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Beiträge, die mit newsletters getaggt sind

The Newest Tech and Media Newsletters on Flipboard

Inhaltswarnung: Newsletters from independent creators and journalists have been on the rise for some time now, and recently there have been some fantastic new ones that cover technology and media. Since these two topics are very popular on Flipboard, we wanted to be sure

#Blogs / #newsletters to follow? Seeking #suggestions 💜💜

I know I’m not alone in missing longer-form, thoughtful writing from thoughtful people.

To that end I’m interested in exploring some blogs and newsletters. Who are y’all reading that you’d recommend?

#politics, #humor, #culture, I’m open to a lot. :boost_ok:

Interesting report from 2017 about the position of email newsletters in media sector, written by a Financial Times journalist.


#media #news #newsletters #journalism