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Beiträge, die mit haïti getaggt sind

"BLM 2024 Year In Review: Global Events & Insights"

(Black Liberation Media formerly known as Black Power Media.)


#Palestine #Haiti #Senegal #BurkinaFaso #Sudan #YearInReview

With a focus on human rights, U.S. policy toward Latin America under Jimmy Carter briefly tempered a long tradition of interventionism in a key sphere of American influence. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/12/30/world/politics/jimmy-carter-latin-america/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #politics #jimmycarter #us #latinamerica #centralamerica #caribbean #cuba #panama #haiti #panamacanal

A wounded journalist makes a phone call from the floor of the general hospital. Two reporters and a police officer were killed when gangs opened fire on reporters who had gathered for a press conference to announce its reopening in Port-au-Prince, #Haiti

Photograph: Jean Feguens Regala/AP


Two journalists and a police officer killed in gang attack on Haiti's largest public hospital - YouTube


Raoul Peck raconte Ernest Cole, le photographe de l’apartheid https://www.bondyblog.fr/opinions/interview/raoul-peck-raconte-ernest-cole-le-photographe-de-lapartheid/ #anti-colonialisme #Afriquedusud #colonialisme #photographie #ernestcole #Interview #apartheid #raoulpeck #Histoire #haïti

Haiti’s children ‘dragged into hell’ as gang violence rages - YouTube


The collapse of order in #Haiti is so catastrophic, Human Rights Watch is calling on the UN Security Council to authorize and deploy a full-fledged UN mission to the country urgently.

This is not something we do everywhere every day, particularly when it involves a country like Haiti with a troubled history of past UN missions.

So, in my Daily Brief today, I go through our reasoning.

📰 Read: https://www.hrw.org/the-day-in-human-rights/2024/12/11?story=paragraph-9931

🔊 Listen: https://www.hrw.org/video-photos/audio/2024/12/11/countering-collapse-haiti-daily-brief-11-december-2024

A man carrying his belongings observes the wreckages of vehicles burnt over the weekend by armed gangs, many grouped behind an alliance known as Viv Ansanm, as he flees the Poste Marchand suburb, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. REUTERS/Ralph Tedy Erol


Haiti gang kills 110 people leader accused of witchcraft


Gang leader in Haiti accused of massacring older people to avenge son's death
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than 100 killed.
#crime #violence #justice #Haiti

Gang leader in Haiti accused of massacring older people to avenge son's death
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than 100 killed.
#crime #violence #politics #Haiti

Immer wieder erlebe ich ungläubiges Staunen, wenn ich darauf hinweise, dass auch der Verschwörungsmythos der #Hexerei wieder (wie schon nach dem Buchdruck) medial befeuert / neu thymotisiert wird… Heute #Haiti: Nach Hexerei-Vorwurf: Mindestens 110 Tote bei Massaker in Elendsviertel in Haiti 🇭🇹 https://www.tagesspiegel.de/internationales/nach-hexerei-vorwurf-mindestens-110-tote-bei-massaker-in-elendsviertel-in-haiti-12842546.html

In Haiti, a gang carried out a mass killing, murdering at least 110 people. The leader of the gang was suspected of using witchcraft against his child, leading to the massacre. Gang members killed at least 60 people on December 6 and 50 people on December 7 using machetes and knives, all victims were over 60 years old. #Haiti #MassKilling

The UN Security Council should urgently authorize and rapidly deploy a full-fledged UN mission to #Haiti.

