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Beiträge, die mit Hamàs getaggt sind

Nach dem Stopp der Hilfslieferungen nach Gaza zieht die israelische Regierung einem Medienbericht zufolge noch drastischere Schritte in Betracht, um die Hamas unter Druck zu setzen. Auch die Rückkehr zum Krieg.#Israel #Hamas #Katar #BenjaminNetanyahu #Israel-Gaza-Krieg

Israel’s to-do list as Phase 1 ends? Get the hostages, destroy Hamas https://www.byteseu.com/794112/ #AlQaeda #Conflicts #Editorial #GazaStrip #Hamas #hostages #ISIS #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #MiddleEast #Opinion #Terrorism #terrorists
Israel's to-do list as Phase 1 ends? Get the hostages, destroy Hamas

Israel has blocked aid flowing into Gaza, where a six-week truce enabled the entry of vital food, shelter and medical assistance, prompting the U.N. to call for an immediate restoration of humanitarian assistance. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/03/world/politics/israel-aid-gaza-truce-phase/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #politics #middleeast #israel #gaza #israelhamaswar #palestinians #hamas #benjaminnetanyahu

La tregua en Gaza afronta sus últimas horas sin que Israel y Hamás hayan acordado prorrogarla https://www.eldiario.es/internacional/tregua-gaza-afronta-ultimas-horas-israel-hamas-hayan-acordado-prorrogarla_1_12093216.html Francesca Cicardi #ConflictoPalestina-Israel #Israel #Egipto #Hamas #Gaza

After He Ran a Cartoon on the War in Gaza, Gannett Fired Him https://www.byteseu.com/793478/ #CartoonsAndCartoonists #Conflicts #GannettCompanyInc #Hamas #JewsAndJudaism #newspapers #PalmBeachCounty(Fla) #PalmBeachPost
After He Ran a Cartoon on the War in Gaza, Gannett Fired Him

Egypt and Saudi Arabia condemned Israel’s halt of Gaza aid, with Egypt calling it a punishment tool and Saudi Arabia labeling it “blackmailing.”
#Israel #Gaza #Hamas #US

Netanyahu, ateşkeste ikinci aşamayı reddetti: Filistinlilere bedava yemek olmayacak: İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu, Hamas'la anlaşmanın ikinci aşamasını müzakere etmek yerine ilk aşamanın uzatılması yönündeki ABD Başbakanı Donald Trump'ın Orta Doğu Özel Temsilcisi Steve Witkoff'un önerdiği teklifi benimsediklerini duyurdu.

Netanyahu, kabine toplantısı öncesi yaptığı açıklamada, anlaşmanın ilk… https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/netanyahu-ateskeste-ikinci-asamayi-reddetti-filistinlilere-bedava-yemek-olmayacak-208627.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #Netanyahu #Filistin #Hamas #Gazze #Ateşkes

Israel's War Tactics

After halting humanitarian aid into Gaza, Israel is planning to cut water and electricity.

If that doesn’t work, a powerful military operation is expected.

These steps are fully coordinated with and approved by the Trump administration.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas

Israel cuts off Gaza aid to pressure Hamas to accept a new ceasefire proposal

from #AssociatedPress #AP #APNews
Updated 11:25 AM EST, March 2, 2025

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — #Israel stopped the entry of all goods and supplies into the #Gaza Strip on Sunday and warned of “additional consequences” if #Hamas doesn’t accept a new proposal to extend a fragile ceasefire, while key mediator #Egypt accused Israel of using “starvation as a weapon.”


#BDS #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

POLITICO Europe: Israel suspends entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza…

#Hamas and the Israeli government are at odds over how to proceed with cease-fire talks... #middleeast #israel #gaza


[17:02] LIVE | Netanyahu blijft bij besluit tot blokkeren hulpgoederen voor Gaza: ’Geen gratis maaltijden’

Israël en Hamas onderhandelen over een nieuw akkoord nu het eerste deel is verlopen. Of het staakt-het-vuren in Gaza standhoudt komende tijd is nog maar de vraag.


