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Beiträge, die mit Navy getaggt sind

About the savagery and brutality of the British military

Royal Navy's submarine service is plagued by 'gang bangs', drug dealers and lewd officers who celebrate 'rape lists' as crews share Top Trumps-style cards of worst offenders, whistleblower says
And there are disturbing claims of rapes and sexual assaults taking place, as well as a culture of cocaine use among some sailors serving on nuclear submarines and some stationed at the navy's nuclear submarine HQ, HMNB Clyde, in Faslane, Scotland.

'I know of people who have been gang raped,' an insider said. 'I saw initiation ceremonies. One lad was on his knees ion his compartment with three lads and was trying to [perform a sex act on them].'

The former sailor claimed: 'On HMS Vengeance eight kids tried to kill themselves, three were raped and two have now died. Honestly, it's f***ing disgusting.'


The claims are the latest to rock the submarine service following allegations of sexual bullying, misogyny and abuse against women were revealed by the Mail.

In October the head of the Royal Navy was forced into offering a grovelling apology for sexual attacks and bullying of women on submarines, after it was exposed by the Mail.


The Navy published a 140-page report into its findings, about two-thirds of which is completely obscured by a security censor's black ink, covering up shocking details of the abuses.

#Western #NATO #UK #britain #england #british #britisharmy #navy #military #savagery #rape #drugs #antihumanity

British Military Must Die!

Throughout last week Yemen missiles rained down on military targets in Tel Aviv.

In response Israel bombed civilian targets in Sanaa Yemen. Targeting power stations an the port.

When this still did not stop the strikes on Tel Aviv the US launched airstrikes on Yemen resulting in the accidental friendly fire shoot down of two Navy airmen and their F/A-18 Super Hornet.

The Houthi's released this video recapping the week.

#FreePalestine #Yemen #Israel #Navy #US #F18 #Ansarullah #OSINT

A #ColdWar relic evaporates overnight:

In 1971, the #SovietUnion and the new #Assad Regime signed an agreement to use the port of #Tartus on the #Mediterranean

In this satellite photo from yesterday, we see the #Russian #Navy begin to leave #Syria

Wada'an, douchebags 👋

Coupled with news over #Transnitria, the "mighty" Russian empire continues to crumble:


Start sweating, #Kaliningrad


A Dec 9 image showed at least three vessels from Russia’s Mediterranean fleet - including two guided missile frigates and an oiler - moored around 13km north-west of Tartous


I was never so embarrassed, after 33 years of sailing on bigger storms than you will ever see, I threw up on a passenger ferry ahead of the landlubbers onboard.
Took my wife Whale Watching, I was the first in the boat to spew, and always. But I never even got nauseous for the first 20 years in the Navy... then suddenly in 1993, I did. #RCN #Navy
Deets in the #AltText

About NATO Fails

UK aircraft carrier sidelined from largest NATO exercises since Cold War due to propeller problem


Why the Zumwalt-Class Destroyers Failed to Meet the Navy's Expectations


And in general about aircraft carriers: any aircraft carrier because of its size and clumsiness is a very easy target for any hypersonic missiles. Those who believe in the effectiveness of aircraft carriers are stuck in the past.
#britain #uk #USA #us #british #american #navy #military #nato #warmongers #fail