Beiträge, die mit haïti getaggt sind
(Black Liberation Media formerly known as Black Power Media.)
#Palestine #Haiti #Senegal #BurkinaFaso #Sudan #YearInReview
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'Democracy and freedom': Jimmy Carter's human rights work in Latin America
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter defied the furor of U.S. conservatives to negotiate the handover of the Panama Canal to Panamanian control.Leticia Pineda (The Japan Times)
10 World Conflicts Trump Will Take On in 2025 - EUROPE SAYS
As the countdown to a tumultuous year winds down with just three weeks until President-elect Donald Trump returnsEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
10 World Conflicts Trump Will Take On in 2025 - EUROPE SAYS
As the countdown to a tumultuous year winds down with just three weeks until President-elect Donald Trump returnsEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Photograph: Jean Feguens Regala/AP
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Raoul Peck raconte Ernest Cole, le photographe de l’apartheid - Bondy Blog
Une histoire d’art, d’exil et de politique. Ce 25 décembre sort le biopic d’Ernest Cole, un photographe sud-africain qui s’est fait connaître en exposant les horreurs de l’Apartheid. Ce film documentaire réalisé par Raoul Peck retrace sa vie.Ambre Couvin (Bondy Blog)
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This is not something we do everywhere every day, particularly when it involves a country like Haiti with a troubled history of past UN missions.
So, in my Daily Brief today, I go through our reasoning.
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Countering Collapse in Haiti
Human Rights Watch is calling on the UN Security Council to authorize and deploy a full-fledged UN mission to #Haiti urgently. This is not something @hrw does everywhere every day. In his Daily Brief, @astroehlein explains HRW’s reasoning…Human Rights Watch
Haiti gang kills 110 people leader accused of witchcraft
A gang leader reportedly ordered the killings after his son came down with a "mystery illness".Vanessa Buschschlüter (BBC News)
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than 100 killed.
#crime #violence #justice #Haiti
Gang leader in Haiti accused of massacring older people to avenge son's death
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than …CTVNews
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than 100 killed.
#crime #violence #politics #Haiti
Gang leader in Haiti accused of massacring older people to avenge son's death
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than …CTVNews
Nach Hexerei-Vorwurf: Mindestens 110 Tote bei Massaker in Elendsviertel in Haiti
Bei einem weiteren Fall extremer Gewalt in Haiti hat ein Gangführer ältere Menschen mit Messern massakrieren lassen. Ein Voodoo-Priester hatte diese zuvor beschuldigt, ein Kind verhext zu haben.Der Tagesspiegel
Human Rights Watch makes the case in a new briefing paper released today:
UN: Deploy New Haiti Mission to Restore Security
The United Nations Security Council should urgently authorize and rapidly deploy a full-fledged United Nations mission to Haiti, Human Rights Watch said today in publishing a briefing paper on the subject.Human Rights Watch
Massacre in Haiti’s Capital Leaves Over 100 Dead, Rights Group Says
More than 100 people were killed in a massacre in one of the poorest neighborhoods of Haiti’s capital, a leading human rights group said on Sunday, describing the killings as the personal vendetta of a gang boss who had been told that witchcraft caus…The New York Times - By Frances Robles
In Haiti hat ein Bandenchef ältere Menschen der Hexerei beschuldigt: Sie seien Schuld an der Krankheit seines Kindes. Mindestens 110 Menschen wurden laut einer Menschenrechtsorganisation daraufhin umgebracht.
#Haiti #Massaker
American Airlines suspends flights to Haiti indefinitely
American Airlines is no longer resuming its daily service out of Miami into Port-au-Prince's Toussaint Louverture International Airport.Nadirah Sabir (CBS News)
and more.
#SundayMorningReading #healthcare #politics #AI #theatre #Haiti #BrianKrebs
Sunday Morning Reading
En Guyane, des Haïtiens en quête de protection doivent attendre 2027 pour que leur demande d’asile soit enregistrée
#Guyane #migrants #immigration #asile #Haïti #Guadeloupe
En Guyane, des Haïtiens en quête de protection doivent attendre 2027 pour que leur demande d'asile soit enregistrée - [mcInform@ctions]
Grâce à une série de décisions judiciaires et institutionnelles, la protection subsidiaire est désormais accordée par la France, de faç
#Haiti #CensureBarnier #PremierMinistre #Humour #Lol #art #pentelbrushpen #Aquacolor #Ink #Draw #Dessin #BD #Manga #Cartoon
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Between Hope and Dread in Springfield, Ohio: a Visit on Columbus Day Weekend
Between Hope and Dread in Springfield, Ohio: a Visit on Columbus Day Weekend by Dan Grossman On October 13, I visited Springfield, Ohio with the goal of talking to Haitian immigrants and long term residents.Dan Grossman (Indy Correspondent)
#Politique #Macron #Presse #Medias #Haiti #Journalisme #APP #Censure #Violences #LiberteDelaPresse
Liberté de la presse : Comment Emmanuel Macron a verrouillé violemment la presse au Canada - POLITIS
Des journalistes ont été empêchés de suivre un bain de foule du chef de l'État à Montréal. Une atteinte à la liberté d'informer, qui n'est pas la première depuis le premier quinquennat du président de la République.Guillaume Deleurence (POLITIS)
Nella capitale #PortAuPrince, 1,2 milioni di bambini vivono sotto la minaccia della violenza armata."
#Haiti #CeasefireNOW #Armi #children #HumanRights
#26novembre #PACE
Haiti: il numero di bambini reclutati dai gruppi armati è aumentato del 70% in un anno
UNICEF/Haiti: il numero di bambini reclutati dai gruppi armati è aumentato del 70% in un anno. Attualmente, fino alla metà dei membri dei gruppi armatiUNICEF (Pressenza)
In Haiti terrorisieren bewaffnete Banden die Bevölkerung. Binnen zehn Tagen mussten mehr als 40.000 Menschen aus ihren Häusern fliehen. Zudem werden immer mehr Kinder in die Banenkriminalität hineingezogen.
#Haiti #Bandengewalt
In Haiti eskaliert die Bandengewalt
In Haiti terrorisieren bewaffnete Banden die Bevölkerung. Binnen zehn Tagen mussten mehr als 40.000 Menschen aus ihren Häusern fliehen. Zudem werden immer mehr Kinder in die Bandenkriminalität
#Haiti #racism #colonialism #Macron #France
#Insoumis #LFI #GiletsJaunes
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#324cat #onu #haiti
FAA Allows US Airlines To Resume Flights To Northern Haiti After Gunfire-Induced Ban - VibeWire Magazine
Earlier this month three aircraft of US airlines were struck by bullets in Haiti.Guest authors (VibreWire Online)