and ignorant can you be?

Let’s pass the hat around and give the collected sum to the first alleged journalist who can type the word “lie”.



If IDF are being refused visas for Australia on the grounds of their active service in genocidal #Israel's war criminal forces, excellent. https://www.jewishpress.com/news/jewish-news/antisemitism-news/israeli-citizens-denied-australia-visa-after-asked-about-idf-war-crimes/2024/12/12/ #auspol

Zionists don’t like people protesting against genocide.

That is why you shouldn’t let your friends become zionists.


#auspol #genocide #palestine

Extending coal power & mining more gas is the ultimate goal of the nuclear energy wooden horse. David Crisafulli has already extended the life of Qld's stations for Peter Dutton in preparation. Big roadblock is Senate support to repeal the ban. #auspol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-12/dutton-nuclear-costings-coal-to-operate-longer/104719722

Mike Freelander claimed $103,339 in expenses over the last 4 reported quarters. #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

the #lnp strategy should be attributed to Hitler’s Mein Kampf - where I think it’s outlined in detail. #auspol #neoliberalism #politics #strategy
Dutton head shot with the words - If you’re gonna lie make it a big one.

Experts raise concerns as Peter Dutton unveils costings of nuclear plan

Michael McCormack is 90.02% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

Former Liberal Party staffer Bruce Lehrmann has had an indictment, alleging two counts of rape, presented to Toowoomba District Court. He has not entered a plea at this stage & was not required to appear. Matter will be heard again on 23 Jan 2025. #auspol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-12/bruce-lehrmann-rape-charges-indictment-qld-toowoomba-court/104716668

Aussies with HECS/HELP or recently paid it off: the ATO is now processing the new Indexation rate for 2023 and 2024 and will SMS you if it's applied a credit to your account. If you've paid off your debt after 2023 or 2024 Indexing, the credit will be sent to the bank account you used for your tax return and will show in 3-5 business days.

This might seem small to some and not enough to others, but the fact that it happened is huge and sets a big precedent. #auspol #australia

Coalition's nuclear energy costing assumes ban repealed from all jurisdictions & 7 reactors at coal power stations. David Crisafulli can hand Qld ones to a Dutton-Littleproud govt but the private ones need purchasing or forceful acquisition. #auspol https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/dec/13/peter-dutton-nuclear-costings-coalition-power-policy-plan-australia