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Beiträge, die mit Essay getaggt sind

One of the #books I've currently got going—Donato Loia's fantastic 1095 Short Sentences— helped me think through some ambiguous feelings about the rise of the #newsletter. Of course, that's over at the #blog, a medium I suspect is still a different beast from a newsletter:



This week's top 5 #longreads:

• Trader No’s? (Fast Company)
• Carnivorous curiosity (Alta Journal)
• A meditation on power (Switchyard)
• The overlooked sense of smell (Nautilus)
• Riding bulls in Manhattan (The Paris Review)


#Longreads #Reading #Nonfiction #Essay #Writing #Journalism

my internet connection is here and there right now, but I can finally put the link to my latest post/essay wherein I explain where I am now and also why:

**and now for something completely different**


#blog #essay #EscapingFascism

Wie ist der Alltag im Krieg? Der ukrainische Autor Andrej Kurkow beantwortet die Frage auf besondere Weise und lüftet den vielbeschworenen »Nebel des Krieges«.

Kurkows Stil ist unaufgeregt, der Leser wird nicht überrollt wie in den Sozialen Medien. :mastoread:

#Ukraine #Politik #Krieg #Russland #Putin #Alltag #Tagebuch #Essay #Lesen #Literatur #buchtipp #Lesetipp #2024reads #buchbubble

Auf meinem #Blog habe ich das #Buch ausführlich vorgestellt: 👇

"Reading these stories was never about inviting pain, frustration, or dismay for the sake of it. Nor, I suspect, was that the case for the writers who crafted them. As Aziza suggests, witnessing is about opening ourselves up to possibility."

Contributing editor Seyward Darby reflects on her year of reading in "The Wounds That Bind": https://longreads.com/2024/12/11/a-year-in-reading-the-wounds-that-bind/

#Longreads #Journalism #Essay #Reporting #Gaza

Today's Longreads Top 5:

-Reclaiming soil—and one family’s story
-A club of country collectors
-The rise of Big Headlight
-How saints are made
-An alphabetical ode to felines


#Longreads #Essay #Journalism #Nonfiction #Reading