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Beiträge, die mit FEATURE getaggt sind

https://www.europesays.com/1899077/ Marc Nelson’s graphic depictions of Syrian civil war find new purpose after fall of Assad regime #Conflicts #FEATURE #story #Syria #USBureau
Marc Nelson’s graphic depictions of Syrian civil war find new purpose after fall of Assad regime

Marc Nelson’s graphic depictions of Syrian civil war find new purpose after fall of Assad regime https://www.byteseu.com/812294/ #Conflicts #FEATURE #story #Syria #USBureau
Marc Nelson’s graphic depictions of Syrian civil war find new purpose after fall of Assad regime

Did AI really defend the KKK at the end of my column? Let’s discuss https://www.byteseu.com/807060/ #AI #Article #ArtificialIntelligence #CenterLeft #column #columna #end #FEATURE #insight #Journalist #kkk #KlanPiece #ManyReader #NewAiTool #people #times #writer
Did AI really defend the KKK at the end of my column? Let's discuss

Could Elon Musk’s government takeover happen in the UK? A constitutional law expert’s view


English version:
How to delete easily a folder in the #sharkey user #drive?

I get the message that the folder can't be deleted because it's not empty.

It's also not possible to delete all #files in a folder at once to easily empty the folder.

Is this a #bug or a #feature?

German version:
Wie kann man denn bei #Sharkey alte #Medien aus dem #Drive möglichst einfach löschen?

Ich habe extra für den #Upload einen Standardordner für das jeweilige Jahr angelegt und würde Ordner von vergangenen Jahren gerne löschen. Das liefert aber die Meldung "Der Ordner kann nicht gelöscht werden, da er nicht leer ist".

Auch kann man nicht alle Medien im Ordner auf einen Schlag löschen, sondern nur Datei für Datei 🤔🤷‍♂️
Das kann doch nicht der Weisheit letzter Schluss sein. Ergo: Ist das ein Bug, oder ein Feature?

#Fotos #Bilder #Fediverse #Löschung #photos #media

Zen and the art of language learning


A federal Europe of nations: Is a new world emerging that will engulf Europe?


Welsh theatre company launches accessibility training for Welsh events sector


Families return to Welsh speaking heartlands thanks to groundbreaking initiative


Celebrating five years of Creative Wales


‘Bright future’ for town centre in Wales thanks to Welsh businesswoman


24 hours that changed Wales – a learning journey


Animal rescuer calls for stronger dog breeding legislation amid abandonment ‘crisis’


Raising a flag: Cynefin’s tender, brave and beautiful new album, Shimli


Letter from Llanon


Greyhound rescue charity facing mounting financial pressures and unprecedented backlog


Welsh location named in Helen Skelton’s top 10 family walking routes


Couple who fostered more than 100 children champion social worker’s support


The fight to save the native Welsh honeybee


Wales has never had its fair share of railway investement


The Welsh Witch Squabble


Fflach: Iconic Welsh record label returns with community at its heart
