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Beiträge, die mit AUSpol getaggt sind


Andrew Tate will prob be appointed minister for women.
Great days

Following an account called @FediTips will help.
Using the hashtag #auspol will attract Australians interested in politics. (Sorry, just noticed you did already).

Btw @firstdogonthemoon is also here!

Welcome! Now is the best time to join the fediverse.

#Auspol #Vicpol

Hello Mastodon! Bit cynical to show up right at this minute, but better late than not at all.

I do political things and after a break hope to be doing more.

Looking forward to checking out this exciting new chapter in social media.


Elections won't be the same without Antony Green. Giant of Australian politics.

Antony Green and Fiona Patten looking just a little bit young.

Australian Greens Deputy Leader & spokesperson for Higher Education Senator Mehreen Faruqi slams universities for trying to shut down criticism of apartheid, criminal #Israel. https://greens.org.au/news/media-release/universities-thinly-veiled-attempt-shut-down-criticism-israel-nothing-short #ZionismIsWhiteSupremacism #auspol

Alicia Payne is 44.14% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

If your on Centrelink you better get your forms in on time or Robodebt will be bashing down the door.

Peter Dutton how ever can take his time to update his dodgy share trading and property investments it’s just fine.

One rule for us, no rules for them!


Interesting the shadow foreign affairs minister says Penny Wong has walked away from a bipartisan approach to Israel?
I would think it's the opposition's to the balls support of Israel that has changed.
Do we want an Australian government or a Zionist government?

Creation of #Israel, Australia, the US & other Western land grabs were crimes of genocide & theft against their Indigenous inhabitants. There's no exception for apartheid Israel. Australian Universities fail basic knowledge of Western colonialism. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-02-26/universities-to-enforce-joint-antisemitism-position-on-campuses/104980836 #auspol

For anyone pining for the original #Insiders


Israel’s Ambassador to Australia, talks of the ‘Hippocratic oath’ expressing his shock about …

*checks notes*

Two Australian nurses, in Australia, … who have killed…

*checks notes*

Zero patients, … while Israel has made

*checks notes*

… 136 strikes against Hospitals in Gaza (as at 31 December 2024), which includes…

*checks notes*

Doctors and nurses acting on their Hippocratic oath.

#AusPol #AusLaw #WarCrimes #UniversalHumanRights #DoctorsWithoutBorders #Ethics #Antisemitism

'That's an issue for my *wife*.'

Dutton stammering his way through a press conference, failing to explain his preternatural stock market precognition, undeclared property purchases ... or anything really.


Welp. Dutton will never be PM, not without the full support of the propaganda wing which seems to have suddenly backed Albanese and Labor at the eleventh hour.

Dutton just gave a presser where he reeked of knowing it.

And Australia shifts slightly away from the clutches of the authoritarian regime it finds itself shackled to.

Lil' bit momentous. Or maybe I'm just high on codeine.


A #Australian Senate committee has recommended the government & telecommunications industry accelerate the rollout of mobile phone services via the #Starlink network.

Musk famously secretly ordered #SpaceX engineers to switch off the Starlink satellite communications network near the coast of occupied #Crimea in order to thwart a #Ukrainian surprise attack on #Russia ‘s naval fleet, according to a report.

#AxisOfEvil #UScoup #auspol What could possibly go wrong?

Elon Musk secretly ordered SpaceX engineers to switch off the Starlink satellite communications network near the coast of occupied Crimea in order to thwart a Ukrainian surprise attack on Russia's naval fleet, according to a report.

Bombshell Documents obtained under Freedom of Information Act from Victoria Police have revealed that Victoria Police Command knew that Nazi Protestors were planning to join “in support of the Let Women Speak group” almost an hour prior to their now infamous Nazi Salute “in support of” Kellie-Jay Keen on Parliament Steps in 2023. Raising serious questions about the intention of Victoria Police in dealing with the threat of #extremism.


#acab #moiradeeming #vicpol #auspol

#Ukraine don’t trust #Trump!

He’s in #Putin’s employ & I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump arrested President #Zelenskyy & handed him to #Russia as a gift!

#TrumpCoup #USPol #auspol

The Jewish Council of Australia slams white supremacist, colonial Australian universities for promoting a false definition of antisemitism which is antisemitic in itself, conflating Jews with Zionism & apartheid #Israel. https://www.jewishcouncil.com.au/media/jewish-council-of-australia-slams-universities-adoption-of-dangerous-politicised-and-unworkable-antisemitism-definition #auspol #ZionismIsWhiteSupremacism

Colin Boyce is 78.58% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

Slightly confused. Old media savaging Dutton, piling on the kind of traits that are potentially mortal to three years of carefully crafted image.

Weird arse development, equivalent to the #metoo attacks on Morrison proceeding '22.

Screengrab from The Age. Glum looking pic of Dutton surrounded by old timey property portfolio pics.


26 properties in 35 years: Peter Dutton’s extensive property portfolio revealed

Peter Dutton has held dozens of properties across his life.

The opposition leader has made property sales of $18.8 million in transactions that he has frequently declared to parliament late, partially, or not at all.

