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Beiträge, die mit gazaGenocide getaggt sind

"Se #Netanyahu è un criminale, è fin troppo facile immaginare chi siano i suoi fiancheggiatori, che ne risponderanno di fronte alla Storia."

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #22novembre


War-crimes court issues arrest warrants for Netanyahu, ex-defense minister and a Hamas leader | AP News


> The warrant was issued to #Netanyahu, his former defense minister Gallant, and Hamas officials, accusing them of war crimes.

#gaza #gazagenocide #icc

>> "I am happy to share one of my favourite pieces with you, "the olive harvest season", it was reliving to join the piking this year with the farmers in the south of Gaza Strip despite being displaced for more than a year.

>> "In this piece I am talking about the cultural and economical aspects of the season✨🤍🇵🇸"


#Palestine #israel


Breaking: Arrest Warrants Issued for Netanyahu, Gallant, and Deceased Hamas Commander by International Criminal Court. The unprecedented decision by the ICC to issue arrest against Israeli leaders was met with fury by officials in the Israeli government and their supporters around the world. #IsraelWarCrimes #WarCrimes #GazaGenocide #Genocide #EthnicCleansing #ICC #Palestine #FromTheRiverToTheSea #Netanyahu #NetanyahuWarCriminal

"Il dottore fantasma di Gaza".🧵1/8

"Centinaia di persone del personale medico sono stati uccisi a Gaza, e questo non interessa nemmeno all'Associazione Medica Israeliana. Che vergogna!"

Il medico eroe morto in Israele, da prigioniero torturato, suscita pressoché totale indifferenza negli israeliani.

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #21novembre

Il dottor Adnan Al-Bursh, primario di ortopedia presso l'ospedale Al-Shifa di Gaza City.

Il Senato #USA respinge, a larghissima maggioranza, la proposta di #BernieSanders sul blocco alle armi per Israele.
“Stiamo finanziando la carestia dei bambini a Gaza.”

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #21novembre


Arrest warrants issued for Netanyahu, Gallant and Hamas commander over alleged war crimes.

#GazaGenocide #Gaza


Life is hard when your ethical system is built on incompatible dogmatic beliefs, not some baseline consistent axioms.

My guess: Self reflection is not their strength, probably continuing down the road of "the ICC is Hamas actually".

#ICC #Israel #Gaza #GazaGenocide #Palestine #Netanyahu #Gallant #Deif
Two Buttons meme template (a comic featuring a character struggling to decide which one of two red buttons labeled with contradicting statements to press).

Button one is labeled with "Trust institutions blindly (ICC)".
Button two is labeled with "Trust Israel blindly".
The character struggling to decide is labeled with "Liberals".

I grew up amidst the chaos of wars. Now, as my youth fades, I witness the horrors of ongoing genocide. All I've ever wanted is to live an ordinary life, free from suffering & fear, where hope can thrive. I hope u can help save my family.
Every bit counts🙏


#ceasefirenow #gazagenocide #gazaunderattack #palestine #freepalestine

Ons kabinet steunt genocide. Ik hoop dat Wilders, Yesilgöz en van de Plas zich ooit voor een objectieve rechter moeten verantwoorden.

#FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #MSFIsRight #HRWIsRight #Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Lebanon

'A'dam: chauffeurs haalden demonstr. op'

Iets wat ik nog niet wist (mogelijk gemist heb), uit een opinistuk in https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/11/20/the-pogrom-that:

In defiance of a protest ban, on November 10, hundreds of people gathered in Dam Square, including myself, in solidarity with the people of Palestine.
Some 340 people, including myself, were detained on buses and driven through the city, accompanied by several police vans and motorcycles.
As we made our way back to the city centre, cars began circling around us and the drivers beckoned for us to get in. They introduced themselves as the Moroccan drivers whose colleague had been attacked by Maccabi fans on November 6. In a heartwarming act of solidarity after hours of police repression, they drove us back to Amsterdam, making sure that we got home safely.

Eveneens uit dat opiniestuk:

As historian Ilan Pappe predicted in a recent article (https://newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/the-collapse-of-zionism), “once Israel realises the magnitude of the crisis, it will unleash ferocious and uninhibited force to try to contain it”. The desperate attempt to distort the reality of events in Amsterdam is indicative of this panic, and the willingness of Western leaders and mainstream media to go along with this insanity is unforgivable.

Het verbaast mij nog elke dag hoeveel mensen hun ogen sluiten voor wat Israëliërs hun medemensen aandoen. Helaas ben ik niet zo positief over een snelle kentering als de auteur.

Het opiniestuk is geschreven door de dappere Niamh Ní Bhriain. Zij coördineert het "TNI's War and Pacification programma" van het Transnational Institute (gevestigd te Amsterdam). Meer info over Niamh in https://www.tni.org/en/profile/niamh-ni-bhriain.

#Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Lebanon #Maccabi #Pogrom

Palestinian annual olive harvest under attach by Israeli military and settlers. It’s not enough #Israel bombs schools, hospitals, journalists and established refugee camps, no… they have to destroy the farms, the water supply and restrict access to fuel and humanitarian aid. This is truly despicable behavior. #GazaGenocide #IsraelWarCrimes #Palestine

UN Says virtually no aid has gotten to North #Gaza in the last 40 days. This is another in a long list of #IsraelWarCrimes and is definitely #EthnicCleansing and #MassPunishment - both specifically forbidden by both the UN and #GenevaConvention. I challenge anyone to look at the destruction, deaths, injuries and practices of the #IDF and prove me wrong. And yet the West, especially the US, Germany, France and the Netherlands appear to be in full support of this criminal conduct - supporting the fascist, murderous #Netanyahu regime. Only freedom-fighting #Ireland and the progressive left stand with Palestine. #GazaGenocide #Palestine

This is inconceivable to me. #WarCrimes and #GazaGenocide investigations underway, even the Pope on board with a vast majority of global nations condemning #Israel YET still the “US vetoes UN Security Council resolution on Gaza ceasefire” - #WTF https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-will-veto-un-security-council-resolution-gaza-war-its-current-form-says-2024-11-20/

Gli israeliani devono opporsi alla pulizia etnica nella Striscia di Gaza

“Quello che #Israele sta facendo oggi a Gaza è molto peggio del fascismo.
Assomiglia di più a una guerra di sterminio.”

✍️La Professoressa #YaelBarda, esperta di diritto e sociologia, fa parte della facoltà della "Hebrew University" ed è autrice del libro “La burocrazia dell'occupazione”.
✍️ #MeronRapoport è giornalista, attivista politico e direttore del sito di news online "Sikha Mekomit".

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #20novembre

Palestinesi in fuga verso sud da Jabalya nella Striscia di Gaza in seguito alle operazioni dell'IDF.
Credito: AFP

Tra bombardamenti, scarsità d'acqua, oltre il 75% degli ulivi distrutti dagli attacchi di Israele, gli olivicoltori di Gaza hanno cercato disperatamente di salvare ciò che resta dei raccolti.

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #20novembre


#Israel is unrelentingly genocidal & sickening. 'The Israeli military has apparently taken over North Gaza’s only water desalination station and turned it into a makeshift army base, according to videos posted online by Israeli soldiers.' https://www.dropsitenews.com/p/gaza-water-desalination-plant-israeli-base #GazaGenocide

CJPME's Alex Patterson explains how Canada's Canada's visa and refugee system clearly demonstrates wilful and targeted anti-Palestinian racism. He correctly calls out Justin Trudeau and Mélanie Joly by name for being complicit in the Palestinian genocide and also refers to Marc Miller's racist policies as immigration minister.

Historic statement.

#canpoli #CJPME #immigration

Israeli Media's Complacency in Allowing Genocidal and Islamophobic User Comments

A Regularly Updated Thread of Islamophobic and Genocidal Comments on Israeli News Websites [mainstream center right to center left]

#IsraeliMediaComplicity #Genocide #GazaGenocide
#Ynet #Haaretz #Walla #Mako #Maariv

The two from a group known as the Thales 5 were sentenced to prison after shutting down a weapons factory in Glasgow that supplies the Israeli military.
Three of the five activists are still behind bars. #Palestine #GazaGenocide
The two from a group known as the Thales 5 were sentenced to prison after shutting down a weapons factory in Glasgow that supplies the Israeli military.
Three of the five activists are still behind bars.

L'annessione de-facto continua.

Gara d'appalto per un nuovo insediamento a #BeitSafafa, Gerusalemme Est.
Previste circa 200 nuove unità abitative ma probabilmente nel piano finale saranno di più.

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #19novembre


Ca. 80 jaar geleden vonden veel Joden, puur vanwege hun afkomst, de dood - mede vanwege de mening van menig Nederlander, die ongeveer zo geklonken zal hebben:

ik wil me niet verbinden met lieden die menen dat Duitsland genocide bedrijft

Aan de lopende band vinden *nu* veel Palestijnen, puur vanwege hun afkomst, de dood - opnieuw mede vanwege de mening van menig Nederlander. Zoals van Theodor Holman (*) vandaag in https://www.parool.nl/columns-opinie/ik-heb-geen-respect-en-ik-wil-me-niet-verbinden-met-lieden-die-menen-dat-israel-genocide-bedrijft~bfd5e075/:

ik wil me niet verbinden met lieden die menen dat Israël genocide bedrijft

Verderop schrijft Theodor Holman:

Dus zegt iemand: “Vertel eens, waarom vindt u het geen genocide?” dan zweeft er zachtjes van mijn glimlachende diplomatenlipjes: “Het is een ingewikkeld probleem, waar we eens uitgebreid over moeten praten.”

Ik weet namelijk dat discussiëren geen zin heeft.

