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Beiträge, die mit ASSAD getaggt sind

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the #IRGC 'Khatam al-Anbiyaa' Headquarters: 'Bashar al-Assad did not request Iranian help – in fact he actively prevented us from coming and helping'

General Mohammad Jafar Asadi, deputy commander of Khatam al-Anbiyaa HQ:

– #Assad said to one of our (Iranian) officials in a meeting: 'My soldiers have truly become either smugglers or thieves, they only defend those who offer them bribes and privileges. They could not defend me, and when I wanted to protect at least Damascus, I realized that they were not able to protect Damascus either.'

– Bashar al-Assad did not allow us (the IRGC) to go help the Syrian Arab Army, although he asked us for assistance in the past, but this time he not only did not ask, but he was worried about us arriving, and said that 'if you come, Israel will probably attack us'.

– Turkey is a part of #NATO, and we should not see or accept the presence of this country and its influence anywhere outside of America and #Europe. Turkey is a part of them, and with this attitude, it serves America. America is active behind the scenes.

– It seems that the factions present in Syria will clash with each other based on their own different interests. Maybe separating #Syria is #Turkey's desire, because they have been coveting a part of Syria for a long time.

(From telegram)
#US #Politics #Israel

Fall of #Assad regime continues collapse of the Iranian dream https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bknd1kme1l#autoplay #Iran #Syria

A moment for accountability? #Syria and the pursuit of entrepreneurial justice after #Assad


> For those Syrians waking up to a shattered country devoid of its dictator or those exiled by war, no superlative can quite capture the enormity of events that have transpired in the last few days.

All I can say is, #Assad needs to stay as far away from large buildings and stay off of airplanes for his own sake. It's never a good look to bite the hand that feeds you. https://news.yahoo.com/news/assad-says-russia-forced-him-142217333.html #Russia #Syria

"Ousted Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad planned to keep fighting rebel forces in the country before Russia evacuated him out of the country, according to a statement attributed to him and released on Monday."

NBC News reports: "Assad said he had remained in Damascus until the early hours of Sunday, Dec. 8 — the day rebels entered the Syria’s capital."


#Assad #Syria #News #Russia #MiddleEast

So Assad is definitely alive and stealing money from Syria then?

And how is this guy that different from America's President Elect?


Syrian Rebels HTS Shocked the World. What Will They Do Next? https://www.byteseu.com/565350/ #Assad #Conflicts #HayʼatTahrirAlSham #HTS #JustAskingQuestions #Syria
Syrian Rebels HTS Shocked the World. What Will They Do Next?

UK In ‘Diplomatic Contact’ With Syrian Rebels After Bashar Al-Assad’s Ouster https://www.byteseu.com/564825/ #Assad #BasharAlAssad #GreatBritain #Syria #SyrianRebels #UnitedKingdom
UK In 'Diplomatic Contact' With Syrian Rebels After Bashar Al-Assad's Ouster

[07:07] LIVE | Netanyahu tegen Trump: Israël wil geen conflict met Syrië

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

[07:07] LIVE | Netanyahu tegen Trump: Israël wil geen conflict met Syrië

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

Recent satellite imagery captured by Maxar Technologies on December 13 shows Russia preparing to withdraw military equipment from the Hmeimim airbase in western Syria.


#Russia #Syria #MilitaryWithdrawal #MiddleEast #GeopoliticalShift #Assad

https://www.europesays.com/1691418/ UK In ‘Diplomatic Contact’ With Syrian Rebels After Bashar Al-Assad’s Ouster #assad #BasharAlAssad #GreatBritain #Syria #SyrianRebels #UnitedKingdom
UK In 'Diplomatic Contact' With Syrian Rebels After Bashar Al-Assad's Ouster

https://www.europesays.com/1691152/ Abschiebedrohungen und Hetze gegen syrische Geflüchtete in Deutschland und Europa #abschiebungen #assad #asyl #deutschland #FestungEuropa #Flüchtlinge #Flüchtlingshetze #germany #Nachrichten #syrien

https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz6lgln128xo #Israel plans to expand #Golan #settlements after fall of #Assad #Netanyahu said he wanted to double the population of the #GolanHeights, which #Israel seized during the 1967 Six-Day War and is considered illegally #occupied under international law.

