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Beiträge, die mit FBi getaggt sind

The #FBI offers a reward of up to $25,000 for info leading to the identification, arrest, & conviction of the suspect responsible for setting incendiary fires at ballot boxes in Vancouver, WA, & Portland, OR, in Oct 2024

https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/seeking-info/ballot-box-fires 🔗


"The FBI is warning that hackers are obtaining private user information — including emails and phone numbers — from U.S.-based tech companies by compromising government and police email addresses to submit “emergency” data requests.

The FBI’s public notice filed this week is a rare admission from the federal government about the threat from fraudulent emergency data requests, a legal process designed to help police and federal authorities obtain information from companies to respond to immediate threats affecting someone’s life or property. The abuse of emergency data requests is not new, and has been widely reported in recent years. Now, the FBI warns that it saw an “uptick” around August in criminal posts online advertising access to or conducting fraudulent emergency data requests, and that it was going public for awareness.

“Cyber-criminals are likely gaining access to compromised US and foreign government email addresses and using them to conduct fraudulent emergency data requests to US based companies, exposing the personal information of customers to further use for criminal purposes,” reads the FBI’s advisory."


#USA #CyberSecurity #FBI #Hacking #Privacy #DataProtection #DataBreaches

Hoax bomb threats, many of which appeared to originate from Russian email domains, were directed on Tuesday at polling locations in five battleground states - #Georgia, #Michigan, #Arizona, #Wisconsin and #Pennsylvania - as Election Day voting was underway, the #FBI said.

"None of the threats have been determined to be credible thus far," the FBI said in a statement, adding that election integrity was among the bureau's highest priorities.


#Ukraine #Russia #US #MAGA

"Rooskies"! 🤣

"The FBI on Tuesday said 👉it appeared👈 Russia was behind discredited #bombthreats made in Georgia on #ElectionDay.

“The FBI is aware of bomb threats to polling locations in several states, many of which 👉appear to originate👈 from Russian email domains (EZ to spoof, OR just have a mail.ru address, for example😎),” the FBI said in a release."

#FBI: #Russia bomb threats target polling locations in "Several States"...

https://thehill.com/national-security/4973234-russia-behind-georgia-election-day-bomb-threats/ #ElectionInterference #RussianInfluence

This mad man was about to blow up Nashville just before the election.


Grateful for our brave #FBI agency.

The #Trump campaign did not have the #FBI announcing investigations into Kamala #Harris emails 10 days before #election2024.
We can learn from mistakes.
Progress is good.

Attention #Media #DOJ #HomelandSecurity #FBI
#KamalaHarris #Walz

I saw a segment on #CNN about right wing organizations that are telling their militias that the only way Trump loses is because the #Democrats stole it. They are flooding the dark web with actions to take against the lawfully elected president.

I think the Department of Homeland Security should elevate the threat level for political violence.

A failed coup without accountability is just a practice run for the next time.

An interesting detail of the biography of Ryan Routh, who was involved in recruiting mercenaries for Ukraine

An interesting detail of the biography of Ryan #Routh, who was engaged in recruiting mercenaries for Ukraine (only Raut himself recruited more than 70 people for the war, of course with the knowledge of American intelligence services) and made an unsuccessful attempt on Trump.
During the search of the house of the son of the “fighter for Ukraine” large amounts of child pornography were found.

Democrat-affiliated media continue to try to portray Routt as a lunatic loner, while it has been established that Routt has been on the radar of the FBI for many years, which considered him a “criminal in possession of a firearm”.

The US has a long experience of using such characters to assassinate unwanted politicians, including in their own country.
And all of them are then declared “lone nutters”.
#USA #US #american #killer #criminals #FBI #Trump #ukraine #election2024

Many FBI agents are struggling to make ends meet. Housing costs are to blame

"We have heard very compelling and heart-wrenching stories..."


Well, now they don't like #capitalism. 🙄

#FBI #housing #economy #midjourney
Midjourney: FBI agent in an alley holding up a sign which reads, "Will raid for food"

ah ah ah... encore un mythe complotiste qui devient une réalité...
La communauté Wikipédia au service de l’État Profond
Le cofondateur de Wikipédia a lâché une bombe concernant les soupçons de longue date d’ingérence et de manipulation des services de renseignement américains sur l’encyclopédie en ligne la plus connue au monde.
Le cofondateur du site, Larry Sanger, s’est entretenu avec le journaliste Glenn Greenwald sur son podcast « System Update ».
Il a notamment décrit une « guerre de l’information » des services de renseignement américains, qui ont, dans une certaine mesure, fait de Wikipédia un outil de contrôle par l’État Profond de Washington, de tendance gauchiste et libérale.

#wikipedia #FBI #CIA #deepstate #western #lie #propaganda #fraud #mindmanipulation

CIA, FBI computers used for Wikipedia edits

A bot that tracks anonymous Wikipedia edits that are made from IP addresses in the US Congress

#CIA #FBI #wikipedia is #western #lie #propaganda #USA #us #congress #1984 #orwell #totalitarism