#Israël #Hamas #eerste #Gaza

Israel stops Gaza aid to pressure Hamas to accept new ceasefire proposal #World #gaza #hamas #Israel


#USA #Israel
Überlebende des 7. Oktober 2023 verklagen den Sender Al-Dschasira

Die Kläger sagen, der katarische Sender helfe der #Hamas und beschäftige Terror-Sympathisanten


#Katar #Propaganda #Terrorsympathisanten #AlDschasira #AlJazeera

Bericht: #Israel will #Gazastreifen mit überwältigender Streitmacht erobern

Der neue Chef der israelischen Streitkräfte arbeitet an einem Plan zur „Auslöschung der #Hamas “ mit mehr als 50.000 Soldaten und einer Reduzierung der Hilfsleistungen, wie israelische Quellen berichten.


Hamas says extending 1st phase of Gaza ceasefire 'unacceptable'

> The Israeli proposal of extending the first phase of the #Gaza #ceasefire agreement is "unacceptable," #Hamas said Saturday.

> "The extension of the first phase as proposed by the occupation is unacceptable to us, and the mediators and guarantor countries are required to oblige the occupation to abide by the agreement in its various stages," https://news.cgtn.com/news/2025-03-01/news-1Bo2QzZhrsA/p.html #GazaStrip #Israel
A war-devastated neighborhood in Khan Yunis is decorated ahead of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan, February 28, 2025. /VCG

Israel cuts off aid to Gaza as it seeks to change ceasefire deal with Hamas | Israel-Palestine conflict News https://www.byteseu.com/792509/ #Gaza #Hamas #Israel #IsraelPalestineConflict #MiddleEast #News #Palestine

The #TwoStateSolution appears to be dead after 75 years of failed efforts.

"#Israel to conquer #Gaza with overwhelming force to defeat #Hamas: report
Incoming IDF chief devising plan to “eradicate Hamas” with more than 50,000 soldiers and reduction of aid, Israeli sources say."

Gaza ceasefire: Israel stops entry of all aid and supplies into Gaza Strip

> #Israel stopped the entry of all goods and supplies into the #GazaStrip on Sunday and warned of “additional consequences” if #Hamas doesn’t accept a new proposal to extend a fragile #ceasefire.
https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-news-ceasefire-hostages-03-02-2025-99402570996dcf33239d0492d99909e4 #GazaWar #Gaza

Ende der Waffenruhe? Im Streit mit der Terrormiliz Hamas hat Israels Regierungschef Netanyahu alle Hilfslieferungen für die Menschen in Gaza unterbrochen. Bei einem israelischen Angriff starben laut Hamas vier Menschen.#Israel-Gaza-Krieg #Israel #Palästina #Gaza-Hilfsflotte #Gazastreifen #Hamas

“What Was Yahya Sinwar Thinking? Inside the Mind of Hamas’ Master Strategist”

by Palestine Chronicle Staff


“In a recent [..] program on Al Jazeera Arabic channel, top Hamas political official Dr. Basem Naim revealed the years-long planning behind the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, highlighting the pivotal role of the late Yahya Sinwar”


#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Sinwar #Qassam #SettlerColonialism

#hamas last statement about Israel and the Ceasefire agreements they don't accomplish, AGAIN.
#gazagenocide #israelceasefire

🇮🇱#Israel‎ul suspendă intrarea ajutoarelor în #Gaza după expirarea primei faze a armistițiului cu ☪️#Hamas.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-4cve

#Știri #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #Terorism

[11:39] Israel halts all aid into Gaza as it demands Hamas accepts new ceasefire plan

Israel has stopped the entry of all goods and supplies into the Gaza Strip and warned of "additional consequences" if Hamas does not accept a new proposal for an extension of the first phase of the fragile ceasefire.


