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Beiträge, die mit SYRIA getaggt sind

A boy dances while waiting to welcome the first buses carrying people from Idlib province who were displaced from Ghouta and Qalamoun during the Syrian civil war, Damascus, #Syria

Photograph: Louai Beshara/AFP/Getty Images


https://www.europesays.com/1758006/ Ukraine recognises Circassian genocide in win for MENA activists #Russia #RussianInvasionOfUkraine #Syria #Ukraine
Ukraine recognises Circassian genocide in win for MENA activists

To help build the new Syria, the US needs to better understand the Kurds and Arabs of the northeast https://www.byteseu.com/641055/ #Conflicts #Syria
To help build the new Syria, the US needs to better understand the Kurds and Arabs of the northeast

https://www.europesays.com/1757710/ Fear Grips Alawites In Syria’s Homs As Assad ‘Remnants’ Targeted #conflict #Conflicts #minorities #SYND #Syria
Fear Grips Alawites In Syria's Homs As Assad 'Remnants' Targeted

Fear Grips Alawites In Syria’s Homs As Assad ‘Remnants’ Targeted https://www.byteseu.com/640746/ #Conflict #Conflicts #minorities #SYND #Syria
Fear Grips Alawites In Syria's Homs As Assad 'Remnants' Targeted

Turkey raps France, says US only counterpart in northeast Syria https://www.byteseu.com/640520/ #France #FrenchForeignMinister #FrenchTroops #HAKANFİDAN #KurdishFighters #NorthernSyria #SDF #SecurityConcerns #Syria #SyrianKurds #Turkey
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Syria's transition: Former security forces register for reintegration - YouTube


#US Defense Secretary Announces Continued US #Military #Presence in #Syria to Combat #Terrorist #Group #ISIS.
https://www.armyrecognition.com/news/army-news/2025/us-defense-secretary-announces-continued-us-military-presence-in-syria-to-combat-terrorist-group-isis @BelgaNewsAgency @nytimes @WSJ @washingtonpost @USATODAY @latimes @Reuters @Bloomberg @TheSun @MailOnline @DailyMirror @Daily_Express @FT @theheraldsun @Telegraph @couriermail @USArmy @DeptofDefense

#bot #miltodon
Original tweet: https://nitter.mint.lgbt/ArmyRecognition/status/1877756309610844540

Ending terrorism in Türkiye: A vision reflected through survey insights https://www.byteseu.com/640438/ #PKK #Syria #Terrorism #Turkey
Ending terrorism in Türkiye: A vision reflected through survey insights 

Syria Proves the U.S. Needs Tulsi Gabbard | Opinion https://www.byteseu.com/640415/ #BasharAlAssad #CentralIntelligenceAgency #Conflicts #Diplomacy #DonaldTrump #MiddleEast #Pentagon #Syria #Terrorism #TulsiGabbard #veterans #War
Tulsi Gabbard

Longlasting rivalry: Türkiye and Iran confront new realities https://www.byteseu.com/640412/ #BaathParty #BasharAssad #Conflicts #Iran #Syria #SyrianCivilWar #TürkiyeIranRelations
Longlasting rivalry: Türkiye and Iran confront new realities

https://www.europesays.com/1757160/ To help build the new Syria, the US needs to better understand the Kurds and Arabs of the northeast #Conflicts #Syria

In Syria’s war-torn Yarmouk, Palestinians begin path to recovery https://www.byteseu.com/640098/ #Conflicts #Syria
Palestinians walk on the street in Yarmouk, December 19, 2024. (Santiago Montag)

https://www.europesays.com/1756876/ Italy FM Says New Syria Leader Pledged To Stop ‘Illegal Immigration’ #conflict #Conflicts #diplomacy #italy #SYND #Syria
UN Urges Leveraging Carbon Markets To Help Poorest Countries

Italy FM Says New Syria Leader Pledged To Stop ‘Illegal Immigration’ https://www.byteseu.com/639778/ #Conflict #Conflicts #Diplomacy #Italy #SYND #Syria
EU 'Strongly Condemns' Attack At Turkey Defence Firm

https://www.europesays.com/1756723/ Italian FM meets Syria’s new rulers, discusses easing of EU sanctions | Syria’s War News #europe #MiddleEast #News #Syria #Syria'sWar
Italian FM meets Syria’s new rulers, discusses easing of EU sanctions | Syria's War News

A new #Lancet study has found that the true number of #Palestinians killed by #Israel in #Gaza could be 40 percent higher than the figures provided by the territory’s health ministry. It estimates that by mid-2024, one in every 35 Gaza residents - around 64,000 people - had been killed.


#Israeli #Palestine #MiddleEast #Genocide #Palestinians #PalestinianLivesMatter #Politics #Boycotts #ArmsEmbargo #BDS #CeaseFire #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia

Turkey says Syria should be given chance to address Kurdish militant presence https://www.byteseu.com/639431/ #Conflicts #HAKANFİDAN #IncomingAdministration #KurdishYPG #NorthernSyria #PresidentBasharAlAssad #Syria #SyrianDemocraticForces #Turkey #YPG
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🍉 ❝In de Gazastrook zijn fors meer doden door oorlogsgeweld gevallen dan de officiële cijfers van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid in Gaza.❞

[1]Niet alleen doden. Van de aanvankelijk meer dan 2 miljoen nog (min of meer) levende Gazanen "wonen" verreweg de meesten niet eens in barakken, maar in lekkende en soms ijskoude tenten.

