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Beiträge, die mit Luigimangione getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit Luigimangione getaggt sind

A man 'radicalized by pain' killed a man radicalized by greed.
Normally it is the opposite.
#Mangione #luigimangione #ceo

In the days since Luigi Mangione was charged with murder for gunning down a top health insurance executive, more than a thousand donations have poured into an online fundraiser for his legal defense, with messages supporting him and even celebrating the crime. #us #usa #news #minimarketonlineltd #minimarket #America #LuigiMangione

People without back pain finally beginning to understand people with back pain.


It’s remarkable to me that nobody in any of the “journalism” I’ve seen covering the assassination of CEO whatshisname can bring themselves to say what the majority of us are surely thinking in one form or another. This apparently unspeakable thing being that we’re all really quite sick of capitalism and the wealthy elites who perpetuate its existence. #unitedhealthcare #luigimangione #capitalism

I can’t find the Luigi Mangione’s YouTube anymore. I thought he had scheduled something to be released today? Assuming our internet overlords took his page down 🤷‍♂️
#LuigiMangione #YouTube #TheAdjuster

Omg, somebody in Teen Vogue is going public with the 'Luigi was not the shooter' theory, our craziness has travelled!

It's the Monobrow, THE MONOBROW! 😉

Zeteo reporter Prem Thakker pointed out that Mangione and Penny, who was acquitted 
 of manslaughter for choking Neely to death in 2023, are both 26-year-old men. Just last 
 month, everyone was totally up in arms about the threat of radicalized young men, 
 arguing that Donald Trump and the right had entirely captured the disillusioned group, 
 as well as those who consider themselves anti-establishment. (If Mangione is indeed 
 Thompson's killer, his politics, based on his alleged online posts, can only be categorized 
 as broadly anti-establishment rather than left- or right-wing, roving from podcasters like 
 Joe Rogan to his own bizarre ramblings.)

Fall of the prog DAs, Iran’s next proxy and other commentary https://www.byteseu.com/551761/ #AlShabaab #AlvinBragg #Australia #barbados #Canada #Censorship #Conflicts #Editorial #FastTakes #HealthInsurance #houthis #Iran #LuigiMangione #Opinion #progressives #Syria #Yemen
Fall of the prog DAs, Iran’s next proxy and other commentary

My latest article is about the shooting of CEO Brian Thompson and how NYC Mayor Adams seems poised to use it as an excuse to bring in a ban on masks (which he’s wanted to do for awhile).

Mask bans are discriminatory, ableist and put lives at risk.

We are still IN an airborne pandemic. Everyone - whether disabled or not - should have the legal right to protect themselves from infection.

People need masks for all kinds of reasons. Pollution, wildfire smoke, allergies AND Covid. No one should be forced to risk their health because a necessary medical device has been criminalized for absolutely no reason.

Make no mistake - these bans won’t stop crime. Studies have shown that sunglasses obscure identity more effectively.

The only reason to ban masks is to pander to those on the right still angry about mask mandates - and to make it easier for the government to surveil its citizens.

Ironically those who screamed the loudest about freedom and bodily autonomy during mask mandates are eerily quiet about mask bans - despite the fact that they represent escalating fascism and government overreach.

We really are on our own.

Please - mask up. Do it in solidarity with disabled people who NEED masks in order to safely access public spaces. Do it to support the Covid aware people who just want to avoid infection. Do it to send a message to the government that you don’t believe anyone is expendable. Do it to protect our right to mask in the future.

It’s not too late - but we must get loud, work fast and wear our masks.


#maskbans #nomaskbans #noNYmaskban #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2 #wearamask #respirator #brianthompson #luigimangione #ableism #discrimination #disabilityrights #disabilityjustice #maskup

Il sintomo Mangione https://radioblackout.org/2024/12/il-sintomo-mangione/ #L'informazionediBlackout #unitedhealthcare #LuigiMangione #farmaceutica #StatiUniti

О социальном звучании политического убийства страховщика (главы страховой компании) Брайана Томпсона: https://www.bbc.com/russian/articles/c5y79930l51o #BrianThompson #LuigiMangione #social

"Luigi Nicholas Mangione, suspect in the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, contested his extradition to New York at a court hearing Tuesday, though it isn’t expected to delay legal proceedings significantly."

@AssociatedPress reports: "Little new information has come out about a possible motive, though writings found in Mangione’s possession hinted at a hatred of corporate greed. He remains jailed in Pennsylvania."


#LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #UnitedHealthcare #News #Crime

'It Had to Be Done': #LuigiMangione Manifesto Revealed

"A reminder: the U.S. has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy," the 26-year-old accused of assassinating a health insurance CEO reportedly wrote.

[contains transcript (corroborated by NBC) published by Ken Klippenstein]


#press #news #HealthCare #HealthcareInsurance #politics #HealthcareIsAHumanRight

The Media with their " we can never possibly know what drove Luigi to this, because we can't admit everything is terrible and he has a point"


I'm telling you, this court case is probably what Mangione was hoping for, a platform, a story the media cannot resist.

