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Beiträge, die mit Press getaggt sind

World News Atatürk'ün ebediyete intikalinin üzerinden 86 yıl geçti https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ataturk-un-ebediyete-intikalinin-uzerinden-86-yil-gecti-184917.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press


220+ Dead in Spanish Flash Floods

Tens of Thousands protest in Valencia over flood handling

Residents of the eastern Spanish city accuse the regional government of failing to issue a flood alert soon enough. Over 220 people were killed in the flooding, which was the most deadly in Europe in decades.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #breaking #breakingnews #Spain #GlobalWarming #climatechange #climatecrisis


World News Bakan Kacır, İTÜ Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Fakültesinin yeni binasının açılışına katıldı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/bakan-kacir-itu-bilgisayar-ve-bilisim-fakultesinin-yeni-binasinin-acilisina-katildi-184916.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

"Europe MUST Move forward in Ukraine without US aid, which Trump WILL withdraw!"
- Aure

NATO condemned the direct involvement of North Korean troops in the war against Ukraine. The alliance called on Russia to comply with its international obligations and urged other nations not to assist Russian aggression. NATO also reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Ukraine for as long as needed to secure victory against Russian aggression.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin

Vladimir Putin has ratified the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Russia and North Korea.

This agreement formalizes military and logistical support from North Korea to Russia, including sending troops, ballistic missiles, and shells for the war against Ukraine. In exchange, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has reportedly requested 600,000-700,000 tons of rice annually, a $2,000 salary for each soldier, and access to advanced space technology.
#AureFreePress #News #press
Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un

World News Kenan attı, Juventus kazandı! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/kenan-atti-juventus-kazandi-184915.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Yemen'de askeri kampa saldırı: 2 Suudi Arabistan askeri öldürüldü https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/yemen-de-askeri-kampa-saldiri-2-suudi-arabistan-askeri-olduruldu-184914.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

"Ahmad and Zahra Abu Sakheil, two journalists, were killed in an Israeli airstrike near Fahd Al-Sabah School at midnight. This follows the killing of journalist Khaled Abu Zir, who was working for a local radio broadcaster and was killed just yesterday."

More on:

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel #Journalism #Press
Ahmad and Zahra Abu Sakheil, two journalists, were killed in an Israeli airstrike near Fahd Al-Sabah School at midnight. This follows the killing of journalist Khaled Abu Zir, who was working for a local radio broadcaster and was killed just yesterday. Abu Zir's death brought the toll of journalists killed in Gaza since October 7 to 184, with the deaths of Ahmad and Zahra now raising it to 186. According to the Gaza Media Office and Anadolu Agency, these figures include journalists from local networks and stations, not only those associated with international organizations.

World News Fransa'da demiryolu çalışanlarından süresiz grev! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/fransa-da-demiryolu-calisanlarindan-suresiz-grev-184912.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News İlhan Palut: Skorları bilemem ama... https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ilhan-palut-skorlari-bilemem-ama...-184911.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Ryan Babel'den veda kararı! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ryan-babel-den-veda-karari-184908.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

#h5n1 #hpai #press #news #vogelgrippe #avianflu #geflügelpest #avianinfluence #usa #pandemic

"Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das #Virus das Potenzial hat, in naher Zukunft von einer #Epidemie zu einer #Pandemie zu werden."


World News Koronavirüs sandığı hastalığı karaciğer nakliyle yendi https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/koronavirus-sandigi-hastaligi-karaciger-nakliyle-yendi-184906.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Milli para eskrimci Hakan Akkaya, İtalya'daki Dünya Kupası'nda 2'nci altın madalyasın https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/milli-para-eskrimci-hakan-akkaya-italya-daki-dunya-kupasi-nda-2-nci-altin-madalyasin-184905.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Geçen hafta patlama olmuştu: İki ay doğalgaz ücreti alınmayacak https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/gecen-hafta-patlama-olmustu-iki-ay-dogalgaz-ucreti-alinmayacak-184904.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Kerkük'teki bombalı saldırgan tutuklandı! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/kerkuk-teki-bombali-saldirgan-tutuklandi-184903.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Katar'dan son dakika ateşkes açıklaması! Arabuluculuktan çekildi mi? "İzin vermeyeceğiz&qu https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/katar-dan-son-dakika-ateskes-aciklamasi-arabuluculuktan-cekildi-mi-izin-vermeyecegiz-qu-184901.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Ankaralı Turgut'un sağlık durumu hakkında son gelişme! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ankarali-turgut-un-saglik-durumu-hakkinda-son-gelisme-184900.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Burdur'da korkunç kaza: Araç ikiye bölündü https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/burdur-da-korkunc-kaza-arac-ikiye-bolundu-184898.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Uğurcan Çakır: Fenerbahçe maçında darbe aldık! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ugurcan-cakir-fenerbahce-macinda-darbe-aldik-184897.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Kerem Yavaş: Bizim için çok değerli bir 3 puan oldu https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/kerem-yavas-bizim-icin-cok-degerli-bir-3-puan-oldu-184894.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News İrlanda'dan İsrail'i çıldırtacak karar! Resmen duyuruldu https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/irlanda-dan-israil-i-cildirtacak-karar-resmen-duyuruldu-184893.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press