Human Rights Watch makes the case in a new briefing paper released today:


Reading that it was mostly elderly folks. 😢 #Haiti


Mindestens 110 Tote bei Massaker in Elendsviertel in Haiti

In Haiti hat ein Bandenchef ältere Menschen der Hexerei beschuldigt: Sie seien Schuld an der Krankheit seines Kindes. Mindestens 110 Menschen wurden laut einer Menschenrechtsorganisation daraufhin umgebracht.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/haiti-massaker-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Haiti #Massaker

American Airlines suspends flights to #Haiti indefinitely https://www.cbsnews.com/news/american-airlines-suspends-flights-to-haiti/

En Guyane, des Haïtiens en quête de protection doivent attendre 2027 pour que leur demande d’asile soit enregistrée
#Guyane #migrants #immigration #asile #Haïti #Guadeloupe

#HAITI, #SAHEL, #CONGO, #KANAKY, #PALESTINE : combattre l'impérialisme. Plénière d’ouverture des universités du #panafricanisme

📍Panel International aujourd'hui de 17h30 à 21h, Salle Robespierre, 3 allée du Petit-Tonneau, Vitry-sur-Seine

Gratuit sur inscription !

Résumé approximativement exact de l'allocution de #Macron

#Haiti #CensureBarnier #PremierMinistre #Humour #Lol #art #pentelbrushpen #Aquacolor #Ink #Draw #Dessin #BD #Manga #Cartoon
Caricature par Myster Ty, encre et aquarelle.
Macron, allocution du 5 décembre, l'index frappant son bureau : "Les députés sont complètement cons ! Leur premier ministre était super. Moi je l'ai défendu, et ils l'ont viré quand même !

First thing I'm posting on Mastodon in a while. Definitely worth a read. Is anyone there? #haiti, #haitians, #springfield, @therobburgessshow https://www.indycorrespondent.org/blogsandpoetry/3za62fqzrxoftto65qzv60qijqpabi

Les journalistes qui suivent Macron se rebellent. Après les intimidations au Canada, la censure au Brésil sur Haïti. Voici une vidéo postée par l'association de la presse présidentielle. Je vous racontais par le menu la stratégie médias de l'Elysée avec l'historien Alexis Levrier https://www.politis.fr/articles/2024/09/politique-comment-macron-verrouille-violemment-la-presse/

#Politique #Macron #Presse #Medias #Haiti #Journalisme #APP #Censure #Violences #LiberteDelaPresse

"Attualmente, fino alla metà dei membri dei gruppi armati sono minorenni.

Nella capitale #PortAuPrince, 1,2 milioni di bambini vivono sotto la minaccia della violenza armata."

#Haiti #CeasefireNOW #Armi #children #HumanRights
#26novembre #PACE


In Haiti eskaliert die Bandengewalt

In Haiti terrorisieren bewaffnete Banden die Bevölkerung. Binnen zehn Tagen mussten mehr als 40.000 Menschen aus ihren Häusern fliehen. Zudem werden immer mehr Kinder in die Banenkriminalität hineingezogen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/haiti-bandengewalt-104.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Haiti #Bandengewalt

"Quite frankly, it was the Haitians who killed Haiti" says president of country that colonized Haiti then demanded an economy-crippling ransom just to recognize it's independence, estimated at over $100 billion in today's value


#Haiti #racism #colonialism #Macron #France

Ça y est, MACRON à PÉTÉ UN PLOMB ! 🤣 #macron #haiti #strasbourg #giletsjaunes
#Insoumis #LFI #GiletsJaunes

█ "Haití s'enfonsa en el caos": l'ONU alerta de l'escalada de violència entre bandes armades ▓▒░ La població haitiana intenta fugir davant la violència desfermada de les bandes i la falta de protecció del govern. La capital, Port-au-Prince es troba ja pràcticament en mans de l'aliança de grups armats

#324cat #onu #haiti
Aquest any més de 700.000 haitians han hagut d'abandonar casa seva per la violència de les bandes armades i refugiar-se en camps de desplaçats com el de Bourdon. (Reuters/Marckinson Pierre)
Un oficial de Kènia en una patrulla conjunta amb la policia haitiana (Reuters/Jean Feguens Regala)
El país s'ha convertit en un carreró sense sortida, amb carreteres tallades i la frontera amb la República Dominicana tancada (Reuters/Marckinson Pierre)

FAA Allows US Airlines To Resume Flights To Northern Haiti After Gunfire-Induced Ban http://dlvr.it/TGKXql #aircraft #AviationNews #FAA #Haiti