#LuigiMangione #NoBillionaires #EatTheRich #USPOL
On Tuesday night's edition of CNN's The Source with Kaitlan Collins, Dickey 
 confirmed he has been flooded with offers to pay Mangione's legal bills. 
 When Collins asked why, Dickey cracked that what's "free speech" for billionaires 
 in politics is free speech for Luigi's supporters too:

lol even the petty little far right bootlickers at the New York Post (I’m not linking to it) can’t stop themselves from saying “where’s the lie” with a couple paragraphs
The alleged manifesto included raging remarks about “parasitic” health insurance companies and expressed disdain for corporate greed and power, according to law enforcement sources.

He allegedly also wrote that the US has the most expensive healthcare system in the world and that profits of major corporations continue to rise while “our life expectancy” does not.
#brianthompson #luigimangione #USPol #healthcare #healthinsurance #unitedhealthcare #oligarchy #massmurder #structuralviolence #classwarfare #classwar

The #news that in these days is raging in the #usa regards the arrest of #LuigiMangione alleged killer of #unitedhealthcare #ceo

The italo-American engineer followed the footprints of #unabomber especially under a political point of view as it is proved by the #manifesto that he was bringing with him during his escape.

A wealthy guy #fighting against #plutocracy or a brutal killer?

Check it out in my latest #article


Predictions are hard, but right now everything I read screams at me that #LuigiMangione is going to die, or to enter a dark hole he'll never return from.

Why? Because violence is power's answer to threats, and people in power want to prevent something akin to what @pluralistic lays out in https://prospect.org/culture/books/2024-12-09-radicalized-cory-doctorow-story-health-care/

Three things may avert this.

a) he's too white. b) there's going to be a better patsy. c) too many people making this prediction too public.

They're not mutually exclusive.


In this video we focus on the concept of 'social murder' as outlined by Friedrich #Engels in his 1845 book "The Conditions of the Working Class in England"

Then we move onto the media and internet reaction to the murder of CEO Brian Thompson, the folk hero status of our man #Luigi, and a general critique of insurance and society from a #workingclass, #proletarian perspective.
#socialMurder #prole #marx #UnitedHealthcare #ceo #LuigiMangione
#BrianThompson #justice


On the charge of first degree murder of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson, how does the jury find the defendant?



Wait.. what was the game? Smash or pass?

#UnitedHealthCare #BrianThompson #CEO #LuigiMangione

Netizens say they “feel sorry” for Luigi Mangione and “empathise” with him after he was charged with murder for killing UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.

If your name is Mario, and you're a defence attorney in New York, you have the opportunity to do the greatest thing humanity has ever seen.


#UnitedHealthCare #BrianThompson #CEO #LuigiMangione

Watching the #media slice up their #luigimangione story and coat each morsel with the slick veneer of #propaganda their corporate interest groups require them to instill really saddens me at the loss of the boring news coverage of my youth.

Maybe it's not propagandized and it's just my extremely jaded, cynical view of the world, but it really reads that way.

The articles from the main sites, the CNNs, MSNBCs, etc. all are focusing on how his family has money, how he comes from privilege, how he went to great schools.

All I see is them trying to make him unlikable.

Look at the first round of reporting. I don't think they knew what to make of the public response that not only didn't balk at him shooting a #ceo but full-on praised him and attacked #uhc broadly and #brianthompson specifically for contributing to the deaths of so many thousands.

It just...it feels like we responded differently than the media parent companies wanted us to respond, and so now they're ratcheting up rhetoric to steer that emotional response back to where they want it to be.

Like I said though, that just might be me looking at all of this through an extremely jaded lens. If I hadn't been the one writing this I feel like I'd be inclined to dismiss it as just another old white dude on the internet with conspiracy theories. Certainly no judgement on my part if you dismiss this as I *am* just another old white dude on the Internet.

But damn...it just feels manipulative and try as I might, I can't shake the feeling that it's all intentional because folks responded in an unplanned way. I'm curious if I'm not the only one seeing it that way.

#Google admits to #MemoryHoling and rigs reviews of restaurants... It pulls bad #McDonalds reviews after #LuigiMangione’s arrest

Tech giant says reviews responding to employee’s tip-off that led to suspect’s arrest 🤣violate its policies🤣."

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/12/11/google-pulls-bad-mcdonalds-reviews-after-luigi-mangiones-arrest #UnitedHealthcare ##DeadCEOGoodCEO

So, Luigi's a white dude from a wealthy family. And the CEOs a wealthy white CEO.

Looking like a trial of white privilege.

#LuigiMangione #CEOShooter

I reported a bunch of TikTok videos and comments that were directly threatening the life of the person that turned Luigi in.

TikTok didn't find a single violation

#LuigiMangione #CEOShooter

The 'monobrow' is the one detail the crazed internet sleuth in me just can't leave alone, but it'll probably just be an artefact of the camera recording or something dull like that.


Reddit has begun to remove all traces of #luigimangione’s manifesto. Garbage.

Imagine being so despised that they catch your murderer they basically admit to murdering you and there's a decent chance a jury wouldn't convict you if you went to trial.

#HealthCareReform #Manifesto #UnitedHealthcare #LuigiMangione