Zij hebben geen luchtafweergeschut om zich tegen de steeds intensievere bombardementen te beschermen, geen zwaar materieel om overlevenden onder het puin te halen en geen fatsoenlijke wegen om hen te vervoeren. De weinige overgebleven ambulances hebben geen brandstof meer of worden bestookt. Ziekenhuizen zijn grotendeels vernietigd en medisch personeel zit, zonder enige vorm van proces, in Israëlische martelinstellingen.

Kinderen worden door Israëlische sluipschutters "geëlimineerd", onder meer als zij, uitgehongerd, met een pannetje aan wat eten proberen te komen. Zij dragen geen kogelwerende vesten. En de wereld kijkt weg.

🇮🇱 ❝De Poolse regering van premier Tusk heeft een resolutie aangenomen waarin staat dat "vrije en veilige" toegang wordt gegarandeerd aan de "hoogste vertegenwoordigers van de staat Israël" als ze bij de ceremonie op 27 januari willen zijn. Netanyahu wordt niet bij naam genoemd.❞

Kan *IEMAND* mij uitleggen waarom verantwoordelijken voor een *voormalig* concentratiekamp, ÜBERHAUPT (mede-) verantwoordelijken voor een *huidig* concentratiekamp genaamd Gaza, verwelkomen bij een herdenking?

Ongeacht of zij Netanyahu heten?

[1] https://nos.nl/liveblog/2550696-nieuwe-studie-fors-meer-doden-door-oorlog-in-gazastrook#UPDATE-container-83197358

#AuschwitzMemorial #ArabHaters #MuslimHaters #GayHaters #Gaza #GazaGenocide #IOFTerrorists #IDFTerrorists #Westbank #Lebabon #Syria #AuschwitzMuseum #AuschwitzMemorial #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #FrancescaAlbanese #KaagHeeftGelijk #ConcentrationCampGaza #ConcentratieKampGaza #Netanyahu #Herzog #BenGvir #Smotrich #Bastards #Propaganda #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #NietInMijnNaam #WTF

https://www.europesays.com/1756162/ Ankara Says France Ignoring Turkey’s Security Concerns In Syria #conflict #france #SYND #Syria #Turkey
UN Urges Leveraging Carbon Markets To Help Poorest Countries

Turkish forces are on high alert as Ankara demands action against Kurdish representatives in Syria and prepares for "any scenarios," including a military operation in the neighboring country. Turkey sees Kurdish autonomy in Syria as a terrorist organization and fears it could strengthen separatist movements within Turkey. #Turkey #Syria

Conflict between Turkey and Kurdish groups rises around key dam in northern Syria https://www.byteseu.com/638854/ #AhmadAlSharaa #Aleppo #BasharAssad #GeneralNews #Islam #MiddleEast #Politics #ProtestsAndDemonstrations #Syria #SyriaGovernment #Turkey #TurkeyGovernment #WarAndUnrest #WorldNews
Conflict between Turkey and Kurdish groups rises around key dam in northern Syria

https://www.europesays.com/1756056/ UN Commission notes new sense of optimism in Syria during first-ever visit #Conflicts #Syria
UN Commission notes new sense of optimism in Syria during first-ever visit

Putin's army did this, as everything russian terrorist invade turns to rubble. See russian destruction, torture of cities, country and people:

#Ukraine #eu #europe #syria

US Military Campaign Against Islamic State Ramps Up https://www.byteseu.com/638500/ #Conflicts #Syria
U.S. Navy EA-18G Growler fires flares during an Operation Inherent Resolve mission

The MLKP in Rojava Establish New Military Force: Martyr Metin Dîcle Battalion

The MLKP in Rojava establish a new military force: the Martyr Metin Dîcle Battalion. This force has been created in light of the ongoing Turkish aggression against Rojava and Syria in general. Since the counter-revolution was launched with Western and Turkish support Rojava, just like Palestine, have been embattled from the agression.


#News #mlkp #revolution #rojava #syria #turkey #WestAsia

Diplomatic Talks: Cyprus’s Strategic Role in Regional Security https://www.byteseu.com/638239/ #AbdullahBinZayed #Cyprus #EuropeanUnion #Gaza #IsaacHerzog #MaritimeCorridor #NikosChristodoulides #protest #RegionalSecurity #Syria
Diplomatic Talks: Cyprus's Strategic Role in Regional Security

https://www.europesays.com/1755524/ US Military Campaign Against Islamic State Ramps Up #Conflicts #Syria

Syria reportedly blocks evacuation of Russian military equipment from naval base https://kyivindependent.com/russias-evacuation-efforts-stalled-as-new-syrian-leaders-deny-port-access-media-reports/ #Syria

https://www.europesays.com/1755248/ Israel plans to set zone of control in Syria amid new regime worries #Conflicts #Syria
Israel plans to set zone of control in Syria amid new regime worries

Kurdish general urges Trump to leave US troops in north-east Syria | Syria https://www.byteseu.com/637890/ #Conflicts #Syria
Kurdish general urges Trump to leave US troops in north-east Syria | Syria

Will Turkey and Israel go to war over Syria? https://www.byteseu.com/637550/ #Conflicts #Syria
Will Turkey and Israel go to war over Syria?