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Beiträge, die mit EUROVISION getaggt sind

The #EurovisionSongContest #ESC banned Russia from entering the competition when they invaded Ukraine. Yet despite the #genocide in #Palestine, the #EBU did NOT ban #Israel from #ESC2024. They have again permitted an Israeli entry for #ESC2025. As in 2024, I shall again be boycotting all official #EUROVISION media. Apparently last year the EBU insists no member objected to Israel being pemitted to join in. #Slovenia has objected this year and has threatened to withdraw.


Nach fast 30 Jahren wechselt die Federführung für den Eurovision Song Contest innerhalb der ARD: Vom NDR zum SWR. Der Staffelstab wird offiziell nach dem großen Finale am 17. Mai 2025 übergeben – ein Meilenstein der ARD-Reform!

Bis zur Übergabe arbeitet der NDR zusammen mit Stefan Raab weiter an einem Sieg in Basel. 🏆 Sollte das gelingen, heißt es 2026: Deutschland richtet das internationale Finale aus.

📝 https://www.eurovision.de/news/SWR-uebernimmt-Federfuehrung-fuer-Eurovision-Song-Contest,wechsel112.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=NDR.de

#NDR #Eurovision #ESC
SWR übernimmt deutsche ESC-Verantwortung ab 2026

Europa droht zwischen "Big-Tech" aus 🇺🇸 & 🇨🇳 unterzugehen! Jetzt ist der Moment, um mit einer digitalen #Eurovision offene, transparente Alternativen zu schaffen 👇

Die neue Ausgabe ist da & enthaelt auch den begleitenden Podcast. Es muss etwas passieren...

Gerne teilen. Danke 🙏 #Fediverse #Mastodon #Europa


Australian #eurovision fans: Icelandic Eurovision diva Hera Bjork is currently touring her musical cabaret show and it’s an absolute delight. I saw it last night and had so much fun. There’s one more show in #Melbourne tonight, then there’s shows in #sydney, #adelaide and #perth https://www.euro-party.com/hera-2025

You are F kidding me: Nova Music Festival survivor Yuval Raphael to represent #Israel at #Eurovision 2025! How much more toxic can this country's government be and how corrupted & vile is the #EBU? To the #NME's credit, the coverage of this diplomatic #gaslighting effort is massively more balanced than 99% of British media, by mentioning the protest mouvement within the music industry last year. No to #genocide jig, #occupation polka, hit me with a petition url asap!



Looks like I’m boycotting Eurovision again this year.


Slovenia requests Israel’s exclusion from Eurovision 2025: Reports https://www.byteseu.com/591421/ #eurovision #Gaza #Israel #Russia #Slovenia #Ukraine
Slovenia requests Israel's exclusion from Eurovision 2025: Reports

Slovenia calls for Israel to be removed from Eurovision 2025 https://www.byteseu.com/588589/ #eurovision #Gaza #GazaWar #Israel #Slovenia
Slovenia calls for Israel to be removed from Eurovision 2025

Communications Minister Karhi: the supreme court should be cancelled and a new court circuit should replace it, that will not attack the #democracy.

Translation: even two branches of #government are too many, #Israel should have only one.

That's the same guy who wants to shred our public broadcasting corp and delete as much of whatever is left of our local culture and common history. If he manages to pull this off, we will probably get kicked out of the #eurovision too.

La #CPI lance un mandat d'arrêt contre #Nétanyahou et son ancien ministre de la Défense pour crimes contre l'humanité et crimes de guerre.

Rappelons qu'il y avait 3 Présidents français dans les tribunes pour le match France-Israël.

Mandat aussi contre un chef du #Hamas probablement mort.

C'est bon, on peut exclure ce pays du prochain #Eurovision ?


#Israël #Gaza #Palestine

They weren’t joking about her deep voice! Like a cis Dana International… #israel #eurovision

La representante de #Portugal se salta las normas y hace un guiño a #Palestina con su vestuario - https://www.lavanguardia.com/magazine/moda/20240511/9634639/representante-portugal-salta-normas-guino-palestina-vestuario.html #eurovision #Gaza #Israel

A Eurovision like no other: Israel’s war on Gaza takes centre stage | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

"On February 25, 2022, just one day after Moscow's troops launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which produces Eurovision, banned Russia."

#Palestine #Israel #Eurovision