[22:15] LIVE | Rusland evacueert diplomatiek personeel uit Syrië, Qatarese delegatie ontmoet overgangsregering

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

[22:15] LIVE | Rusland evacueert diplomatiek personeel uit Syrië, Qatarese delegatie ontmoet overgangsregering

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

Le PIR se joint à la joie du peuple syrien libéré du régime oppresseur de Bachar el-Assad. Cette victoire marque la fin d’une longue nuit qui a maintenu le peuple syrien dans les ténèbres de la solidarité internationale, durant 13 années de martyre.

13 longues années après son déclenchement, c’est une victoire pour la révolution syrienne, pour les peuples arabes ainsi que pour l’ensemble des peuples de la région, obtenue contre l’axe des régimes contre-révolutionnaires qui tentent d’étouffer leur souffle.

Communiqué : https://indigenes-republique.fr/vive-le-peuple-syrien-victorieux-du-pouvoir-oppresseur-des-assad/

#Syrie #Assad #Palestine #Islamophobie #Impérialisme #FreePalestine
55 années d'injustice sont terminées !

“The ruling family was as much an expert in criminal violence as it was in financial crime,” said Toby Cadman, a London-based human-rights lawyer with Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers, who has investigated #Assad’s assets. #Syria

On May 13 2019, a plane carrying $10m in $100 bills sent on behalf of #Assad’s central bank landed in Moscow. In Feb 2019, €20m in €500 notes were sent . In total there were 21 flights from March 2018 to Sep 2019 carrying over $250m. #Syria #Russia https://www.ft.com/content/84ef8bdd-d070-431d-90f6-332937911096

[17:06] LIVE | Israël wil nederzettingen op bezette Golanhoogten uitbreiden: 'Nu extra belangrijk'

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

[17:06] LIVE | Israël wil nederzettingen op bezette Golanhoogten uitbreiden: 'Nu extra belangrijk'

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

Live: #Turkey says 7,600 Syrians crossed its border to return home since fall of #Assad https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20241215-live-ukraine-to-set-up-supply-mechanisms-to-prevent-food-crisis-in-syria-zelensky-says #Syria

Racy photos of Bashar Assad discovered after his fall spark ridicule
Bizarre and personal photos of ousted Syrian President Bashar Assad have surfaced from his abandoned residences, sparking ridicule among Syrians.
#ridicule #photos #Assad #Politics #Assadregime #BasharAssad #Syria

US, regional diplomats discuss Syria’s future, Arabs seek assurances from Turkey https://www.byteseu.com/562534/ #AntonyBlinken #ArabLeague #Assad #DeirAlBalah #Gaza #GazaHealthMinistry #Hamas #Hezbollah #Israel #Jordan #Syria #Turkey #U.S. #UnitedArabEmirates #UnitedNations
US, regional diplomats discuss Syria’s future, Arabs seek assurances from Turkey

Baerbock: “To any of Assad’s torturers who might be considering fleeing to Germany now, I can only say clearly: We will bring all the regime’s henchmen to account for their terrible crimes with the full force of the law.”

(AP) #Germany #Syria #Assad


" Foltergefängnisse in Syrien!
...Wo waren Amnesty International, #UNICEF , #UNRWA , der Rote Halbmond, das Rote Kreuz, der UN-Menschenrechtsrat, Den Haag, der Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen und all diese Organisationen, die sich ausschließlich gegen Israel richten?..."

#Syrien – wohin?

Der #Nahost -Experte und #Israel Heute-Korrespondent Edy Cohen über die Folgen des Sturzes von #Assad für Syrien und die Region.


#AI #RoterHalbmond #RotesKreuz #UN


Chi è? È il leader di #HTS che ha conquistato il potere in #Siria.

