Beiträge, die mit Jadaliyya getaggt sind
w/ Lara Deeb, Heather Ferguson, Amanda Lagji, Leila Mansouri
Host: Bassam Haddad
"Four faculty members at the Claremont Colleges, a #liberalArts consortium, discuss their approaches to including material on #Palestine and Palestinian perspectives into classes in anthropology, history, postcolonial and decolonial literature, and creative writing."
#PalestineStudies #decolonialStudies @palestine @histodons
"[A] conversation with #MarcOwenJones about #Israel’s war on truth during its genocidal campaign in the #Gaza Strip. This episode of Connections will examine #Israel’s systematic deployment of #disinformation and the political objectives undergirding these campaigns."
host: #MouinRabbani
#WarOnGaza #Palestine #propaganda #hasbara #media @palestine @israel
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"In this sit down conversation with #BassamHaddad and #SinanAntoon, #TalalAsad takes a bird’s eye look at the political landscape since #Israel’s genocidal war against #Gaza and reflects on the state of our world."
#Palestine #oPt #GazaGenocide #colonialViolence #imperialism #PalestineSolidarity @palestine
#MiddleEast #Palestine #Gaza #oPt #UKpolitics #UKpol #decolonialStruggles @palestine @sudan @geopolitics
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Questioning the State (Part 5): #StateDepartment Briefings on #Palestine, #Ceasefire & Beyond
#SaidArikat, Washington Bureau Chief for #AlQudsDaily & #SamHusseini, independent journalist, in conversation with #BassamHaddad
#GazaCeasefire #GazaCoverage #PalestineCoverage #media #USpol #USpolitics #USStateDepartment #WhiteHouse #USForeignPolicy #oPt #MiddleEast #MiddleEastCoverage #Jadaliyya @palestine @israel
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Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
What Have We Learned? | #Israel’s Genocide—One Year On
#ArdiImseis, Associate Prof. of Law @ Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario and author of "The #UnitedNations and the Question of #Palestine: Rule by Law and the Structure of International Legal Subalternity" in conversation with #BassamHaddad
#WarOnGaza #PalestinianResistance #InternationalLaw #apartheid #ColonialViolence #oPt #Jadaliyya @palestine @israel
What Have We Learned? | #Israel’s Genocide—One Year On
Jurist #NimerSultany, reader in law @ SOAS, EIC of The #Palestine Yearbook of #InternationalLaw and author of "Law and Revolution: Legitimacy and Constitutionalism After the Arab Spring", in conversation w/ #BassamHaddad
#WarOnGaza #GazaGenocide #ColonialViolence #oPt #AcademicFreedom #PalestineSolidarity #GazaSolidarity #UKpol #UKpolitics #Jadaliyya @palestine
"The Fares Center Seminar on the Middle East presents 'Regional Implications of Israel’s Ongoing War On Gaza,' with #MouinRabbani, hosted by Nadim Rouhana—filmed on November 22 and streamed on November 26 by the #Gaza in Context Project."
#Palestine #MiddleEast #geopolitics #Jadaliyya @palestine @israel
#HasmikEgian, former director of the #SecurityCouncil Affairs Division, in conversation with #BassamHaddad
#UN #UnitedNations #UNSC #InternationalCriminalCourt #InternationalJustice #geopolitics #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Gaza #GazaCeasefire #Palestine #Israel #Jadaliyya @palestine
⦁#AmalSaad, Lecturer in Politics & International Relations at Cardiff Univ., specialist on #Hizbullah & its relations with the #ResistanceAxis
⦁#MouinRabbani, co-editor of #Jadaliyya
⦁#JamilMouawad, Asst Prof. of Politics, AUB
moderators: #BassamHaddad, #OmarDahi
#MiddleEast #Palestine #oPt #Gaza #Lebanon #Israel #USForeignPolicy #USpol #USpolitics #geopolitics @palestine @lebanon
#Gaza in Context: A Collaborative Teach-In Series
What Have We Learned? | #Israel’s Genocide — One Year On
#RanaBarakat, associate professor of history and director of #BirzeitUniversity Museum in #Palestine in conversation with #BassamHaddad
#GazaGenocide #oPt #SettlerColonialism #ColonialViolence #Jadaliyya @palestine
What Have We Learned? With Rana Barakat, Hosted by Bassam Haddad
What have we learned? With Rana BarakatHosted by Bassam HaddadJoin our eleventh edition of “What Have We Learned?” after one year of Israel’s Genocide, with ...YouTube
#Gaza in Context: A Collaborative Teach-In Series
Leaving Zionism, Embracing Humanity | Raz Segal's Intellectual & Political Journey: Part 1 of 2
#RazSegal in conversation with #BassamHaddad
#Palestine #PalestineQuestion #Israel #oPt #GenocideStudies #Jadaliyya
Leaving Zionism, Embracing Humanism: Raz Segal's Intellectual and Political Journey, Part 1
Leaving Zionism, Embracing Humanism: Raz Segal's Intellectual and Political JourneyPart 1 of 2Featuring: Raz SegalModerator:Bassam HaddadJoin us for this fir...YouTube
some salutary #sarcasm and #satire from #Jadaliyya
Sinan Antoon, Cultural Landscape Specialist
Adel Iskandar, Media Landscape Specialist
Bassam Haddad, Social Science Specialist
#KarensForGenocide #SnowflakesForGenocide #ItsAllAboutMe #WhiteFragility #GazaGenocide #Palestine