A big portion of Peter Dutton's wealth came from share buying prior to the 2009 federal government GFC banking guarantee. #auspol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-02-25/labor-poses-questions-over-peter-dutton-share-purchases/104978128

Under the #FiveEyes agreement, the #US, #Australia, #Britain, #Canada & #NewZealand share most of their #intelligence.

Defence analyst Hugh White Hugh says Australian leaders are telling the public that the #Trump presidency will make no difference to key elements of the alliance with the US, including AUKUS and Five Eyes and that's a "big #mistake". #auspol #PutinsPuppet is a #RussianAsset


Woman attacking Albanese on #Qanda last night, weaponing antisemitism and demanding people who offend her be thrown out of Australia.

Failed to disclose she's a Liberal Party volunteer.

Fucking scumbag.

Image sourced from: https://old.reddit.com/r/AusPol/comments/1ixdlqb/the_liberal_party_sends_spies_to_qanda_to_ask/

Woman wearing Tim Wilson campaign shirt on left panel. Same woman pictured in Qanda audience from 25 February ep.

"We have an energy illiterate crossbench and an energy illiterate government" Chris Uhlmann 😬

WTAF?! https://www.innovationaus.com/govt-pledges-universal-mobile-coverage-across-australia/ #Auspol

So despite everything that's happened in America, Albo's doing a deal with Elon on Starlink?!

News has unleashed Maiden on Dutton - just like they did in '22 to Morrison.

Strange. Possibly the most significant old media campaign development to date. If Coalition can't rely on the propaganda wing, they're fucked.

Maybe that gambling ad rev is paying off.

#auspol #oldmedia
Screenshot from the shit of the internets, News.com.



Peter Dutton’s ‘highly unusual’ GFC share-trading in Labor’s sights

The opposition leader’s personal trades during the global financial crisis have raised eyebrows after he bought lucrative bank shares at rock-bottom prices.

Samantha Maiden

What do you think? Would they?
Poll below
Guardian headline: Australian politics; "Albanese 'confident' US would come to Australia's defence in event of attack"

Why do I find this so funny? Five eyes' has been completely compromised. It's a shit show now where you can't trust the US with anything ... and Home Affairs has a hissy about Kaspersky?

My dudes, the call's coming from inside the house.


#auspol #uspol

How are you going to pay for it?
From the budget.

A subset of the #disinformation and #misinformation of Peter #Dutton from one 15-minute press conference.

The lazy media throng didn't attempt to fact-check.

Albo makes one gaffe and it leads the news for weeks.

#TemuTrump #LNP #journalism #MediaWatch #qanda #auspol

If #Europe wants the US to stop undermining #Ukraine, then the #EU should partner with the Commonwealth, and all other willing democracies or major trading partners, to enact coordinated conditional Magnitsky-inspired sanctions on Musk and Musk-aligned US (and other aligned) oligarchs and their companies: support Ukraine and do not support Russia, or have assets frozen and receive no revenue from within the entire block.
#ukpolitics #auspol #nzpol #cdnpoli

Last Thursday Trump abandoned Ukraine and Europe. One of our major AUKUS partners the UK will be tied up for the next 5 years rebuilding its defence forces to meet the Russian onslaught. They will have no time for AUKUS. Trump will not honour his part of the deal.
So AUKUS is dead.
We have seen nothing on the news Insiders 7:30: Report …. Nothing.
Not a word from Albo/Dutton who only a fortnight ago were lining up for AUKUS photos.

#BREAKING NEWS: It's the Top 20 news website rankings in Australia for January! Massive thank you to the 7.96 MILLION Australians who read Guardian Australia last month 🙌👏

ABC surged back to No1 with +731k readers to reach 12.48m, as newscomau dropped to No2 on 11.76m after losing -413k readers in the month. Guardian Australia added +651k readers to hold 6th 💪 with 7.96m, 1.25m readers ahead of SMH at No7, who dropped -266k readers in January. And only 200k readers behind 7News in 5th! That's normally about a 2m audience gap.

DailyMail added +936k readers in January, on top of their +1.1m in December, to now be ranked No4, and up an astonishing 2m readers since they recorded 6.6m readers in November. That Nov measure had them 650k readers behind Guardian Australia and below us in the rankings at No7.

Huge months for SBS and BBC, with both adding more than 800k users in January to take top10 spots at the expense of The Age and NY Times. All NewsCorp properties in the Top20 lost audience, with newscomau -413k, The Australian -279k, SkyNewsOz -169k, Herald Sun -222k and DailyTele -377k

#audience #journalism #media #newspapers #journalists #digitalmedia #audiencedevelopment #audienceengagement #audiencegrowth #seo #newsproduct #auspol
Table of the Top 20 news brand rankings. Source: Ipsos Iris Online Measurement Service, January 2025, Age +14, All Devices (PC/Laptop, Smartphone and Tablet)s, Text, Brand Level, News Category Excluding aggregators and Weather, Audience (000s), Audience Reach (%), Average Mins PP

James Stevens claimed $161,421 in expenses over the last 4 reported quarters. #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol