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Beiträge, die mit COLONIALISM getaggt sind

British intervention

Every country the British has invaded / had military conflict with.

(by reddit/SchizoMitzo)

from comments:
(greece) british army engaged in greek civil war (sortly after WWII)..
(koreas) uk also sent troops in korean war, but koreas are not marked red.
#uk #england #map of #british #intervention #colonialism #wars #genocide #history


NATO’s Fascist Inheritance & the Long War On the Third World, with Pawel Wargan
To understand how this new Cold War might play out, we have to understand the foundations of the original Cold War of the 20th century. What was NATO’s role? What did it mean for the Third World back then? What does it mean for the Third World today, particularly those countries that seek an independent, sovereign path? What is the danger of rising fascist movements? And what are the lessons for anti-imperialists who live and organize in the imperial core?

To discuss this and more, Rania Khalek was joined by Paweł Wargan, an organizer and researcher based in Berlin, the coordinator of the secretariat of the Progressive International and author of the recent Monthly Review article “NATO and the Long War on the Third World,” in which he looks to the past for lessons about the future, concluding that capitalism cannot be overcome until the arteries of imperial plunder are severed.
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Article being discussed :
Monthly Review - NATO and the Long War on the Third World
archived: wayback machine | archive today
#politics #nato #militarism #USA #european #vassalage #germany #france #europe #eu #japan #USSR #Russia #WWII #WW2 #coldwar #history #colonialism #nazism #fascism is an instrument of #capitalism #imperialism #anticommunism #Africa #ukraine

@Doug Webb

- information to highlight the connection between #colonialism and #renewables

- information to highlight the connection between #renewable industry and of #climatechange promotion #funds