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Beiträge, die mit use getaggt sind

Very proud of our chapter, 'Access/Use' co-authored w Prof. Usha Raman in, 'Children, Media, & Technology: Access, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion' edited by Prof. Erica Scharrer w fantastic scholars!

Ch: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003453123-3/access-use-devina-sarwatay-usha-raman

Bk: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003453123

This is an essential text for students of Media & Communication Studies & disciplines including children & childhood studies.
#access #use #children #media #technology #equity #diversity #inclusion #research #book #textbook #publishing

Ich erinnere mich, dass es irgendwo eine Anleitung oder Mehrere zur Benutzung Mastodons gab? Kann mir bitte jemand zeigen wo?
#howto #use

#FreeSoftware is more than just code – it’s a community and a movement 💕 Today, we celebrate all the people who dedicate their time and passion to upholding the #FourFreedoms to #use #study #share and #improve ❤️ Thank you to every contributor of Free Software ❤️ Who do you want to thank today? Tag them below! 👇 #ilovefs