Als een deel van de Israëliërs (met voor miljarden dollars aan westerse wapens) al tientallen jaren Palestijnen van hun land verdrijft (steeds vaker met extreem geweld en ouderwets uithongeren) is het inderdaad een ingewikkeld probleem hoe je het volstrekt buitenproportionele geweld van de IDF en kolonisten zou kunnen rechtvaardigen.

Ook als een deel van die Palestijnen hun eigen land en zichzelf met grof geweld (zónder bommenwerpers, tanks, drones en AI) daartegen verweert: dát is namelijk de zelfverdediging die aan de orde is.

En inderdaad, zolang mensen (ook met zelfverklaarde diplomatenlipjes) *weigeren* om de waarheid onder ogen te zien, heeft discussiëren totaal geen zin.

(*) Sowieso lijkt Theodor Holman geen verbinder: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Holman#Controversieel

#FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #MSFIsRight #HRWIsRight #Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Lebanon

"L’esecuzione delle regole del diritto internazionale è ostacolata dagli Stati, che la distorcono in base al proprio tornaconto politico. Il caso palestinese lo dimostra. Dall’operato della Corte penale dell’Aia al ruolo sempre più decisivo dei contenziosi giuridici mirati con finalità politiche o sociali: Chantal Meloni, docente di Diritto penale all’Università Statale di Milano, scatta una fotografia precisa dello scenario globale."

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #19novembre


"Israeli forces have prohibited the entry of tents into Gaza. As a result, people are living in makeshift shelters made of plastic and blankets, which have all been flooded due to the heavy rain."



Palestine Deep Dive's #AhmedAlnaouq speaks with #FrancescaAlbanese about her report on #Israel's #ColonialViolence in #Gaza and with #EyalWeizman about his group #ForensicArchitecture's cartography of the #GazaGenocide


#oPt #Palestine #WarOnGaza #StateViolence #StateCrime @palestine @israel
thumbnail for the video titled "Erasing Palestinian Life in Gaza: Israel’s Genocide EXPOSED" by YT channel Palestine Deep Dive
thumbnail heading (left foreground): "THIS IS NOT A WAR. THIS IS GENOCIDE"
right foreground: photos of Eyal Weizman (at centre-left) and Francesca Albanese (at far left)
background: what look to be plumes of smoke from explosive ordnance

>> An internal United Nations memo obtained by The Washington Post reveals that criminal gangs are looting humanitarian aid in Gaza under the protection of the Israeli military.


>> “We have not witnessed any interference from Hamas in our programs, whether in the north or the south”, denying Israeli accusations against the resistance movement.



"What matters is evidence of the crime, and there is more than enough for the #ICC’s chief prosecutor to issue an application for an arrest warrant for #Biden, just as it did for Netanyahu."

James Bamford | The Case Against #JoeBiden for Complicity in #Genocide


#USpol #USpolitics #USForeignPolicy #ArmsTransfers #Palestine #Israel #oPt #Gaza #GazaGenocide #InternationalCriminalCourt #WarCrimes #WarOnGaza #CrimesAgainstHumanity @palestine @israel

"Per l'esercito israeliano che li domina, le vite dei palestinesi in #Cisgiordania sono insignificanti."

Un'attivista israeliana ha partecipato ad una raccolta delle olive in Cisgiordania.
Questo il suo resoconto.

✍️Yael Shenker insegna in Israele al "Sapir Academic College", è ricercatrice e scrive di cultura e cinema.

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #18novembre #WestBank

FOTO D'ARCHIVIO: Un contadino palestinese raccoglie olive in un uliveto in Cisgiordania.
Credito: Moti Milrod

"Dopo le parole di #papaBergoglio, la relatrice speciale Onu per i territori palestinesi occupati #FrancescaAlbanese spiega in che modo l’esercito israeliano sta agendo per cancellare la vita a Gaza."

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #18novembre



L’aggressione di #Gaza continua senza sosta: l’aviazione israeliana ha bombardato di nuovo Beit Lahia, uccidendo un numero ancora imprecisato di persone — mentre scriviamo il conto è arrivato a 72 morti. Le IDF hanno compiuto altri due massacri, a Nuseirat e a Bureji, uccidendo altre 24 persone. (WAFA)



#TheSubmarine #gazagenocide #gazamassacre

I norra Gaza finns inte en enda ambulans kvar. Alla har sprängts eller bränts ner i samband med räder mot sjukhusen. Sjukhuschefen K Edwan, vittnar om att skadade människor tar sig till sjukhuset till fots. Många av dem förblöder på vägen dit.

Alla, precis alla, borde bli rasande. Alla borde bli ursinniga. När tappade vi människor allt förstånd & all empati för oskyldiga civila.

#gaza #gazagenocide #civila #krigsbrott
Runt hundra personer har dödats under söndagen på olika håll i Gaza, enligt Hamas mediekontor. • I norra Gaza finns inte en enda ambulans kvar. Alla har sprängts eller bränts ner i samband med räder mot sjukhusen. • Sjukhuschefen Kamal Edwan, vittnar om att skadade människor tar sig till sjukhuset till fots. Många av dem förblöder på vägen dit.