È il leader di Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS) Abu Mohammad al-#Jolani

Gli #USA - che gli avevano messo una taglia sulla sua testa - ora dialogano con lui perché ha fatto cadere #Assad, alleato della #Russia. HTS è erede della colonna siriana di #AlQaida, l'organizzazione terroristica che ha colpito le Torri Gemelle negli Stati Uniti.
#pcknews #geopolitica

[08:21] LIVE | Nieuwe leider Syrië uit eerste kritiek op Israëlische aanvallen: ’Ongeldig en onrechtvaardig’

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

[08:21] LIVE | Nieuwe leider Syrië uit eerste kritiek op Israëlische aanvallen: ’Ongeldig en onrechtvaardig’

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

News at 6AM: South Korea's National Assembly has voted to impeach President Yoon following a declaration of martial law. Allegations of human rights abuses persist in #Syria under President #Assad. In the US, #drones spotted over New York and New Jersey are not considered a threat, intelligence agencies say. Georgia's newly elected president hails from the Georgian Dream party. Niger's military rulers have prohibited the BBC after reports on terrorism. #BBC #News

This is Ragheed Ahmed Al-Tatari

He was arrested at age 27 in the 1980s by the #Assad regime

He is now free from prison in #Syria, here he is reuniting with his family

After 43 years

His "crime" according to that vile dead govt?

He was a pilot who refused to bomb his own people, fellow #Syrians in Hama

La caduta di #Assad è stata una pessima notizia per il presidente ucraino #Zelensky: se la fine del regime siriano dell’alleato di #Putin può essere interpretata come una sconfitta per il Cremlino, è evidente che la #Russia sarà più concentrata sulla scacchiera #ucraina. Per Mosca è una questione di priorità e il conflitto con Kiev è percepito come esistenziale, più di quanto non possa essere la presenza sul Mediterraneo.

After decades of repression in #Syria, one of the most oppressive police states in the world, Syrians are finally free to tell their stories, and #Assad’s repeated use of chemical warfare against his own people can no longer be ignored, covered up or denied.

For years, residents of Ghouta, an embattled opposition-held region on the outskirts of Damascus, grew used to death loudly announcing its presence. When Syrian and Russian jets or helicopter gunships roared overhead, bombs were never far behind. But the night of 7 April 2018 was different.

According to an extensive investigation by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), two yellow cylinders were dropped from a Syrian air force helicopter, crashing through the top floor of one apartment building and landing on a balcony of another, in the eastern Ghouta town of Douma. The noise they made was negligible compared with the explosions of barrel bombs and airstrikes. But the concentrated green-yellow chlorine gas that hissed out of the canisters was no less deadly.

In air raids during the five-year-long siege of the town, the people of Douma usually sought shelter in basements. Chlorine is not as dangerous as sarin – a nerve agent that deposed president Bashar al-Assad deployed against civilians on several occasions in the 13-year civil war. But because chlorine is heavier than air, it sank down through the storeys and street-level gratings into two basements. At least 43 people choked to death, their blistered bodies blue and black when civil defence workers bought the corpses out to the street.

We can escape the bullets and the tanks, but chemicals travel through the air. We were afraid

[21:15] LIVE | Hezbollah erkent verlies bevoorradingslijn via Syrië na val Assad: 'Continuïteit van verzet tegen Israël heeft prioriteit'

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

[21:15] LIVE | Hezbollah erkent verlies bevoorradingslijn via Syrië na val Assad: 'Continuïteit van verzet tegen Israël heeft prioriteit'

Het regime van Bashar al Assad is dit weekend gevallen na een snelle opmars van verenigde jihadisten in Syrië. Zij zagen hun kans na het opgelaaide conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten.


#Bashar #Assad #Syrië #Israël #Hezbollah #Midden_Oosten

It is estimated that the #Assad family have a wealth of more than $16bn. This is probably a fraction of what #Putin controls but shows how much these kind of people drain from their own people.

#russia #syria

Everywhere #Russia goes it causes trouble. #Syria, #Ukraine, #Georgia, #USA, #Moldova and the #UK. Either they funnel money to their political supporters there, influence elections or just plain out cause a war. There are many #brave #Russians who do not support this. But it is time for the current #Russian regime and their new
neighbour #Assad to face the music.