#Israel #theGazaStrip #Hamas #first

📰 'Meerdere doden door Israëlische luchtaanvallen'


🕛 11:57 | RTL Nieuws
🔸 #Luchtaanval #Hamas #Doden #Overleden #Gaza

🇮🇱 Israël bloque l'aide à Gaza après le refus de prolonger la trêve, le Hamas dénonce "un crime de guerre" https://www.election-politique.com/index.php?display=M

#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #politique #politics #international #Israel #Hamas #Gaza

#Israël blokkeert per direct de invoer van alle goederen naar Gazastrook, meldt het kantoor van premier #Netanyahu. Israël beweert dit te doen omdat #Hamas het Amerikaanse voorstel om het staakt-het-vuren te verlengen niet heeft geaccepteerd. De eerste fase van het bestand tussen Israël en Hamas liep zaterdagavond af.


#BrekingNieuws #MiddenOosten #Gaza

#Israel announced on Sunday morning that it was halting the entry of all goods & #humanitarian assistance into #Gaza immediately, hours after proposing a temporary extension of the now-expired #ceasefire w/ #Hamas.

The drastic step to block #aid appeared to be aimed at pressuring Hamas into accepting the new framework — & to make the Israeli govt’s negotiating position clear.

#geopolitics #HumanitarianCrisis #Palestinian #MiddleEast

[09:13] LIVE | Israël houdt na onenigheid met Hamas levering tegen van humanitaire hulp voor Gazastrook

Israël en Hamas onderhandelen over een nieuw akkoord nu het eerste deel is verlopen. Of het staakt-het-vuren in Gaza standhoudt komende tijd is nog maar de vraag.


#Israël #Hamas #eerste #Gaza

#Hamas schürt die Flammen in #Jerusalem zu Beginn des #Ramadan

Ein ranghoher Vertreter der #Terrororganisation rief zur #Eskalation des „Widerstands in all seinen Formen in Jerusalem“ auf.



📰 Israël blokkeert per direct de invoer van hulpgoederen naar Gaza


🕘 08:57 | NOS Nieuws
🔸 #StaaktHetVuren #Hamas #Gaza #Israel #USA

#Israel blocks entry of all goods, supplies into #Gaza

#Netanyahu’s office has just issued a statement which says: “With the end of phase one of the hostage deal, and in light of #Hamas’s refusal to accept the Witkoff outline for continuing the talks – to which Israel agreed, Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided that starting this morning all entry of goods and supplies into the Gaza Strip will cease."

#foodasweapon #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #SanctionIsrael #BDS

Son dakika...İsrail'den son dakika rehine açıklaması: "Ateşkesi kabul etmiyoruz!": İsrail, Hamas ile ateşkes ve esir takası anlaşmasının birinci aşamasının sona ermesiyle Gazze Şeridi’ne insani yardım girişlerini durdurduğunu açıkladı

İsrail, Gazze'de ateşkes ve esir takası anlaşmasının birinci aşamasının sona ermesinin ardından Gazze Şeridi'ne insani yardım girişlerini durdurdu.

42 GÜNLÜK BİRİNCİ… https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/son-dakika...israil-den-son-dakika-rehine-aciklamasi-ateskesi-kabul-etmiyoruz-208469.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #İsrail #Gazze #Ateşkes #Hamas #İnsaniYardım

🇮🇱#Israel‎ul cere un armistițiu în #Gaza până în #Aprilie, ☪️#Hamas insistă să înceapă a doua fază a încetării focului.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-4ctB

#Știri #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #Terorism

#Hamas is committed to the second phase of the #GazaCeasefire, claiming Israeli breaches. Achieving lasting peace involves negotiations, complete withdrawal, Gaza's reconstruction, and releasing detainees. Persistence and collaboration pave the path to peace 🌍🕊️

#InternationalNews #MiddleEastPeace