Beiträge, die mit Fatah getaggt sind
"Päätös on viranomaisten mukaan väliaikainen ja perustuu al-Jazeeran ”lietsovaan sisältöön”."
#AlJazeera #media #journalismi #Palestiina #sota #Länsiranta #Gaza #Fatah #Hamas #yhteiskunta #politiikka
Palestiina kielsi al-Jazeeran lähetykset
Luultavasti lähetykset estyvät vain Länsirannalla eivätkä Gazassa.Tommi Hannula HS (Helsingin Sanomat)
L’Autorité palestinienne suspend la chaîne Al Jazeera dans les Territoires palestiniens
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #Aljazeera #Fatah
L'Autorité palestinienne suspend la chaîne Al Jazeera dans les Territoires palestiniens - [mcInform@ctions]
La chaîne d’information Al Jazeera a été suspendue dans les Territoires palestiniens mercredi par l’Autorité palestinienne car
In Gaza, we will reclaim our lives after Israel’s war
The first thing I would do is to visit my demolished home, then to rush to my grandparents’ and uncles' house to greet them and hug them after long months of separation, writes Huda Skaik. The ceasefire came into effect in Lebanon.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
In Gaza, we will reclaim our lives after Israel’s war - EUROPE SAYS
The first thing I would do is to visit my demolished home, then to rush to my grandparents’EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Hamás y Fatah avanzan en acuerdos para administración de la Franja de Gaza
Movimientos palestinos Hamás y Fatah avanzaron en los acuerdos para la administración de la Franja de Gaza y CisjordaniaVenezuela News
Accordo storico tra Fatah e Hamas per la gestione di Gaza
Intesa mediata dall’Egitto prevede un comitato per la ricostruzione e l’amministrazione civile della Striscia Fatah e Hamas hanno raggiunto un accordo per creare un comitato congiunto d…LiberoReporter
Middle East: historic agreement between Fatah and Hamas for the management of Gaza
Egyptian- mediated agreement envisages a committee for the reconstruction and civil administration of the Strip Fatah and Hamas have reached an agreement to create a joint committee dedicated to th…LiberoReporter
„Representatives from Fatah and Hamas have begun talks in Cairo to discuss forming a committee to manage the affairs of the Gaza Strip, Egypt's State Information Service said on Saturday, citing an Egyptian security official.“